Fitz and Cindy: I didn't know that cat was a stray you adopted - I thought it was Terri and Slinger's. I'm really glad Gabby didn't eat her - goodness knows she tried.
Also, I've got the proverbial buttload of digicam pics - I'll pick out the best 15 or so, and then what should I do with them, Fitz? Attach them to an email to you? Or can you make an upload feature at your website?
Oh yeah, I forgot to do the one important thing on my to do list for the weekend: axe-murder Sandy and Otter (as they were warned us gun nuts might, as I understand it).
Yeah, you guys hosed Grayfox by not carrying at the last minute, and let me tell you, no one at the next table dared to ask whether they could have a bite off Grayfox's plate. Funny stuff.
Jeff, yeah, I'd like to follow in Stephen Halbrook's footsteps and be a major player in the RKBA legal battles. If Emerson goes to the Supremes, I will contact him and NRA and see if I can't be of help for the brief-writing teams. I not very good at arguing from the hip orally, but I'm pretty good at written argument. It was great to meet you - you opened my eyes about a few things, so I have much to thank you for. Listen, EVERYONE going to the Wannamaker show in Tulsa in October needs to meet - just contact Jeff OTMG to plan the meeting. Guys, we've got some true geniuses here at TFL, Jeff and Fitz/SBG among them (not to mention DC, Rich, Dennis, etc.)
Very glad to see the converts in Sandy and Ottergal. Thanks for coming such a long ways - pretty cool considering you're not gun fanatics, although now Sandy apparently is.
Dangit, Son, didn't you learn back in grade school - if you let one person shoot that custom 1911, you have to let EVERYONE shoot it -remember that next year.
Loknload, Corriea and others - you'll be there next year - we'll all look forward to it - the only rule is, if you're coming from the same state as someone else the year before, you must bring more guns than them, so if Son brings all his, then you'd better get busy buying guns now!
The meet was outstanding. I also found it very moving to be among people with such common interests, though it may not have showed due to my shyness. Thanks to fal308 as well for the hard work. The only suggestions I might make for next year are (1) name tags, (2) Somone announcing when a group is leaving for an outing (anyone have a real set of lungs want to volunteer?), (3) Better email trees or other system of making sure everyone that wants to go gets wind of the meeting, and (4) written detailed maps of how to get to the range, hotel, etc., available for pickup or prior to coming via email attachment.
[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited August 15, 2000).]