Paul strong in Nevada

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Romney has a definite lead and will take first in Nevada but Paul may get 2nd. Paul and McCain are tied for second right now. This may give Paul some more attention and another shot at the mic. If he has learned from the Lincoln mess last time he was noticed nationally he will stick hard to the liberty/constitutional message and avoid the land mines and sensational/audacious statements that have worked against him in the past.

Making his case based directly on the liberty/constitutional message and leading the discussion to that along with making sure his supporters keep a dignified, enthusiastic demeanor people will be comfortable associating themselves with them will serve him best as super Tuesday approaches.
That's of course quite a leap w/ only 10% reporting Pat. Let's keep our hats on. Paul is as likely as McCain to take second but by no means is it decisive yet. 2nd or 3rd he will get a shot at some air time. I'm curious to see if he has learned from the past when that air time comes. Same with his supporters, will they embarrass or propel Paul.
Take these stats from a LOCAL Nevada boy :p

Source: KTVN Channel 2 in Reno television running ticker
(I'm only posting Republican results)

Rommney: 55%
McCain: 12%
Paul: 11%
Huckabee: 7%
Thompson: 7%
Gulliani: 3%

Total "Votes In": 19%
Time of my reporting: 12:19PM

The is FAR FROM OVER! But Rommney is being credited with the win already. :(
I hope the Republicans will WAKE UP and realize that they cannot win in the general election with support from the Ron Paul people!
I'd like to see the voting percentages change down for Romney and up for Paul by the same amount.

Time 1657 eastern.
With 98% reporting, at this point it's safe to say Paul has taken 2nd in Nevada. Now let's see if he can keep on message and if his supporters can be less off-putting.

Here's a last shot at the spotlight Ron keep the core message at the fore and the supporters propelling you not repelling others.
I wonder how many of the supporters realize how much damage they've done.

I don't think any network wants to cover anything they do, now, since the crazed mob chasing Hannity in Manchester happened. Networks don't care to put their reporters in danger.
First, Paul is in second place in Nevada.

Second, Paul's supporters aren't "off putting", they got him where he is today.
Paul has taken second place, but of course the establishment media will still avoid mentioning his name as much as possible.

It's too bad anti-gun Romney did so well.

Second, Paul's supporters aren't "off putting", they got him where he is today.
I agree.

Yeah, those guys who heckled Hannity went overboard, but they didn't harm anyone, and I fully understand their frustration. Obviously Fox News has an agenda and sees Ron Paul as a threat to that agenda, so they barred him from a debate. Why shouldn't people be furious about that? Even people who don't like Ron Paul should see such obvious bias as a tremendous insult to their intelligence.

For the most part, RP supporters aren't "fanatical" -- just earnest. We know that the stakes are incredibly high right now, and we're shocked that so many are continuing to support the "lesser of two evils" when there's finally a chance to vote for someone who's actually good.
Second, Paul's supporters aren't "off putting", they got him where he is today.

To inject a dose of realism here, 14% isn't exactly something to whoop and holler about.

Paul has taken second place, but of course the establishment media will still avoid mentioning his name as much as possible.

Well, fox just spent the last 5 minutes talking about Paul, and mention his name every time they update the election results. Any other excuses?
To inject a dose of realism here, 14% isn't exactly something to whoop and holler about.

Especially when you barely beat guys who really didnt campaign, while you aired TV commercials.

WildbutheywatchthespinAlaska ™
For the most part, RP supporters aren't "fanatical" -- just earnest.

How do you explain the ones I saw on street corners screaming "9/11 was an inside job" over and over while holding Paul signs?

The ones here are a cult. They made people seriously dislike them during the primaries, interfering with traffic over the Fox thing, all sorts of idiocy.
I sure don't mean anything wrong gang, but just listening to Ron Paul speak, makes me wonder how he gets elected.
Sometimes he sounds somewhat "with it", and other times he sounds like a nut case.
When he starts talking stupid at a debate, the moderator can't shut him up when he runs out of time.

Huckabee is my candidate, but I think that it's between Romney, and McCain.

I don't mean to rock the boat on this thread, because we all believe in the same thing, we just like different folks to get to that "thing"

Sometimes he sounds somewhat "with it", and other times he sounds like a nut case. When he starts talking stupid at a debate, the moderator can't shut him up when he runs out of time.
You obviously weren't watching Ron Paul in a debate.

I've watched them all and Ron Paul is the most erudite man on the stage at them all.

So, I must ask, just what were you watching?

And, more importantly, why did you wait until a "Ron Paul Second Place finish" thread to mention it?
To inject a dose of realism here, 14% isn't exactly something to whoop and holler about.
It is if it's second place. The heavily marginalized candidate beat nearly all of the media's darlings.

Paul has taken second place, but of course the establishment media will still avoid mentioning his name as much as possible.
Well, fox just spent the last 5 minutes talking about Paul, and mention his name every time they update the election results. Any other excuses?
If Fox was talking about Paul, then they were probably bashing him.

You ARE aware, are you not, that Fox excluded Paul from one of their debates? They allowed others who were polling lower than he was to participate, but not him.

How do you explain that?

And just the other night, I saw no fewer than three different networks mention every single GOP candidate by name, and show a little blurb about each, in their coverage of the primaries -- except for Ron Paul.

No, I'm not claiming that the media never mentions Paul. But they have NOT given him equal coverage. Any objective observer can see that.
I sure don't mean anything wrong gang, but just listening to Ron Paul speak, makes me wonder how he gets elected.
Sometimes he sounds somewhat "with it", and other times he sounds like a nut case.
The reason this highly intelligent doctor sounds like a "nut case" to so many is that the mainstream of accepted politics -- what most people have been conditioned to think of as "sane" -- has itself drifted far from sanity. Have you heard the quote by George Orwell? "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." We're living in a time of such universal deceit that those who point out the lies and madness appear to be whackos.

When I was telling people before the Iraq invasion that Saddam had no WMDs and was no threat to the US -- that it was all lies -- I got called a lot of names, too. "Traitor," "troll," "liberal," "tinfoil hatter," etc. But I was right, and so were the other naysayers. Similarly, Paul is right in just about everything he's saying. The country WILL learn that, but it's uncertain if they'll learn it before America suffers even more irreparable damage.

When he starts talking stupid at a debate, the moderator can't shut him up when he runs out of time.
That is absolutely true of some of the other candidates (esp. Giuliani), but completely untrue of Paul.
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