Overestimation of the Effects of Drugs

Separating the lobes of the brain is different than destroying it. Doctors do that as a corrective surgery to stop intense seizures in some patients.

Thinking that someone could continue fighting after being decapitated is foolish. The body gets is told what to do by the brain. Without the brain there is no deliberate action. There may be twitching and such, but none of it would be caused by anything other than chance.
The most powerfu, sustaining drug is arenalin. One can do marvelous feats when adrenalin is pumping through one's body. But there are limits. If the nervous system is shut down via trauma, even adrenalin fails. If damage acrues to the body that disrupts the structural integrity,one will be incapacitated.

I believe that what is intended in the legends is from people who are significantly affected by narcotic drugs and do not experience the extreme fear and physcological distruption that normally occurs with gunshot wounds. That state, combined with adrenalin can allow a wounded person to continue to funtion for a time where a more aware person would be experiencing fear and the need for help.
This is from another thread not too long ago:

"I heard a story about a guy on PCP who was beheaded with an axe and survived long enough to take the axe out of the executioner's hand and kill him with it."

A lobotomy isnt a death thing. It will calm a person down and aid in siezures. The neighbors girl a twin had a lot of her brain taken out cause of siezues, she wasnt the sharpest knife in the drawer but she didnt suffer from them after that operation.

Brain injuries may not be lethal, many documented brain injury survivors out there if you look. I studied this after first wife had a brain anuryism and operation, the operation paralyzed her right side tho.