Other weapons besides guns and pepperspray/mace?


New member
I am wondering how many people carry another weapon besides the ones mentioned above. If you do what are they, and more importantly can you access them as fast or faster than your handgun?

I currently carry a Syderco Delica strongside rear pants pocket and plan to get another soon to carry weak side rear pants pocket so I will have one set up for rapid deployment with either hand.

I also practice and plan to use any items that I have in hand [day planner, groceries, etc] as distraction device/improvised weapon to buy time & distance if needed.
Cold Steel Voyager in my left pocket.

A rather nice selection of walking sticks for those times/places where the HK is disallowed.

Like C.R. and Law Dog I carry/use a cane (out of necessity in my case).


I was promised a Shortycicle and I want a Shortycicle!
A. G. Russell one hander in the back pocket and at work a nice assortment of screwdrivers, Kline plyers, and the ever trusty awl. Add to that a 2 lb hammer and the ever present F250 Ford van. I was recently involved in a police standoff and the most lethal thing I had on me was a phillips screwdriver. I had the good sense to get myself, a co-worker, and two civilians out of the line of fire and to cover. A clear mind and situational awareness are two of the best weapons you can carry.
Since the job i have will not allow firearms on the property, I almost always have a Delica and on occasion when Im out and about Ill have an asp and obligatory 3 or 4 cell maglite....fubsy.
Bob Lum Spyderco and a kubaton. If it counts I sometimes wear steel toes to work. :)

"peace, love, joy, and happiness..."

[This message has been edited by tobeat1 (edited September 07, 2000).]
Buck Odyssy in right front pocket and a 3 cell Mag-Light in front seat ;)

"what gives a government that arms the whole world the right to disarm it's own citizens?"
16" ASP in the truck - although if the F150 itself doesn't do the trick, I'm not sure what good the ASP would be.

When I'm out jogging, an A.G.Russell Sting IA worn crossdraw. My reasoning is I'm already pretty well warmed up, and when you add adrenaline I feel confident in my ability to "run faster scared than they can mad" should somebody decide they want my shoes or something. (Had a former "bad boy" tell me once the most important race you should be really good at is the 440 - that's about four city blocks, and just about everyone'll give up chasing you by then.) However, no way am I going to outrun a dog no matter what, so the Sting gives me the option to "bite back." I don't feel comfortable with a firearm in this scenario, as in a "rough'n'tumble" with a dog in a residential neighborhood with lots of kids anything besides a "contact" shot could be risky. I may start carrying pepper spray while jogging, but haven't decided yet.

"...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Luke 22:36
"An armed society is a polite society."
Robert Heinlein
"Power corrupts. Absolute power - is kinda cool!"
Fred Reed
Knives, ASP baton. My favorite knife where allowed, is a Cold Steel Safekeeper.

"Those who dance are thought mad by those that don't hear the music."

A. G. Russell Sting is one of my favorite knives. I read a book as a kid where the hero had one, and I've always had a soft spot for it.

However, in most jurisdictions (I am not familiar with the laws in FL), the Sting will be classified as a dirk/dagger and be highly illegal to carry.

A good folder (check out the REKAT SIFU if local law allows a folder of this size to be carried) might be a better way to go. Or a single edge fixed blade.

[This message has been edited by TaxPhd (edited September 10, 2000).]
Like many others I have started carrying a tactical folding knife. My current favorite is a CRKT M-16-12Z. It's a 3" Tanto blade and a very slick little piece of work.

And like a few others, a cane is becoming a part of my daily wear. In my cae, a bad knee. I am looking for a good self-defense cane (www.canemasters.com) for all round use.

I also consider anything I may be carrying as a potential weapon or distraction. A few times when faced with uncertain situations, I have grabbed and carried a cup of coffee. Very innocent but an excellent diversion if charged by someone...hot coffee in the face while I begin to employ another item. Or run if appropriate.

Gerber EZ Out clipped to right pocket. Goes with me everywhere, even places that say no concealed weapons. I've had cops hassle me before and they didn't even care that I had it because everyone in the free world has some type of knife and if they arrested everyone that had them they'd be up to their neck's in paperwork all the time. I can get to it MUCH faster than any carry gun and I have a good idea how to use it effectively, courtesy of martial arts training =) Sometimes I keep a katana in the trunk...mostly for show though.
I carry a german calvery saber on my horse for nasty horse ankle biting dogs where its not PC to be bouncing 115 gr 9mm rounds off the road. The back side tends to make them very polite after it connects with the side of the head in most cases. Have yet to have one not get the hint. It may sound mean but you do not want to see what a horse that is used to dogs will do to a stupid biter. :)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TaxPhd:

A. G. Russell Sting is one of my favorite knives. I read a book as a kid where the hero had one, and I've always had a soft spot for it.("The Survivalist" perhaps? Jerry Ahern's writing was probably responsible for sparking the interests of a lot of folks in A.G.Russell, Detonics, and a host of other previously little known brands.)

However, in most jurisdictions (I am not familiar with the laws in FL), the Sting will be classified as a dirk/dagger and be highly illegal to carry. (I carry the 3-3/8" version, which brings it under the limit for most states, but in FL it's irrelevant, since our CCW license is for any weapon, not just firearms.)

A good folder (check out the REKAT SIFU if local law allows a folder of this size to be carried) might be a better way to go. Or a single edge fixed blade.(Having a firm grasp of my limitations, I'll stick with the double-edge. Sure as I'm sittin' here, I'd rake the spine of the blade across the dog's shoulder and wonder why it had no effect...)

[This message has been edited by TaxPhd (edited September 10, 2000).][/quote]

"...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Luke 22:36
"An armed society is a polite society."
Robert Heinlein
"Power corrupts. Absolute power - is kinda cool!"
Fred Reed

You're right, it was The Survivalist! I can see it now, John Rourke with his CAR-15, dual Detonics in an Alessi double shoulder holster, an a Styer SSG rifle. Great reading for a 15 year old kid!

I wish that Georgia's CCW license was for any weapon. It's firearms only. Dirks and daggers (of any length) and knives "designed for offence or defence" are specifically excluded.


"Those who live by the sword are probably pretty f***ing good at it."

"Instructions for a successful gunfight: Front Sight, Press Trigger, repeat
as necessary." - B. Braxton
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"Instructions for a successful gunfight: Front Sight, Press Trigger, repeat as necessary." - B. Braxton[/quote]

Prerequisite for a successful gunfight: "Have a gun." - Col. Cooper

"...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Luke 22:36
"An armed society is a polite society."
Robert Heinlein
"Power corrupts. Absolute power - is kinda cool!"
Fred Reed
besides my folder and a "round eye" neck knife, i carry an asp baton (26in.) in my waist (appendix carry). i use the asp pepper gas dispenser which doubles as a kuboton. you can also use the asp pepper gas dispenser and your keys as a flail, whipping your keys into the teeth and gums, eyes, etc. of your new found training implement. :cool:

happy to pitch in.
*&* Tactical folding knife in left boot (steel toes at that), *&* Special Ops in strong side (right) back pocket. 4 cell Mag Light in f-150 SuperCrew. Also a small black jack that if used properly hurts like a mother -