Painted guns hot topic for Mayor Bloomberg

40% of the violent felons in NY State jails and prisons are illegal immigrants. Despite this Mayor Bloomberg adamently supports keeping NYC as a "sanctuary" city which prohibits local LEO from asking any one arrested about thier immigration status.

But, in order to control violent crime in NYC, Bloomberg feels that going after Duracoat, a company selling camo paint for rifles is a crime control priority...

Liberal insanity.
I would say it is time for Fuehrer Bloomberg (and Paul Helmke (since his 4/1/08 blog is on the same topic)) to get a life. If a legal gun owner wants a Glock or AR or Ak in hot pink, Barney purple, puke green (with or without Hello Kitty stickers or flames), that is their business.

As a related point, since straw purchases are illegal (and non BATFE stings of gun stores not in NYC are not only illegal but out of Bloomberg's jurisdiction), I would love to see him prosecuted for sending private investigators out of the state of New York to make illegal firearms purchases