OUR Candidate for 2000?

The only person I would vote for - Jesse Ventura...
Because he is not a POLITICIAN... he is a guy who took the weight on his shoulders to get a job done.
He hasn't spent a life time building an agenda and a growing list of political favors to pay off.
He is behind the wheel - let him drive... Lets get some one like him in the Offal Office for once!

Did any of you catch the news the other day (NBC?) discussing the Congressional bill to pony up more dinero for Kosovo?

It dealt with all the pork amendments that Repubs and Demos were attaching to it...and even Henry Hyde added some.

I don't have a problem if a politico introduces a bill to get money for a new bridge or clean up a lake in his/her state but I find it repellant to attach it as an amendment to a bill dealing with war funding.

Watch how they spend money, watch how they attach riders to bills for pork. Repubs are as bad as Demos...tax and spend and control

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"