PA House bill encodes ammo


PA has a history of odd, nonsensical gun/ammo/hunting laws. In recent years there was a move (by referendum or bill I do not know) to allow semi-auto rifles for big did not pass. Not just "black rifles" but ANY semi sporting rifle. Wanna hunt with your great grandad's 100 plus year old Remington Model 8...sorry, not in PA. They also have had a 3 shot capacity limit on shotguns for small game (and turkey) for years. There is no Sunday hunting either.

PA has the same geo/political problem as some other states, the heavily populated urban areas dominate the political scene, and the rural folks essentially get ignored.
First point it not to confuse sport hunting regulation and restrictions with straight gun control laws.

Sport hunting regs are what the state Fish & Game folks feel are in the best interests of the sport (and the game) in their state, and often change in some particulars while others stay the same for decades.

I don't know about pre WWII but I don't think PA has allowed semi auto for deer hunting in living memory. The old joke about the Rem 760 being the "Amish machine gun" (because its the fastest firing gun allowed for deer in PA) is an example. Another joke is that the only reason the Rem 760 stayed in production as long as it did was because Ilion NY is fairly close to PA...:rolleyes:

Every state has, or has had some game hunting rules that don't seem sensible. Some have been changed over time, some have not.

Where, and when I was growing up in NY, the "Southern Zone" (the largest part of the state) was shotgun only for deer & bear. 20ga or larger, buckshot or slugs. Then, a couple years before I was old enough to hunt big game, they changed the rule to slugs only for deer. But you could still use buckshot for black bear!!!

Didn't make sense, but was the rule. Since we lived and hunted in the northern zone it wasn't a concern in my family, other than the no buckshot for bucks was a state wide prohibition....

The EU is making the Irish get rid of their cows. They can have my butter when they pry it from my cold, dead, slippery hands.
If that will make them stop farting, I suppose it would be alright.

I'd liked it better when we told the government what it could and could not do.
As of July 14, 2023: There has been no action on PA House Bill 586.

Bill Information - Votes
House Bill 586; Regular Session 2023-2024
Floor Roll Call
There are no floor votes for House Bill 586

Committee Roll Call
There are no committee votes for House Bill 586
We can always hope that it will die an ignominious death and fade into oblivion.

The problem is, if the person who proposed the bill is a True Believer(tm), he or she will be back to propose it again next year, or the year after.

"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."