Another good point made is to check the registry to see if they're actually sicko's or if they were a 20 year old with a 17 year old girlfriend and an angry father.
This is a very good point. Like a number of other prohibiting laws, drugs, guns, liqour, tobacco, and food come to mind. There is a point at which the laws are written and passed not with calm, sober reflection but with sound-bytes and hysteria.
This does not mean that I condone any and all activities by these people but it does mean that I recognize that some of the activists for certain laws have other agendas in their activities. Therefore I will not make to many blanket statements.
I still remember the gal from the hills of Georgia telling me how she was a good girl and when she got all hot a bothered by her boyfriend they didn't have sex until they were married, a week after her 14th birthday and her first child before her 15th birthday. If her boyfriend was 19 would that make him a sex offender?
I would like to see some breakdown as to how these various people have been put on these lists as opposed to blanket hysterical statements.
For those who are true pedophiles, the only resonable, read best long term, option is imprisonment for life. While there is alot to be said about death and some have stated that they have no problem with a few innocents getting wasted I wonder if their opinion would change if bychance they wound up being sentenced in the dock. Note I did not say they were guilty but that circumstances led others to that belief.
The hardest thing about the Criminal Justice system is realizing that you have to make sure it does not railroad YOU!!!
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