Other than the NRA, what is the best pro-gun organization to join?

Dennis, Thanks for the reply. I also understand your position and respect it. I also appreciate the fact that we can continue to stand together in defense of the 2nd Amendment. I am very much frustrated at this point in time but will not rule out remaining a member. I have another year to see what happens. I didn't want to make this thread too long, but do want to thank you and state my appreciation for your attitude. Have a Happy New Year. Sincerely, Jerry
My problem with project Exile is that the NRA is demanding the enforcement of laws which, only a few years ago, we were denouncing as unconstitutional! Laws which, to be blunt, the federal government would have no authority to enact, even if there were no Second amendment, because there IS a Tenth amendment. Let's suppose that tommorrow, the feds managed to jail everyone who was violating any federal gun law; Want to bet that this board would be a very quiet place?

As for Knox, I sat ten feet from him at the Philly convention, when they slimed him from the podium, and then cut off the mike when he tried to respond. I saw stuff go down at that convention which prompted me to rip the life member sticker off my truck, and the average NRA member doesn't have a clue that it happened, because all they know about the NRA is what they read in NRA publications, the Pravda of the pro-gun movement.

Come to think of it, I think I just did Pravda a wrong; They at least admitted that dissidents EXISTED!

Otaka: Thanks for the url to mcrgo; I think I WILL join; We really got screwed over this summer, when ccw reform passed both houses by a wide margin, and then just died because the Governor thought it would interfer with his national ambitions.

Sic semper tyranus!
My biggest frustration is the lack of a national offensive strategy rather than
defensive only. That way you would lose

I would ask the NRA to do a few things:

1. Make it a necessity for support and
lack of opposition that a candidate
a: Support shall issue CHL in his or her
state and across the nation with national

b. Say that they will (if federal) vote
for no more negative gun laws.

2. Tactics - push the self-defense angle
with Lott and Kleck at every chance.
Put ads in papers with these studies.
If a paper won't accept the ad - sue 'em

3. If we are faced with a negative bill, use
legislative tricks. Let's say that a gun lock
law or NICS for private sales looks like it
has a chance - add national reciprocity to it.
How about a provision that say - OK, we will
have gun locks but we also will give CHLs
the ability to buy hi-cap mags as they have passed criminal checks.

So if you lose you gain, or it is a poison pill.

In Oregon, the state got a CHL bill as part of a bill that had a silly provision that you
couldn't carry an assault rifle in public.
That was a good trade. I guess I'm pragmatic within reason. A similar strategy is suggested in IL recently for CCW.

I just wish they could be creative. The antis certainly are as with the HUD suits.

It seems the NRA just is too defensive.


1) The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) at http://www.saf.org/ and

2) The Gunowners of America (GOA) at http://www.gunowners.org/.

My preference is GOA. I am NRA Life and GOA Life. These days, and this is only in my humble opinion, GOA is by far the most aggressive in taking a "no compromise" position in RKBA and the survival of the Second Amendment. I am fiddling with my allowance to join JPFO and SAF.

GOA does not have the membership the NRA does, but if they did, this issue would be closer to being settled instead of a running battle with no end in sight.

Compromising your principles is not the same thing as negotiating a political position based on those principles. I think the present leadership of the NRA misses the distinction. Their arrogance is a little difficult to miss.

Have you been to nra.org lately? Go and try to find a list of the state grassroot orgs like JD is asking for. Let me know if you find it.

Then go to gunowners.org. Just look around. Then email me or come back to this thread and tell me and everyone else here which one you think is member-oriented. Which one has all, and I mean ALL, the signs of a bureaucracy disconnected from its roots.

Neal Knox, Howard Fezell and Leroy Pyle have cooled their criticism of the NRA leadership somewhat, at least in public. I wish they hadn't. Their websites no longer contain the fiery discussions they did only a few months back. Just wait, NRA annual elections are due soon. The shenanigans of the Executive Committee at those open national meetings is not to be believed. Follow it if you can.



Long Live Rock'n'Roll!
This may constitute a shameless plug of my website however go to The Anti-HCI website! under the "Join Us" link there are several icons down the Left column those are all Good groups to join, also under the want more links page there are more listed at the bottom click on any one of them and it will take you to their site. All good Organizations all in one spot for your convenience. Take care and God Bless, El Jefe

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
I agree with Dennis and others re: voting in the NRA leadership election.

To my embarrassment, even though I have been a Life member for a LONG time, I have never voted as I didn't know any of the guys. The current bunch is the result.

I'm not one to blindly follow a "suggested list" but if Neal Knox and others of his way of thinking will post one, I will go for it.

On a lesser scale, it's like the coming General Election. You're either aggresively for us or you are agin' us. If the latter, you lose your position. let's be one-issue voters in this election.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.