Paper Cartridge Charges

I knew Cliff from a FB group I was in for awhile. He knows a lot of stuff and I don't remember ever having any problems with him.
Most people that don't have a problem with acquiring new knowledge and education don't have a problem with Cliff, it's the ones who seek advise, and fail to utilize it, then a day later post, seeking advice for the same problem,to which they were already give the solution. Generally because it doesn't fit with their preconceived ideas of how to fix it
I've spent many entertaining minutes reading those posts from people suggesting filing on the notch in the hammer's nose, or installing taller front sights as a way to adjust your point of impact, that really got him going LOL
The Manley former is an excellent piece of kit, I use them exclusively for my paper cartridges. I've worked up a method to get the powder wad and ball all in one unit, it works very well. I've been using the yellow looking wonder wads, I was concerned at first about powder contamination from the lubed wads, but no longer worry about that as I've got cartridges that I know have been loaded for a few months, and show no ill affects from storage.

I was concerned about powder and lube issues. I just made up a bunch of charges without lube or ball. Perhaps next time I’ll throw in the lube wads. However my home lubed wads seem tight. May have to roll them between my finger and thumb first.