Our Lingo

Elmer Keith: A down to earth, no beating around the bush kind of guy, prone to act on his ideas rather than just talk about them.
So do you guys ever say stuff that only other gun nuts would get? Maybe as a test to see if there are other like minded individuals in the crowd. Funny thing is I'm pretty quiet about my interests at work so this was out of the norm for me.

Many friends and acquaintances know I CCW, . . . mainly because I have a little leather business featuring CCW gear.

Occasionally the subject comes up "Whaddaya gonna do about the bg.......?" and it diverges into different scenarios as predicted.

Eventually, . . . I get in one of my favorite lines "He better be able to run faster than 960 feet per second".

There are usually a few grins and a nodding head or two, . . . and it almost always amazes me at the number of "deer in the headlights" looks I get.

Some folks, . . . you talk about bird poop on the sidewalk, . . . even that's over their heads.

May God bless,
More of a general one that I picked up from Pops, but only my close circle of friends get...

"That boy(or girl occassionally) powder is burning a little slow, don't you think?"

And a favorite expression of mine, again learned from Pops,

"That was like a Sidewinder going after a Libyan MiG."

Oh, and that is hilarious about the Moa.
I ended up with some 45 Colt once-fired brass from one of those "getting to know you" sessions at work, so I don't knock them.

And work is not firearm related.