PA Bear regulation changes..

I wish I knew a way to make all hunters ethical. I hunt PAand would not shoot a show with or without Cubs. I have also never gut or ham shot a deer etc... But, every year I hear about hunters doing it. 30 years of hunting and I never lost a shot animal until 2018.
In PA “I think it’s just terrible to go out and shoot wildlife to control numbers and statistics“ that is the primary reason for hunting.

The reason they use tags is too issue more tags in areas with the most deer. There by reducing the population of deer in problem areas.

In the 20 something years I hunted PA I never saw a sow with cubs in the fall. And the few people I know who shot or saw bear in season it was always alone. Not saying it doesn’t happen but I've never seen/heard of it.

Archery/muzzleloader/gun season needs to remain separate.
After the public uproar during the last bear season I don’t think you’ll see another bear season in FL ever again.
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After the public uproar during the last bear season I don’t think you’ll see another bear season in FL ever again

Not hunting bears will be a wonderful Wildlife management plan...snort. The inmates running the asylum. Are you being sarcastic Aqualife?
Nope, just the way it is. We haven’t had bear hunting in Florida for maybe.......ever. The FWC created a season in 2015(I think). Everyone went of the rails, don’t even think it got to the end of the season before they canceled it.

If you don’t live in Florida you wouldn’t understand. Even hunters (pigs, deer, ducks) didn’t want a bear season. It was a big Burhaha in the hunting community let alone the public.