Other than the NRA, what is the best pro-gun organization to join?


New member
I am a life member of the NRA but would like to join another pro 2nd Amendment organization.

I am looking for a VERY aggressive organization that will go after the anti-gun crowd.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

You asked for it!hee,hee,hee. !:^)

Here it is--- http://www.gunowners.org/
fer $20.oo/year-----AND-------

http://www.saf.org/ fer $15.oo/yr

AND.....http://www.jpfo.org/ fer$20.oo/yr

and http://www.citizensofamerica.org/Default.html
( They ask for a 100.oo donation to
run pro gun, pro self defense, radio adds
but will accept what ever donation you wish to make.) You can listen to their adds on their web site for free. The adds are great
and thensome!

You can join all 4 for only $75.oo a year.
I am joining all 4 ,I am already a NRA member.
This is my News Years Resolution!

Actually,i think that the timing is just perfect for the maximum result as we are in
for the fight of our lives in 2000,starting
when Congress reconvenes and deteriating(for our side) from that point onwords.

His royal pain in the Klinton will be
lieing harder and faster than ever, and many
anti self defense liberals and not just a few traitor republicans, will be pushing &
shoving to see who can climb up on the corpse of the next victim of( gun control=the inability to defend yourself); to try to disarm and render defenseless ,yet more innocent victims of criminal voilence and
government mis use of power & authority.
"I love this country,but;I hate this administration!"

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.
ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!
Always join your state organization as it
is probably in tune with local issues that
can affect you.

State orgs fight whacky laws and push
for shall-issue permits and the like.

They usually don't have (Ahem) big giant
office complexes but do it more from the heart.
Ernest2 has nailed the major ones.

I suggest you check out http://www.mcrgo.org/
in Michigan. These folks are trying to get "may issue" changed to "shall issue" and do a yeoman job of lobbying, for a state organization.

I live in Nevada, but was so impressed with them, I joined for $15. You get a darn good 12-page newsletter (quarterly I think). A great insight into the behind-the-scenes lobbying effort, and sadly, to this cynic's eye, reinforces the opinion that party labels are immaterial -- it's staying in power that counts.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Why are so many so happy with the NRA when the anti crowd keeps making inroads while the NRA compromises? I understand they are bringing suit in CA re the registration of assault rifles, but what are they doing to have SB 23 declared unconstitutional? I can't determine that they are doing anything. If I don't see more action from the NRA I will let my membershap go when it expires in 2001. If members keep praising the NRA with its current method of operation we will soon all have to turn in our guns to be legal. We need to contact them and let them know that our memberships are contingent on aggressive action to have some of the laws such as CA SB 23 overturned. As for me I have no praise for the NRA at this time. I have been a member most of the time since 1958. Jerry
I agree with JerryM. The NRA is pushing some PC program in TX and I believe nation wide which is supposed to be aimed at reducing gun violence. Sounds good right? The only problem is that the main objective of the program seems to be at punishing people who carry without a CHL, whtehr they are gangbangers or garannies. In other words, under project exile, the old man who owns the local gun store down the street (and carries a .45) but refuses to get a CHL could be prosecuted for a felony (whereas carrying without a permit is currently a misdemeanor). What ever happened to punishing REAL criminals and REAL crimes...you know the ones where there is actually a victim. Not only is the NRA supporting project exile, THEY ARE LOBBYING FOR IT!!!
Gun Owners of America because the NRA often gets sidetracked away from the only real issue before us all.

ff ...save the 2nd. No fate but what we make.
I used to dog the NRA too. No more and I joined up. Why? Cause I want every potential ally I can muster. I belong to more pro-gun orgs than I have fingers. I also do the constant letter writing thing to you name it. I am also actively involved in the political process on the precinct level. My change of heart came when I realized that the first pro-gun org I joined was that well regulated militia of which we all are members. The dues for many of us are free, so far. They have been expensively financed by the sacrifices of others before us. We need the old timers who have stood consistently by the cause for both leadership and the reminder that we must fight from all possible fronts and give none freely to the enemy.
Another good reason to join the NRA:

You want to be able to vote for a change in leadership from the current compromisers to some down and dirty fighters (sigh) should one come along.....

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
Always first join your local org. and then GOA. If you are in CA. you must join Cal. rifle and pistol association.....
I belong to the NRA, but sometimes they tend to (P me O) because they drop the ball a lot on different issues. I also belong to GOA, SAF and RKBA.

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves againest tyranny in government" Thomas Jefferson
Piggy, if you are talking about Project Exile
you are arguing about efforts to enforce existing gun laws. This has been a cornerstone of efforts to argue that we don't need new gun laws.

It was hell getting a CHL law in TX until
Bush got in.

It is not hard for a law-abiding citizen to get a CHL in TX.

Your statement:

"In other words, under project exile, the old man who owns the local gun store down the street (and carries a .45) but refuses to get a CHL could be prosecuted for a felony
(whereas carrying without a permit is currently a misdemeanor)."

is ridiculous. The old man who owns the gun store already has gone through the FFL song an dance and knows the law quite well. If he is
so stupid to carry illegally - Screw him.

The idea is to people able to cut down gun crimes like Richmond, Virginia did.

When the CHL law was debated in Texas,
some "Vermont Heaven" dudes tried to defeat the bill.

The NRA may not be perfect, but you are way off base with this one.
A little perspective--Yes the NRA compromises way too much for my likes,
Im a Neal Knox type of guy! In my
opinion, Neal Knox should be executive
vice president.

That being said, Wayne Lapierre and
Charlton Heston still are the best known
voices that the pro gun movement has.

It makes my blood kurdle when NRA
compromises my gun rights away; I nearly
get phically ill.

I am joining 5 pro-gun organizations,
as I listed in my prior post to this string,
so that when NRA goes astray,yet again, the
slack will be picked up by the other pro-
gun organizations.

I am not sending NRA extra funds , but I
remain an NRA member and I am
sending these funds to other pro-gun
organizations who compromise less than NRA.

NRA--I am voting with my walet--and this
is my way of telling you that I am extreemly
unhappy with compromising of my gun rights.
So let me go on record here as protesting that NRA compromises too much with the gun
grabbers--ah, anti-self-defense-crowd.
Do the words "TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE"
have any meaning for you.

Glenn Meyer,
Some folks like to incrementally compromise their rights away. I don't.

"this [project exile] has been a cornerstone of efforts to thwart further gun laws"

--if a strategy is ineffective, it needs to be changed. There are already far too many unreasonable gun laws "on the books". Instead of trying to hold back the tide, we need an organization that will help us to begin reversing it. The NRA should spend its dollars on more advertising aimed at educating and changing public opinion. Those late night 30 minute infomercials they occasionally run are particularily effective.

"If the old man is so stupid as to carry without a CHL--SCREW HIM"

--some call him stupid, I call him a man of principle.

"Its not difficult for Texans to get a CHL"

--It is not difficult, but it will cost you $240.

When the NRA pushes for a program that turns unlicensed carry by otherwise law-abiding individuals from a misdemeanor to a felony, that my friend is a compromise.

I am a NRA member and advocate joining the NRA. However, I am simply tired of compromise. We need only to look at Canada and Australia to see where the road of compromise will lead.
SAF has my donations now and soon GOA will as well. As for the NRA, they will only get their membership dues.

[This message has been edited by Piggy (edited December 31, 1999).]
piggy, I too have been saying that I disagreed, but would continue being a member. Upon reflection, however, I am leaning strongly toward letting my membership go when it is up for renewal. If we continue to be members and encourage others to join, where is our leverage? If all who are members on this and similar gun forums would write the NRA and let them know we don't intend to remain members unless the current philosophy of compromise is changed, then maybe it would make the NRA leaders stop this constant compromise. I realize the NRA through the years has done some great work. Today, however, they are not "cutting the mustard." I think it is time for members to refuse to accept the compromising. Again and again I ask on these threads "What is the NRA doing to have SB 23 overturned in court?" Most simply ignore the question and praise the NRA even if they don't agree with them. I understand the NRA is challenging the "register and confiscate" actions, but what about the rest of the gun owners? I am not from CA and wouldn't live in such a state. However we must do what we can to help the CA gunowners or SB 23 will spread. The CA gunowners don't seem to want to help themselves or they would be pressuring the NRA and CA gun organizations to go to court. Instead they just complain. Liberty didn't come cheap and it isn't easy to retain. If the CA gunowners don't challenge this in court, then I don't have nearly as much sympathy for them as I could. I am willing to donate to such an effort and I believe thousands of others are also. The folks in CA are going to have to start the ball rolling. Thus far I don't see anything but talk. This isn't meant to be offensive to anyone, but it is time to wake up or lose the battle that we are losing "big time." Happy New Year to all, Jerry
Sarah Brady and her ilk complain more about the NRA than any other group. They do have power. Please do NOT let your membership lapse.

Where's your leverage?
- If your membership lapses you have NO leverage. You stand alone.
- If you stay a member, you can help NRA members fight for leaders who are fighters rather than compromisers. You can help strengthen the NRA.

You want more leverage?
Stay an NRA member and don't send them any additional money. Instead, join SAF, GOA, JFPO, your state rifle association, and (in my opinion best of all) LEAA.

The Law Enforcement Alliance of America is an organization of LEOs and civilians.
- It narrows the gap between us and the people who serve and protect.
- It completely destroys the HCI argument that ALL LEOs want gun control.

You can't have a voice if you don't participate.

The choice is yours.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited December 31, 1999).]
Dennis, While you make some good points, I don't have any leverage as a member of the NRA. They don't usually even respond to my questions. All the complaints by others and me haven't changed their way of doing things. What gains in our rights have occurred during 1999? What have we lost? Start with CA SB 23. I don't care what Sara Brady thinks, I want to see some aggressive action and I don't see it. If I am missing something then point out to me the progress that has been made the last couple of years through the NRA's efforts. Explain to me their inaction in CA. I do belong to SAF and the LEAA. Both are good organizations that I have made donations to. I am not willing to settle for mediocrity. I have supported the NRA for more years than some on this board have been alive, but somewhere they have developed a philosophy of just losing more slowly. I guess we will just have to disagree on this. Unless I see some change I will let my membership lapse. One reason I never became a life member is that I want the option to belong or not depending on the performance of the organization. I still maintain that only aggressive action by NRA members will change the NRA. People like Neal Knox have tried and failed. I admit that I don't have a whole lot of information on his participation so can't say much about it, but my observations are that anyone who disagrees with the current leadership is pretty well ignored. I am still willing to be persuaded by facts, but not by blind loyalty. Regards, Jerry
No big argument here! I'm also angry that the NRA has not been able to reverse (rather than merely slow down) our loss of Rights. NRA members in California have every right to be supremely ticked off that the NRA hasn't done something effective in California to stop the government tyrants.

However, the NRA is more powerful than I am; more powerful than ANY of the other organizations to which I belong. Therefore, I maintain my membership (I went "life" in '74) and I will remember their pussyfooting around when we next elect NRA leadership. I hope enough of our type (you and I) stick around to have some voting power.

Please don't misunderstand me. I fully understand your frustration, anger, and disappointment. If I were not a life member I also would consider dropping my membership in protest of NRA's compromises. But I believe the cost of annual membership is worth a couple 6-packs of Shiner Bock ( :)) so I'll stick it out and try to effect change. Guess I'm just contrary! ;) (It HAS been said!!! :D)

Whatever you decide to do, I know you'll stay in the fight. Each to his own methods, Jerry. :)

Happy New Year!