Pass it down advice, please.

Read your post and it sounds like you know he shouldn’t get it. Did you just want confirmation that was ok?
Grandson for sure !!!

First off, she said our youngest would be devastated if I passed the rifle to the nephew. Then she asked, "What's the rush to pass it on?" Fact is, once it's in the cabinet in my son's home, it will likely not be shot again.
Aside from the onion fields, we have more in ln common. I was not blessed with sons, only Grandsons. I have three and have given many that were not all that special. The one that is special, went to the one that deserved it and was received with the "right" attitude" as well as appreciation. Never had to second guess myself on tis one. Before I passed it on, I told my wife what I was doing and she totally agreed. ....... ;)

Life is good and;
Be Safe !!!