Pediatrics: 1300 children a year killed by guns

This is what the numbers look like of the real tragedies that we all want to prevent. Looks like were off to a great start!

1300 children usually includes up to age 20, servicemen in war zones, gang members killing each other and cops killing criminals. The number of deaths left are teen suicides and accidents.
If we are going to use statistics we should define what a child is first. At 18 you can sign a legal contract so not a child. Next exclude self defense shootings by cops and the general public. It would also be advisable to exclude suicide and accidents because they are not really criminal acts.
Then we can get a realistic figure of violent gun deaths of children.
Paragraph 1:
OBJECTIVES: Examine fatal and nonfatal firearm injuries among children aged 0 to 17 in the United States, including intent, demographic characteristics, trends, state-level patterns, and circumstances.
1300 children usually includes up to age 20, servicemen in war zones, gang members killing each other and cops killing criminals. The number of deaths left are teen suicides and accidents.
You obviously did not even glance at the article.
Well, I did glance at the article and when I noted the line that said no new data was used, I very rapidly dismissed it.

Last year, according to the statistics I searched there were two children listed as dying from gunshot wounds in father/son murder suicide. One in March and the other in April. It was the same people listed in both incidents. So to correct the number of children who died last year in Washington it was only 1.
The same 1300 value was used by a democratic representative to push a new anti gun law through congress and on to the governor's desk. Getting information from the CDC and other political references is as accurate as they want to get.
I would like to see their incidents broken down by state so it could be better scrutinized.

You can find a good argument against the CDC "findings" here.
THanks for the link, BarryLee.

I found where he said 93 million, and then later corrected himself, he "meant" to say 93 a day, not 93 million.

I do, however, now wonder, this guy, who confuses 93 with 93 million is the guy who signs the state budget. Makes me wonder where the tax money of the people of Virginia is really going??? :rolleyes:
I believe Drownings are greater

I believe drowning happen at a much greater frequency, but forcing people to put up fences around their pretty blue pools is not popular like forcing people to lock up their guns.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child defines child as a human being below the age of 18 years. PERIOD!
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child defines child as a human being below the age of 18 years. PERIOD!

Which appears to have absolutely no effect on the headlines and statistics produced by the gun grabbers, and parroted verbatim by the news media, without any kind of fact checking...or the desire to do so...
From the article and what most of the statistics never point out:

Older children (aged 13–17 years) had a rate of fatal firearm injury that was more than 12 times higher than the rate for younger children (aged 0–12 years): 5.1 per 100 000 vs 0.4

Firearm homicides of older children were significantly more likely to be precipitated by another crime, to be gang-related, to have drug involvement, and/or to involve weapon use also on the part of the victim.

We are doing a pretty good job keeping toddler and children safe from accidental shootings when the number of deaths are around 60 per year. Obviously we could always do better, but it is by no means at high levels.
According to the article 1300 kids died in gun related accidents.

I wonder how many more were killed in alcohol related accidents??

The numbers that I see are astounding, but the "press" doesn't seem to care.
I'm sure pediatricians kill more than 1300 kids a year?

More than twice as many people are killed by doctors each year, as are killed "by" guns.