Dittos on the bleach. If there is any floodwater pushed onto your property, it will carry with it all sorts of virii, bacteria, parasites etc. from all the dead animals. You'll need to disinfect *everything*. Pots and pans, clothing, etc etc etc.
I'd sell the generator and buy lots of plywood. In FLA, I'd consider putting a coat of oil-based primer on the sheets to keep them from dry rot or fungal problems whilst stored. Also think about how you'll fit the sheets to your windows. maybe pre-drill holes on the perimeter so it'll be easier to nail 'em up.
Bugout bag is essential, but lets hope you don't need it. Know your evac routes. Can your vehicle handle 6-18" of standing water? If not, make friends with someone who has such a truck. If you have to go to a shelter, keep in mind that no weapons, pets, or cookstoves are allowed. You might not even be able to store them in your vehicle. Also, you'll be cooped up with a lot of folks with weakened immune systems (kids, old folks, etc) and thus you'll be exposed to all sorts of communicable diseases. If you're susceptible to airborne things like pneumonia you'd best have a ready supply of antibiotics.
The grocery store will have all sorts of food that stores without refrigeration. Canned soup, dried pasta and rice, canned veggies and fruit, etc. Wouldn't hurt to have basic multivitamins around. Keep in mind that canned goods are really heavy, in the case where you've got to bug out. I'm a big proponent of "PowerBars" and their many competitors. No cooking required, can be eaten on the run (literally), good shelf life, and available at GNC as well as many mail-order stores.
Invest in a box of freezer grade 1-qt, 1-gal, and 2-gal ziplocs. They'll keep valuables dry. Keep a binder with info, including a xerox of your insurance policy, and a list of your property. Bring it with you if you bug out.
Get some rigid plastic 2.5 gal water jugs. Unless you are Hulk Hogan, the 5 gal units are too heavy. Fill those suckers with tap water every time a storm threatens, but don't forget to empty them out, otherwise its algae city.
Start converting from alkaline batteries to NiMH (which are now available in AAA, AA, C, D, and 9v). Get a top quality charger. The money you are wasting on alkaline batteries is better spent on other things.
Take Strayhorn's comments seriously. Once you put yourself into the hands of the authorities, since they will already have hundreds/thousands of refugees on their hands they frequently resort to "POW" style treatment. You are probably better off forming up with your neighbors.