Paul strong in Nevada

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I think you are wrong. First, I don't think the majority of Ron Paul voters will stay home. Most are not going to do that and give the WhiteHouse to Hillary... I for one will not.

Second, with a McCain/Lieberman ticket, I certainly think some democrats will cross over. It won't take many to swing the election. Many democrats, especially southern white democrats will not vote for Hillary or Obama.
Unregistered's assertions are backed up by data and polling information. In fact, McCain is the only R in the race that consistently beats Hillary AND Obama in head to head polling. Lieberman as a running mate would be brilliant. What to talk about change eh Hillary. Is change a cross party ticket (although Lieberman is technically an Independent now thanks to the Dems primarying him) or is change Bush then Clinton then Bush again then Clinton again.

Nobody knows anything about Stormfront or the new confederate movement eh.........cowardace.........your no longer anonymous, just non responsive. The hiding speaks volumes.
I would like to know if Stormfront or neo-confederacy groups' events are really being attended by Paul. Is this true? Who knows enough about these groups to KNOW, not THINK or FEEL what they are really about.

I had not heard of Stormfront till WA posted that link.

Almost anyone could have their picture taken with Paul.

Its wrong to post links to sites like that on this fourm.
Disappointing to read that many folks here would not vote for Paul because they don’t like his supporters.

This reminds me of the recent thread where several Paul supporters said they would not vote Republican because of the way they had been treated by the Anti-Pauls. In that thread, one of the posters stated about the pro-Paul voters

Wow. Ron Paul supporters are the ONLY candidate's supporters who have ever been mocked/derided by those allied to other candidates, so that justifies a "I'm going home and taking my vote with me and no one can have it" attitude. Not "Well, no other candidate meets my personal criteria, so in good conscience I can't vote," it's just "Mommy! My feelings is hurted!"

It looks to me that the exact same thing is true, then, of the anti-Pauls who claim they won’t vote for Paul because of some of Paul’s supporters.

Yes ?

My object is to do the best I can for the Constitution and RKBA. Right now that means voting for Paul in the Primaries. If he doesn’t win the nomination, I’m pretty sure I’ll still be voting Republican in the general election because all of the Republican nominees seem preferable to Clinton and Obama.

Hopefully, at voting time people’s voting decisions will be made on a basis of something other than “hurted feelings.”
What was the event? It APPEARS to be THEIR event in Florida according to the posts they are attached to.

It also appears he is in their group, not just the next guy in line for a Paul pic.

And links to groups like that being wrong would be if they were to be ADVOCATING such groups but EXPOSING them is another thing.

Daylight sanitizes, note the quick coverings and hole duckings.
pat you said
I see that the StormFront representative is back. Too bad.

I presume you were NOT talking about me , but must question you due due to the the timeng of your post and the content of mine . I do nont support any white suppremisit including Dr paul . I do support anyone who chooses to work to support themselves and their family's . Deportation should be the least of the worry of the lawbreaker of any nation .
If he follows the constitution in spite of his personal views, which he has done in the past and I believe he will continue to do, his personal views don't matter.
For example, I fear Huckabee's religion connection as I think that he would use his position to push an agenda, whereas for Romney, I don't think that's the case. He just supports more big government. I have no fear that Paul would push any agenda but the constitution.
Are you seriously trying to make the point that if Paul is a neo nazi, it doesn't matter?

This would be an ideal time for the rational Paul supporters to speak up.

I'll check back after the games.
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