Papa's got a brand new Baghdad...

Before you totally self destructo and have a cow you ought to read your own sources for application to the topic at hand. What you tried to apply to a general statement is ludicrous and trivial at best.
Sounds like I touched a nerve. Is the o-ring still intact?

This is not a general statement:
There was zero interest by western countries in the middle east before 1900 and then oil was discovered and low and behold all of a sudden the west was fighting the Austrian Hapsburg's and Turks of the world to devi up the spoils.
It is very specific.

"The West" has been involved in the Middle East for a very long time and for many reasons, only one of which is oil.
The way I look at it, when it is all said and done we will have another allie in the ever unstable middle east. Is it as good as being paid back in full, maybe not right now, but when we have to go to war again it will seem like a good investment.