overall most practical barrel length


New member
Sorry in advance for asking a question that can't be aswered and I am well aware that different tools for different jobs most certainly applies here .

That said, If you could only choose one...(uh oh!)... barrel length for your revolvers which would you choose?

Please consider the following ......concealability,accuracy,your caliber choice and any other things that may factor into your choice.

Very difficult question...kinda like what's the overall best gun!

I think the answer will vary from individual to individual because this is a highly subjective subject. For example, as far as concealability goes, the answer can vary due to body size. A 5 foot, 110 pound woman could not as easily conceal as large a firearm as a 6'7", 300 pound man.

If I HAD to answer this question, I would probably go with a four inch barrelled K-frame. With some effort I could conceal this, plus it would offer enough accuracy for most applications.
I'm a big fan of the 3" barrels. Nice balance, long enough for good accuracy, and short enough for comfy concealment.
Different colors of horse with different guns. 4¼" bbl 1903 pattern hand ejector six shooter .32 is smaller overall than a 3" J frame.

General purpose all round handy for me would be 4" Ks n Ns. I have shorter and longer in special purpose guns.

Best overall barrel length for a "do-everything" revolver is probably 4". Long enough to help Magnums and +P stuff get up to steam, short enough to still be fit for carry duty...a 4" revolver can be used for target shooting, CCW, hunting and home defense equally well.
At 6'1" and 240lbs., the 4" KGp141 makes a good CCW in an OWB holster, especially now that it is winter. Can't tell I am carrying a medium framed magnum under my sweatshirt.
Favorite barrel length would be a 5".
Most practical would be the 4".

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.
I don't think, in my 30+ years playing with handguns, a 3" heavy barrel, round butt Model 13 S&W can be beat. Or the stainless version. They are easy to hide, shoot pussycat loads or full house .357 mags, can be adjusted to shoot to point of aim with a chosen load (a trick I learned recently), fast with speed loaders, cheap (I have picked them up for $200 to $225 in excellent condition from time to time), fun to practice with, reliable, etc.
Three inches would be minimum for all around use - -

- - -Because anything shorter has insufficient barrel to press against the hip. Without that, the grip frame hangs out well beyond the waist line.

If the piece is exclusively for pocket carry, above doesn't apply. If for belt carry, though, a properly holstered four-inch actually "prints" less than a two or 2-1/2 inch revolver.

Shoulder holsters are a whole 'nother discussion, and usually not worth the trouble.

For me, 4". It provides a decent sight radius, yet is not so big that it is uncomfortable to carry. I am not really interested in concealed carry, but frequently carry a handgun on my hip while driving, or hunting. Anything longer pokes into the car seat ramming the gun into my side or you have to twist the gun so it lays down along your leg making my belt tighter than hell and distorting the holster and belt. I also want a barrel long enough to provide a decent comprimise velocity without a lot of muzzle blast. I own handguns with a wide variety of barrel lengths, but if I could only pick one, it would be 4". The several guns that I consider to be "go to" guns; the ones I grab when I leave the house with no specific purpose in mind are always the 4".