Penn & Teller Bullet Trick

Folks, I've seen a lot of explainations for this trick, and they all fail one way or another.

There is, of course, a simple explaination which is clever both because it is simple and because it totally baffles us. Because of the simplicity we think we can figure it out, and because of the magician's ability to think way, way outside the box we're not likely to figure it out. But because we think we're smart and know the answer is simple, we'll just keep pontificating. 45King is right: once we do figure it out, we'll be pissed becuase the simplicity fooled us and sucks the joy out of not knowing.

There are a few great tricks. This is one of them, along with up-close sleight-of-hand, and Teller drowning in a glass box. Even if I knew the trick, I'd be endlessly impressed by the art of doing it so well.
Mal H,
Sorry, no critisizism was intended. I like magic. Its fasinating entertainment. I once had the opportunity to spend several hours with an excellent illusionist who taught me a few simple tricks. 45 King is correct, most illusions are really very simple and once you learn the secret to the trick, it just pisses you off that you could miss something so obvious and takes all the fun out of it.
These days I much prefer to just sit back and be amazed.
I understand about wanting to know how the tricks are done; misdirection can take some surprising turns. For instance, I have in my possession a trick which shall remain nameless (it has a specific name) which involves some of the best machining work you'll ever see. It is a common coin, and one cannot tell the difference between it and another of the same denomination unless one examines the trick coin with a very high powered magnifying glass and an extremely good eye for very fine, minute details. This coin changes denominations 2 times during the trick, and it works because no one would suspect the degree of engineering that went into it. However, the same trick can be duplicated using real coins if the artist is very good at sleights. As technology has advanced, we have come up with "self-working" tricks that take the place of actual digital manipulation, while at the same time making possible other tricks which previously couldn't be undertaken. P&T's use of the laser sights is a nice touch of showmanship & misdirection; 5 will get you 10 that this trick could be performed sucessfully if all sights were completely removed and the barrels bent 15 degrees out of line. (Now that would be a helluva "trick shot"!)

Shoot straight regards, Richard at The Shottist's Center
I had a coin like that...

Bought a MT Dew with it.


"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud