Peaceful Armed March on Washington

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Tom Jefferson

New member
Peaceful Armed March on Washington

In order to insure that our first, and second amendment rights are
strengthened and not violated by errant states (California, New York,
Massachusetts, Illinois, Wash. D.C. etc.) which are now prohibiting the open and safe carrying of arms by citizens and
confiscating in defience of the constitution and without proper remuneration, arms which are the right of the
people to possess and carry, it is time for a Peaceful Armed March on Washington while
bearing arms.

The date will be July 4th 2001! Since this is the nation's birthday and a holiday no disruption of federal or local government is planned or expected.

The goal will be for free men willing to risk arrest to gather and
march to the Supreme Court to present a petition requesting
the Court to enforce and reaffirm the 2nd amendment beginning with the District of Columbia.

The key to this effort is to adopt a non-violent political approach like that used by the Civil Rights movement and others following in the steps of Ghandi.

The March will be organized around mock weapons, banners and
placards. We will attempt to get approvals and permits.

By pre arrangement the march would have a few real unloaded and safe weapons carried by crowd members who have volunteered to be subject to arrest under present DC law. By arrangement with these March member volunteers for whom bail, legal representation and a game plan to move the cases through to the Supreme Court will be provided, organizers would insure that the D.C. police were aware of those bearing real arms under circumstances that would be safe for both the demonstrators and police.

This approach achieves our goal of exercising the First and Second Amendment and providing test cases destined for the
Supreme Court.

No ammunition, swords, or knives may be carried by any participant. Except for those few volunteers who risk arrest, all other participants will be expected to join the March by carrying parade or decommissioned weapons, mock-ups or toys.

The petition shall be created by web based comment over the next eighteen months.

Who is doing the organizing for this? Who is in charge?



The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
A questionable march, described by a new TFL member with a cocky name, and verified only by a reference in Time Magazine's webboard? Forgive my skepticism...
Here are my problems with the march idea:Most gunowners are middle-class working folks who can't always afford to take off from family and work to go do a march. Second, has a massive march ever really changed anything? Maybe the civil rights protests of the 60's...maybe, but that was a different time and matter. Next, without support of the media, which obviously wouldn't be there, it would be a waste. The media would zoom in on a few or even one "I'll give up my gun when they pry it from my cold, dead hand" t-shirt and portray everyone as red-neck wackos or worse. If or when, God forbid, somebody got arrested for something unintended and serious, we would all be branded as the pro-crime lobby. Not to say it would happen, but everyone knows that when a large group of people get together, there are bound to be a few "flakes" who manage to make the whole group look bad. I would prefer that someone organize a TFL wide scheme in which all users donate a small amount-5 bucks, 10 bucks, whatever to NRA, SAF or someone. It would be nice if everyone could give to the same group, but we are not all in agreement over who best spends the money. Money, not marches, is the key in today's politics.
The March has no well known sponsor at this time. The purpose is still being shaped by comments from those interested in criticism or participation. Whether it should seek such sponsorship and if so from whom is itself an important item for discussion.

Actually the March has been on multiple boards over the last two months, with a real focus on those boards harboring those people with opinions likely to be most in opposition to the March. We wanted to see it sharpened and focused by this "HOT" critique and indeed it has been.

It is now time to find a friendly "home" in which the details of the operation can be discussed and (under the right restricted access forum which we are prepared to provide to those who join the executive counsel) planned in detail in preparation for the political action on July 4th 2001! Is this board that home?

The March is no more nor less then what it states and appears to be. A citizens concerned action in support of two extremely important rights basic to our freedom in this society. The slow erosion of these rights, the hypocrisy of a town like D.C. with its own constitution approved in 1987 which exactly copies the bill of rights, blatantly "infringing" citizens rights can no longer go unchallenged!
Jhp147- The media and politicians believe that the support for the Second Amendment is weak and unwilling to be politically active. Its not money but political activism which most gets the attention of the media and those in power.

We are a minority, and in the coming millenia we will continue to be a minority. Time after time we have seen a minority voice change the direction of parties and government at all levels.

If we cannot raise our voices in protest (and a March is a time proven method from the '60s and '70s) then a few dollars to SAF or the NRA are not going to win our battle.

If these rights are not ones we are willing to stand up and be counted for then we will surely lose them!
I like it a lot! I would think it could go over without any arrests if the promotors/organizers made it clear to the media and gov't that the firearms will be unloaded. Otherwise, 2nd Am or not, I would foresee the gov't going berserk and arresting everyone, or worse - serious violence.
Think we'll have to agree to disagree, Tom. I see a possibility of violence, as stated after I hopped on the thread, and remain skeptical of the effectiveness of "marching" anymore. Does anybody even know WHY Brother Louie's Million Man March took place, or what specifically it changed? Good luck, I'd love to be proven wrong. Money and effort would be better spent converting those citizens who sit on the fence, not the the already paid for politicos and Socialist gun haters.
In business, success comes from the artful combination of various factors - the right product or service, advertising in various media, good customer service, proper facilities, top notch employees, etc. It takes the right factors, in the right combination for success. It will be the same with the RKBA.

Consider the anti-self defense movement. They are working on the legislative front, in our educational institutions, through various media, religious organizations, demonstrations, Hollywood, etc. We must do the same. And, we must do it better - fortunately, we have the truth on our side.

I like this march idea, and personally, I hope and expect we will see considerable civil disobedience over the next few years. Yes, many RKBA supporters are working people who have difficulty finding the resources to attend such a march. But, such marches, and arrests, will need to occur. Those who can devote the time, money and risk of reputation should do so. I've devoted time and money to the RKBA over the last year (as have most of you) ... I'll need to consider the ramifications when and if 'arrest' becomes a potential next step.

So, I don't know about this present march plan, but I personally support as much civil disobedience as is necessary (without violence) to return our country to a more logical path. Civil disobedience must, IMHO, be part of our effort to take back the RKBA. When the anti's see grandparents, union members, professionals, and students arrested for practicing the RKBA, it will cause more average Americans to actually use their heads regarding this issue. I remember many lessons from Vietnam during my youth, and this was one.

Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited December 29, 1999).]
I agree with the march. I believe we should march to the voting booth in November 2000! Defeat as many anti-gun politicians as we can. Make sure your friends and aquaintances are registered to vote and make sure they have the means to get there.
Do some one on one politicin' of your own. Promote your candidate whenever possible, most of all promote education around the issues of self defense. Make people think about it and give them some references to pursue. Be sure to know more about your candidate than just gun issues. Don't be narrow minded. Many polliticians have very simmilar beliefs, if you can convince a voter they won't go against their principles by voting your way they just might convert over.
I think it can be done. It may be the last peaceful attempt to show our resolve. If they bar us or arrest us, then the real march begins.
Fellows, I'm damn scared to see the fire again, but I'll do what I have to do!!!!!

From my cold dead hands.
I'll try this again. Server kept bombing out on my most eloquent reply to date.

I like the idea in theory. In practice, I think it'll never fly. Besides, an armed march without bullets isn't - you're just carrying around heavy things. Too, the media, if it's covered at all, will show the crazies (as pointed out above) & get to determine the light shed on "the cause."

Don't forget the "agent pro-vawk-a-teers" who can get the whole thing out of control rather quickly. Call me silly, if you like.

Too, we wouldn't need no stinkin' marches if even half of us would get off our butts & actually participate in our government. Ya know, understand local, state & fed issues & vote & stuff like that. Too many arm-chair warriors that won't even go that far.

I'd bet good money that we couldn't get 50% of the TFL's registered members to actually do jack - & we're the effing activists!
labgrade- the rules we want to use say that only a few well known by prearrangement will carry real (but unloaded) weapons the rest will be disabled or mock-ups. This is the key to the March's effectiveness and its ability to convincingly disavow any crazies or agnets provocateurs!
Only this few will have any signifigant risk of arrest (based on our reviews of DC firearm codes). And preparations, including bail, counsel etc., will be prearranged.
Sorry Tom, But this whole thing would be just too easy to sabotage. A few well placed "Plants" with real weapons and ammo could easily fire a couple shots and turn the whole thing into a disaster. It could, in fact, hurt us more than help. Much too risky for my tastes.
Our real power is in the ballot box.
Grayfox- its not an either or... we can chew gum and march at the same time!

Of course we need to focus on the ballot box, on communication, on education and lobbying! But if we can't gather together to exercise Our Right to Bear Arms, if we cannot show the self discipline and restraint that a non-violent civil disobedience requires then we lack the basic belief in these rights or courage to stand up for our beliefs.

We can manage the risk! Let's examine and strengthen that part of the plan, not give up because we could imagine that someone might try to subvert our effort.
Well, Tom, check the laws re "unloaded." Buncha locales make no distinction between loaded vs unloaded firearms.

& back to "our" participation .... locally, we can't (usually) get more than 4 or 5 to get off their butts & go to the streets for any given infringement de jour. I'm pretty skeptical on a ton of us dropping our jobs & doing the travel bit for a nat'l march.

Again, sounds OK in theory & do keep us posted & let's see who salutes. I think we're gonna see quite the change between now & 7/4/2001
labgrade- I dearly hope that a change in political wind in 2000 makes this march unnecessary, this in part is why we choose the July 4, 2001 date. If not we need the time anyway to build up the plans and people across the country.
We do not need millions, we do need 1000's or we should not go. So we are looking to have at least 10,000 committed (perhaps then 5000 will show) via our net based organization by April of 2001 or we don't go! 5,000 people make quite a crowd in front of the Supreme Court Building!
DC's transport laws are clear and written. Properly communicated the police CAN NOT claim a lack of knowledge that the weapons are not loaded and we will choose weapons in which the unloaded condition is obvious by visual examination from a distance and this too will be made clear to the local police. Any other weapons appearing in the march will be unauthorized by the march and their bearers will be culled by the march monitors themselves. All marcheres will receive stickers for their disabled weapons or mockups, only a few real unloaded weapons will be allowed. Their type, markings and those holding them will be very much a matter of record by the beginning of the march.
There will not be a lot of coats and other clothing to hide unwelcome arms by participants or outside agitators, in fact anyone wearing more then shorts and a tee shirt in DC in July will be suspect and likely to be herded directly to St. Elizabeth's Mental facility!
been there done that
30 people showed

do a search on TFL for the march for liberty

here are some pix from the last attempt:

i will be there if it happens, but you have to make it an event John Q. Public will attend

the local news did not even bother to show up for the MFL

Ted Nugent concert!
Ted Nugent concert!
Ted Nugent concert!

Antiques, defined as "any firearm with a matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system manufactured in or
before 1898" are exempt from the above regulations.

Replicas of antique firearms "not designed or redesigned for using rimfire or conventional centerfire fixed ammunition" or which use
ammunition which is no longer manufactured and not readily available also are exempt from the above regulations.

NOTE: The reader should be aware that there is a problem with conflicting definitions of replicas. The old Code only exempted pistols
"unsuitable for use" from the statutory restrictions. The D.C. police have advised that they are not registering replicas, but a loaded
operational replica will be considered a "lethal weapon" and cannot be possessed in that condition.


"walk softly and carry a big stick, one that goes bang in .308 is fine"
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