Patch holder stuck in muzzleloader barrel


New member
Here's a doozy...
I was swapping the bore on my T/C .50 cal Hawken rifle with a cleaning patch on a patch holder, and the patch holder came off my rod, the threads must've not fit like I thought they did... wet patch by the way. I blew some of the wetness out with a air compressor, the good news is that I was using ballistol/ water mix so its not going to corrode the bore.
Anyway, how should I go about getting this sucker out? It's all the way at the bottom of the bore.
Can the patch holder be screwed back on to the end of the rod and retracted?
If the threads are shot on the rod, they can be redone with a suitable tap.
Or use a thread locker liquid or even epoxy.
Don't think that model has a removable breech plug - that would make it too easy.
But maybe one of those CO2 adapters for the nipple might blow it out.
Just some thoughts out of desperation.
Good luck, though.
Pull the nipple, dribble some powders in, reinstall nipple. SEAT the cleaning jag and pop it off outside.

My guess is that it was a TC cleaning jag?
Slow and easy, wins this race ....

Problem is, it's a patch holder and not a jag, might get to much blow by, but I'll try it.
Not clear on what you are calling a patch holder as opposed to a jag. However if you have a fairly tight wall fit between the lands and the OD of the jag/holder them it should not take all that much to get it out. The last time I cleared a problem like this was on a broken wooden RamRod that had a stuck and rust encrusted patch. I finally cleared it with a CO2 discharger but used up five cylinders. If you don't have one of these then you next bet will be the powder trick as FrontierGander described. ... :)

Go easy on the powder and try to just use enough to move the plug. There are times when I can "move" a patched rod, with just popping a cap/primer.

Be Safe !!!
It's one of these, different size though.
You can still probably shoot it out but you shouldn't be using one of those anyway. Use a patch jag or a bore mop instead. I don't clean with patches anymore, all I use are mops.
Sounds like the patch holder is wedged (turned sideways) in-between the breech plugs firing channel and the breech plugs side wall. A Breech plug Scraper may help to loosen the wedged patch holder. I would suggest your Scrapper be tightened to your cleaning rod with a pliers prior to its use and a T Handle be screwed to the other end of the rod for its persuasive back & forth turning.
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The learning curve !!!

I don't think any of us know what the heck a patch holder is
Well, I think we do now as described in reply #9. These are "normally" used on modern rifles. I have some that are 8-32 as opposed to my usual 10-32 for M/L's. Then I have others that are metric and there is where the loose fit comes in. They are made of Nylon or aluminum some older ones are brass. ... :confused:

I "suspect" that it's not stuck all that tight, just don't know how deep. From what I can tell, I'd try to snag it and pull it our with a "screw" type jag. All you need to do, is try to snag that patch or might be able to catch the threads on the holder if you can match the threads. I have removed a lot of junk from M/L's and aside from contributing to my learning curve, it's challenging and fun..... :)

Stay with it and;
Be Safe !!!
Get a real patch worm, the cork screw kind and see if you can't grab on to your lost part and pull it out. Otherwise unbreech it and push it through. Trying to shoot it out might not work or could cause unexpected problems.
I had a thread adapter on the patch holder or whatever you want to call it to fit the threads of the rod. I've used this set up for a while, It's a little easier to swab the bore with the patch on the holder than on a jag in my opinion. A patch worm is not going work in this scenario since I can't screw into the "plastic patch retaining tool" with that. I've never taken the breech end off the gun either. I probably will try to shoot it out, problem is it's a wet patch as I stated earlier, though I did blow air down the bore and swabbed the nipple hole with a q tip soaked with alcohol.

Maybe this sheds a little more light on the predicament

I can try to get a rod that fits the threads of the patch tool when I screw it on as well
thanks for your help everyone ;)
Otherwise unbreech it and push it through

Bad idea. bad, bad idea. Breech plugs on sidelocks weren't intended to be removed and can be extremely tough to do so and they may not line up right when you reinstall them.
Hawg + 1

Otherwise unbreech it and push it through.
I'd rather kiss my mother-in-law before going down this road. I have never seen this done that didn't compound the problem. ....... :rolleyes:

How about removing the nipple and blow it out with some shop air. I still think that it is loose enough that it will come out fairly easy. Just keep giving short burst of air with the air nozzle. ..... :confused:

Be Safe !!!
That actually is a better idea - the shop air. I didn't think of that. But in regards to the kissing comment... Unbreeching the gun - how ever careful you should be - isn't a big deal. I've had to do it before on someone's gun.