Our Nation or the government?

We are just one step from being a full Democracy. You have noticed the increasing screach to do away with the electorial college, yes?

Interesting trend for sure. And what was the founders' (maybe Jefferson's) general opinion about democracy-type system of government?!? ;)
Fremmer, they (the founders) didn't believe in mob rule. That is what Democracy is. Where the majority (the mob) can pass legislation to deny the minority of their rights, among other things.

We have all railed against the penchant of the Congress to pass social engineering programs and entitlement programs. Do you honestly think that these would have been passed if the Senate had been beholden to the States, instead of "the people?"

How much legislation would have passed, if each Senator knew he could be literally yanked from office, if he voted to cede his States authority to the Federal Government?

The shear weight of history shows that Federal spending took an upsurge, when the power to elect Senators passed from the States to the people. I daresay, that campaign finance would be much less of an issue, had the 17th never been passed. I suspect that the ever expanding commerce clause power would be much less of an issue, also.