Out of box accuracy

The Remington 700 SPS probably won't be sub-MOA in the factory stock. Could be, but doubtful.

I know you have mixed feelings about Savage but their model 12 action rifles are some of the most accurate out of the box rifles bar none. And some of them do come with a detachable box mag. Like this one -


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Like he said.

Also keep in mind, light guns like the Tika will get 2 or 3 shots well, then the barrel gets hot and the harmonics shift all over the place.

Also you cannot get parts for the Tika, while unlikely, if anything goes wrong you are out of luck.

Nothing against light hunting rifles but they are not target rifles.

For target shooting you want at least a varmint contour.

Ergo, Savage offers those be it OEM or the Cabellas only ones they carry that even Savage does not offer (12VS being one)

the 10T seems to suit your desires.

A Model 70 unless it has a heavy barrel is not going to hold for 5 or 10 shots either. Again nothing against it or wrong, its just not what its designed for.
Also keep in mind, light guns like the Tika will get 2 or 3 shots well, then the barrel gets hot and the harmonics shift all over the place.
This is the Tikka T3 TAC that I am considering against the 700SPS tac.

I dont have all the specs on the Tika, but it looks to me like th barrel is at least comparable to the 700sps contour. I am curious about the parts issues with Tika.
So that I am properly mixing things up. How about the Weatherby Vanguard H-Bar RC

Remington 700 SPS Tac is considerably less money. I will also be adding glass to this to start in the $800 range. May upgrade glass down the road.
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One of the gun smiths on the forum was commenting that Tika parts were impossible to get. True of H&K? Seems a European thing.

On the other hand that is no light weight Tika in the Tactical so I take that back. I did not know they made that configuration. Looks good. Muzzle brake worthy of a Panther Tank!
The Tika looks good all around. Just an FYI-If at some point in time you want to start shooting Matches- Check into it first- Lot's of them will not allow Muzzel Brakes on the line.

I shoot every weekend with three buddies and we, like you, are into accurate rifles but don't have the budgets to splurge on custom stuff. I thought that you might want some data on several different manufacturers to help your decision. I gave measured all my groups since I started hand loading so I can hopefully provide a reasonable comparison of the relative accuracy of the different rifles.

I have two Savages, both Model 10 Law Enforcement models in .308, a Remington 700 in .22-250 and a CZs .223. All are bolt actions and have Varmint or bull barrels and are my range rifles. I also have a CZ .30-06 and Winchester Model 70 in .270 with a hunting barrel.

I bought my first Savage about 7 years ago, an old Model 10 FP with a blind magazine. It shot so well out of the box that after seeing my results shooting a lot of factory ammo and hand loads, all three of my buddies and my son bought one, in .308 and .223, and two of them bought both calibers.

I learned to reload with that old Savage and tried all kinds of bullets and powders. I eventually shot 6300 hand load rounds through that old 10 FP Savage as well as a batch of factory match ammo and eventually eroded the chamber enough that I was having to seat the bullets out so far that I wasn't able to maintain constant neck tension because there wasn't enough bullet in the neck. Out of the box it averaged 0.623 but its top 25 hand loads averaged 0.446 at 100 yards. I tried a lot of strange combinations and some pretty lousy hand loads when I was learning.

When the old Savage accuracy started to deteriorate, I bought another Savage 10 FCP-K with a muzzle brake and it shot better that the old FP out of the box. But in all honesty, I concentrated on using the loads that I found worked well with the old 10 FP and probably skewed the comparison a lot.

I finally sent the 10 FP back to Savage and had them rebarrel it with a target barrel in .308. It took 30 days and only cost $ 427 including shipping. The new barrel shoots better than all of them. It's overall average for 741 hand load groups is 0.389 at 100 yards. The top 25 hand loads average 0.248.

The Savage 10 FCP-K with the muzzle brake is the second best shooter with an overall average of 0.447 for 718 hand load groups at 100 yards. The top 25 hand loads average 0.264.

While I was shooting the Savages, I bought a Remington 700 SPS in .22-250 at a really great sale. It was OK but needed a Timney trigger and a new B&C Medalist stock to make is shoot as accurately as I would like. Its average is 0.461 at 100 yards for 1296 groups. It has a 1:14 twist and shoots 40 and 52 grain bullets really well but accuracy starts to fall off at 55 grains and heavier. It is my third best shooter now, but it couldn't do that out of the box with the bad factory trigger and the Tupperware stock that came with it.

The CZ .223 Varmint shoots as good as the Remington with an average of 0.463 but was and still is out of the box. I have also shot from 35 grain to 73 grain hand loads in a 1:9 twist so the overall average is a bit misleading because that barrel doesn't maintain its accuracy with bullets heavier than 63 grains. I pushed the twist a bit more than I should have during my experimentation.

Both the Rem 700 and the CZ .223 have identical top 25 hand load averages of 0.212 inches at 100 yards so I consider them equally accurate with their favorite loads.

My buddies and my son now own 7 Savages and they are all good shooters and all still in out of the box configurations. They also own 3 CZs and they are also good shooters out of the box.

The only rifle that I had to change triggers and stocks on to get accuracy was the Remington 700. The barreled action on the Remington is great, but the trigger and the stock on the SPS couldn't deliver the accuracy that the barreled action was capable of. Fortunately, starting with the bargain buy, after adding the replacement trigger and stock the price of the 700 was just about the same as the Savages so the results worked out about the same.

You are right to opt for a Varmint or bull barrel for a range rifle. My hunting rifles, the CZ .30-06 and the Model 70 .270 have hunting barrels and they are great for one and sometimes two rounds and then the barrels start to heat up and the next rounds open up the group and I have to let the barrels cool down to get back to POA. They are made for cold barrel shooting.
At the range, I like to shoot at least a group while I am behind the scope.

All of our range rifles have high power scopes so we can aim small at 100 yards. I would recommend that if you want to get the most accuracy out of your rifle. We like to try to make the POA exactly the same for every shot when we are trying for accuracy. We use thin reticles do they don't block the aim point. We are very competitive with each other and measure groups with On Target and share the data on all our loads.

I've tried scopes at 15X, 24X and even 30X and 36X with the range rifles. One of my buddies even has a 45X fixed power Leupold scope on one of his Savages. The 24X and above scopes got better results than the 15X, so over the years I have managed to get all of my best rifles equipped with scopes of 32X and above. I have found that reasonably priced Sightron 36X fixed power scopes with 1/8 MOA target dot reticles are very effective. I splurged on a NightForce 8-32x56mm Benchrest scope that is now mounted on my 10 FXP-K Savage. It was on a closeout sale and it is a beautiful scope but I can't afford to buy another one.

Good luck on you search for your accurate rifle out of the box. My searches have been fun.
@rimfire5- thank you so much for all of your information. You sound like a shooter much like myself. I don't compete other than against my friends for the bar tab. I may try some matches later on. Anyway. The information. You provided is a lot to digest. It sounds like your results with the savage have been great. The cz also sounds very good. The Remy info sounds consistent with what I have heard in other posts. Remy is a great action (maybe the best) but the cheap components they use at the factory to keep costs down leaves them lacking a little out of the box. I also don't mind upgrades. But I want a great gun from the factory to start.
I am curious about cz offerings that are more target oriented.
Tikka is going to be over what I'm willing to spend for this rifle. I looked at ss 30-06 today and I was not really impressed. I'm sure it's a fine shooter. But as many of you said almost all modern rifles will be accurate.
I think at least for now that I have settled on a cz 557 varmint. I can probably pick up in the $800 range if they are available. It has all the features I want and even adds a walnut stock. I prefer the looks of wood over synthetic.
4Runnerman, I can easily be wrong, but if I wanted a very accurate rifle that didn't need to be fiddled with or upgraded to shoot extremely well, I'd go with Tikka. In his price range anyway. And he'd have money left over. Super smooth action, great trigger. Love the Tikka I have, and I'd get another if I could come up with any sort of real need. That said, my Sako is even better, but the OP did have a price limit.

I'm not a Savage fan (rather roughly made, in my view) and don't have any Remingtons these days. Brownings are nice. I'd have one. And FN Winchesters, at least the ones I've handled, are first rate. I've got a few Rugers of various ages, and I like them a lot, but a new rifle would almost surely be a Tikka T3.

If you have 1,100 to spend and you might be considering a 700 i'd look at the 700 5r milspec. Very accurate rifles many going 1/2 and 1/4 MOA out of the box. Come in .308, .223 or 300 WM caliber. Not sure which you'd be looking for. I love mine I have the 24" SS with green H&S stock. Gotten about 1/2 without handloading which I hope to get into someday with factory match ammo.

Also might check the Sendero if you are interested in other Magnums, or the LR line for long action chambering including magnums if you want to go a bit cheaper. LR is 680-750$ ish depending on where you buy. The Long Range has a nice B&C stock and many owners are very happy with them.

Caliber and use would help me narrow down my suggestions lol but based on your budget in 700s thats what I would recommend. However the SPS tactical for 600& in a .308 or .223 is a very accurate nice performer as well. Depends on what you'd like to use the rifle for.

Good luck!
603- Yes to all, but also you step up in the price range of a Tikka, you could be looking at a Savage heavy barrel with the Acu-trigger. Everybit as good as a Tikka and definetly more accurate out of the box. Now the Sako-Very nice rifle there. I only lean toward Savage because of personnel expirence ( everyone will have their own). I had Remmys, wheatherby and Win. Got my first Savage- 2 years later all my other rifles where traded in on Savages. Are they best looks, NO, are they best quality-NO, Are they unreal accurate-YES. That is what I buy my rifles for. I can't remember who the Mod was in here that made a very true statement, something down the line of- Any rifle can be made accurate with the right load work up and adjustments. I just found that Savage requires the least amount of that. Heck a $300.00 axis will out shoot a lot of $1200.00 rigs. Not that there are a lot, but in the matches I go to-If someone is using a cheap rifle to compeat-90% chance it's a Savage there shooting. No Tikkas, no Wheatherbys, Some remmys, but is it still a remmy when all that is remmy left is the action?. It's the one reason they are gaining such popularity in the last 4 years or so- They just are accurate sun a guns. Won't win any beauty contest, thats for sure, but in the end-It's what the target looks like when it comes back to the bench that matters.
Now all that said- I still am dying to get a Henery lever Action into my collection.
The stock trigger on the Tikka is so sweet! Not sure that Tikka a makes a short action though? They use the same action for everything, or at least last I heard.
There are some really good recommendations here, and I can't add any real enlightenment;

However, Boogie man posted some pics earlier and the weatherby heavy barrel varmint caught my eye. I bought a discontinued .308 S1 vanguard HB-ST a few years ago and slapped it into a B&C fully bedded stock like the one shown in the photo. With Nosler 165 grain it can repeat .5" groups.

My point is should weatherby be considered, rather than a Range Certified model maybe a basic S2 vanguard varmint heavy barrel (which should shoot .99) is an option.
I searched every manufacturer and can't find what I want in the caliber I want. See my other thread for h-bar 6.5.
This afternoon I ordered a barrel for the 700adl that I have sitting around. Rather than buYing something I have to modify or settling for something that's not what I want. Imo this was the best way to go.