Our government is REALLY screwed up.


New member
I've known all along that it was in need of serious repair but listening to the crap going on in Texas right now makes me sick. A gang rapes and murders two teen girls and the Feds and Bush want to give the scum another trial to take him off of death row just because he didn't get to talk to the Mexican councel when he was arested. Total B.S., he's illegal, he commited a crime in the U.S., he was found guilty and given the Death Penility, I say hang em' up and watch em' kick.
It's really sad when a guy growing alittle weed to help feed his family can be locked up for 20+ years but an murdering rapist can have all the rights in the world and even get a new trial. Our priorities of what's "legal" and "right" and what's "illegal" and "wrong" have really gotten warpped in this country.
This is just crazy, I hope they find the guy guilty again and send him to hell where he belongs.
It's really sad when a guy growing alittle weed to help feed his family can be locked up for 20+ years

A little weed, locked up for 20+. Most likely not a little weed. Thank god for all those benevolent drug dealers taking care of thier families.:rolleyes:
LOL, well, don't know about your neck of the woods but down here in Tennessee and also in Kentucky a lot of people grow a patch of weed and sell it to help pay the bills, just like the Moonshiners of the 20's and 30's made 'shine to sell to pay bills and feed their families.
My personal take on the "War on Drugs" is that it's unwinable, just like the Proibition of Alcohol was unwinable and that our tax dollars would be better spent putting REAL criminals in jail. Granted, I'm only talking about "drugs" that you can grow, i.e. weed, 'shrooms, stuff like that. I still think that Meth and Cocain should be regulated but that you should control it not prohibit it.
Remember, this is suppose to be a FREE country where a man(or woman) can do anything they want as long as it doesn't infringe on the Rights of others, including destroying their own life with drugs. Heck, people destroy their lives everyday with tobacco and alcohol and they're legal, seems kind of hypocritical to make one class of drugs legal and another class of drugs illegal, but then, I digress.
The real point is that States Rights are being pushed aside in order for the Feds to stroke the Mexican Gov., I think the Feds should keep their nose out if it. The guy raped and murdered two Texas Citizens and as such the State of Texas should be in total control of what happens to him.
States Rights should take president over Fed laws and Rights, that's what the Constitution is suppose to be all about, isn't it?
Personally I could care less about what a person puts into thier body, but due to the current system it is an underground ecomony with no legal protection, therefore the dealers and thier ilk arm themselves illegaly and when they get caught by law enforcement officers there is a distinict possibly of violence.

As for the moonshiners, well there marketing stratergy was selling to speakies and covert bars. The product was mareketed to adults. Not Children or teenagers as the case may be with Marijuana in the school yard. I would bet if the Ridge Runners and the majority of the Moonshiners had thought they were hurting kids they would have stopped. But alas now we have dealers who care only about the bottom line, and booby trapping thier fields with all kinds of nasty devices in case any "Revune" agents come traipsing thru the woods, or any one else who might be enjoying the woods.

Heck I know the war against drugs is unwinable, any fool can see that. As long as there is a demand, and someone willing to make cash at the expense of other to fill the demand the "war" will continue. So we either change the law or continue with the insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and wishing for a different outcome.

But anyways back to the issue, the Federal goverment has to take into account other countries. Due to treaties and agreements, we treat their citizens a certian way when they come here, and conversely they treat our citizens the same way when they get in trouble south of the border. I am kinda glad that if I get in trouble south of the border, my consulate can come see me, if only to confirm that I am alive and to tell my family where I am.
Quite a few of the ones in prison on drug charges have many other charges, too, ranging from breaking and entering, armed robbery, aggravated assault, etc, caused by either the drug use, or for drug purchase. Very, very few I know are in soley for drug possession. Many 1st time drug offenders get probation, counseling, and treatment.
The last time the states rights question was seriously debated, it caused a little dust up called the Civil War.
As for this Mexican Consulate question, when they begin extraditing the drug kingpins and murderers that keep escaping back across the border, then I will worry about making sure thier convicted citizens have access to thier embassy. In the meantime, make sure all lawful appeals are exhausted, and if the same sentance is reached in all, then hang him from the oak tree behind the courthouse - that's what it's there for.
"the Federal goverment has to take into account other countries. Due to treaties and agreements, we treat their citizens a certian way when they come here, and conversely they treat our citizens the same way when they get in trouble south of the border."

I would totally be in agreement IF the Forgine Citizen in question was here Legally but he was not and as such I feel that the idea of Treaties and Agreements is rendered Null and Void.
As for drugs getting into the hands of kids, kids get hold of alcohol and tobacco all the time, so even legal stuff can be misused by kids if they want it bad enough.
Alcohol, when legal, wasn't a real problem, it was only AFTER Proibition that it became a problem because then Orgainzed Crime could turn a profit from it's sale and distribution.
Take away Marijuana's Prohibited status and it will no longer be a profit making commodity to be sold on the Black Market. Also, it can be regulated in the same manner as alcohol and tobacco and Taxed to fund programs to help people stop using drugs if they so choose.

Also, is the violence associated with Drugs because of the Drugs or is the Black Market that is created because of the Proibition more to blame?
I kind of got a bit upset this morning. I live in an apartment complex that has a private parking lot with ZERO guest parking spaces. All tenants must have a $50 parking pass in their window. There is street parking, but only for 2 hours max. There is a commuter train station with free parking across the street, but that is available only if you are using the train. There is a WalMart with a large parking lot across the other street. This is private parking and non-WalMart-shoppers will have their cars towed.

So, someone comes over and parks on the street. She was there for 2.5 hours. She went to move her car and TICKET on the window..$20 ticket.

We have raids on illegals here in Denver, then the officials let them all go. Illegals are pulled over for speeding or wreckless driving and are released on a 'warning' only because it is too much hastle for the police to persue a dead end with ICE.

But, they have no problem giving a ticket to an AMERICAN who overstayed a public parking space by 30 minutes. WHERE are people supposed to park where I live if they don't live here? I don't get it. The 2-hour parking is 100% just a money maker. It is the only place anyone can park legally if they are visiting the 500+ tenants in my complex. I wouldn't mind a 24-hour-only parking rule to keep from having cars stored there, but 2-hour?!?! C'MON! Who really goes to hang with a friend on the weekend or otherwise and stays only 2 hours?!?! It takes almost 2 hours in my apt to just make a nice dinner, watch a movie, a football game...

Our govt. is screwed up ROYALE! and we are suffering for it. I personally am SICK of the double standards. I personally am SICK of the treatment of good people. I personally am SICK of the lack of enforcement against criminals, including illegal immigrants. Our Government needs to be turned off when it comes to laws created just as a revenue generator. We need to start supporting and voting for people who will stand up for the good American citizens in this country and tell the rest of them to go to hell! And if they don't give us an option of someone to vote for who will do so, maybe we need to be a bit more "proactive."
I think a big part of the problem is the 2 Party system we have in place. Both Dems and Reps know that one or the other will be voted in time after time and they think that gives them cart blanc to treat Citizens anyway they feel like. Another big problem is all the Lawyers that are in office. How about voting in some Farmers, or Carperters. What about an Auto Mech. or Warehouse worker getting a shot at Congress or the Senate. Maybe we'd get more "common sense" laws passed if Normal people were in charge.
TNFrank, I wholeheartedly agree.

Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, none of them were lawyers and were some of the best in the history of our country.

Average, working Americans will be the ones to keep our country on top. Lawyers are generally interested in sucking up the cash, not the actual cases they work on. In my opinion, these big corporate business-folk and lawyers care more about the cash they can get into their little 'party' rather than the issues.

That makes me think about something else. Why do we call it "Republican PARTY" or "Democratic PARTY" ??? It isn't a PARTY...leading of our country is not a PARTY, it is SERIOUS!
Not by trade...perhaps after getting into politics, but certainly not before.

Not sure what that means, but regardless here is a quick overview:

John Adams, John Q. Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Roosevelt were all lawyers. Teddy Roosevelt dropped out of Columbia Law School to run for office.
I guess Lincoln was a lawyer, but not of today's standards. He was borne in a 1-room cabin to farmers. He had only 18 months of formal education. He was mostly self educated and was not fed crap to like educational institutions do of today.

Similar stories go for the rest of those listed Presidents.

When in today's world has somoene who is born to a lower-middle income family risen to be President? What president in the last half century were not born into wealth and have not felt the hardship that everyday Americans face in today's society?

LOL...today's politicians are mostly Silverspoons and have NO IDEA what real Americans need, want and go through on a day-to-day basis.
If I recall correctly, the individual on whose behalf the Bush Justice Dept. is interceding failed repeatedly to state that he was a Mexican citizen. He claimed to be a US citizen and therefore no call was made to the Mexican consulate to provide him Consular representation prior to trial.
When in today's world has somoene who is born to a lower-middle income family risen to be President? What president in the last half century were not born into wealth and have not felt the hardship that everyday Americans face in today's society?

Several of our recent Presidents had lower middle-class backgrounds:

Nixon: his father was a failed lemon grower and a later ran a small grocery store.

Johnson: as far as I recall, his family was known as the Johnson City Johnsons who didn't have money.

Reagan: his family lived above a grocery store.