Painted my Mosin

i wish i would have taken a before picture to show you guys how bad this thing was beaten up so youll stop your naggin. i bought it from a local guy who didnt take care of it. i had to take wood filler (used for carpentry) to fill in some gashes and nicks in the stock.

i know when posting pictures on a website id get some critism but no so much nagging. if you dont like it move on and dont bitch. but if you have a constructive comment id be more then happy to listen in
Nice paint job guys!! Ive thought about painting one of mine but am scared to death to do it. Got a 20 ga single shot I almost experimentd with and couldnt do it. Still trying to talk mysefl into doin it. Dont think I will. I just accept them for what they are and shoot the mess out of em. Maybe I will when im older but not now.
If you can't take the critisism, don't post it for the world to see... JMO

If you cant say something nice dont say anything at all. Mom taught me that when I was 5 guess some people were raised different.

As for the OP its cool not the usual leaf pattern like everyone does. But a tad too much tan for me, then again Im in woodland areas most of the time. As for the guys harping on you let it roll off your shoulder, most of the guys here are nice but there are a few jerks.
A little bit of paint and everyones an art critic. :)

Ive thought about painting one of mine but am scared to death to do it. Got a 20 ga single shot I almost experimentd with and couldnt do it.
Its really not a big deal. Older, well used guns, especially cheaper, generic guns that hold little value to anyone (we all have one lurking somewhere), are a great starting point.

If you use the right paints, they can be completely removed with a little work if you really dont like it. Hoppes and Gun Scrubber, etc are all thats needed, and some steel wool makes it easier. I painted my well used $20000 MP5 camo for awhile, decided later I wanted it back to what it was, stripped the old Testors off, and then repainted it basic black using Brownells Aluma Hyde II, which short of bead blasting, is pretty much permanent.

MP5 prior to the camo job ...

After the camo was stripped and AH II applied....

AH II makes a great base coat too, and will allow you to paint over it with things like Testors or Krylon, and then remove them later without loosing the AH II base. The base coat on the Flectarn AR above was AH II in OD.

Do what you want with your rifles, but I am sure a lot of people would do otherwise with their guns.
Yup, thats pretty much it. It all has to do with what you want, and what you feel you need. Some people use their guns, while others fondle and polish them. Nothing wrong with either, as long as youre happy and what you do satisfies your needs.

One other thing about painting that usually isnt considered. It basically rust proofs your gun. Not to long ago I stripped an old Remington 1100 I had painted for over 20 years, and had been used constantly the whole time. When I stripped the paint, there wasnt a speck of rust on the gun anywhere it was painted, and there were also very few scratches in the old bluing, which basically looked like new. The only spots where the finish was worn or showed the effects of some light rust, were a couple of spots where the paint was worn off due to handling/use, mostly along the underside of the receiver around the loading port. I have a couple of "younger" shotguns that werent painted that look a lot worse.
im still not sure whether i should do my AR or not lol. thats a bit too much

the only reason i did this is because it needed a touch up, its cheap, and i can always strip it of paint and stain it again
I really like it. With Mosin's going for under $69 a piece I was thinking of doing it myself. I have a few fine examples of Mosin's that I will leave alone, but I have no problem with painting my beat to hell Mosin and turning it into a fun workhorse that I will actually use, and I'm not loosing any value because in the current state it is quite worthless.
it is starting to eat at me haha

thats exactly what i was thinking. i plan on keeping this forever and nobody would buy it in the shape it was in so i figured i might as well put some paint on it. i like the way it turned out

Did you use the AlumihydeII in an airbrush or did you get the can of spray paint? Just wanted to get your experience if you used the cans.

I have used AHII Black gloss and Clear-flat, both right out of the spray can. I have to say, you can get a good paint job but it does have to cure correctly. The cans like to spray out little blotches and globs and you have to keep the nozzle's absolutely clean.

Next time, I'm using an airbrush.
Nice MP3 BTW.:cool:
I've used AH2 from the spray cans on several guns I own. Seems to work better when spraying several really thin coats from a slightly farther distance to avoid the random globs and let it cure for a couple weeks before re-assembly. It did gob up in the slide rails on the frame of a S&W 4006, so I had to strip...
Ive only used the cans, and with good luck. They sell spare nozzles too, and its worth getting some.

As imp said, thin/light coats work best, and you do have to allow it to cure. A week should do, and fight the urge to do anything with it til it does.

Brownells has videos you can watch, and they are very helpful.