Organize! Mobilize! Fight!

"Nothing personal but i consider Kali a lost cause in the world of gun rights."

That's a very dangerous attitude. Recognize that in only forty years or so, California has gone from a completely normal state with typical (that is to say "essentially no") gun laws to the gun law hellhole it is today. I know because I've lived here all that time, and more.

The same thing could happen in any state, and, in fact, is beginning to happen in parts of Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and Idaho. Get a political map and look at the blue spots; they *never* get smaller.

No, we have to fight the gun-grabbers whereever we are, and joining one or more of the pro-gun groups mentioned so far in this thread is a very good way to start.

As for the AK comment i belive it was made by charlton heston in 2000 or 2001. I have yet to see any spokesman for the NRA dissavow his statement.

It was said by Heston when he was First Vice-President of the NRA, during an interview in 1997. It caused major outrage at the time, but was subsequently repudiated by Heston himself, and by pretty much every executive of the NRA. Whether or not he meant it, the fact is the statement was explained and the NRA under his leadership did support the right of individuals to own weapons of their choice, including AKs.
Nothing personal but i consider Kali a lost cause in the world of gun rights.

As goes California, so goes the country. It's been a trendsetter for decades, politically and socially. If you give up on it, you've given up on yourself. You'll just have to wait a few years to feel the impact.

i dont joint eh NRA because of teh famous quote the presidnet of it once siad.
"i dont know of any reason someone would need an AK-47"
I guess you dont need my money then. Just my feelings. When they fight for the rights of ALL gun owners i'll be happy to give them my membership dollar

Then joint up buddy. Despite the comment by Heston the NRA fights for all gun owners. Not joining the NRA is akin to not voting because you are pissed off at the Republican party......................that protest gave us Nancy Pelosi and this problem. If you don't join don't cry when you are turning in your guns like a good subject.

Anybody looked into the JPFO (Jews for Protection of Firearms Ownership)?

They are not as big or as powerful yet as the NRA and the GOA but they are VERY strong in their position and VERY uncompromising. And you need not be Jewish to join.
Foreigndude, I will go out and buy lifetime memberships to each of the organizations you listed as well as send you a cookie if you can tell me what good they did last time around(google AWB 1994). My money is better spent buying all the goodies that I want now, before the dems take them from Heston's cold, dead hands.
The demoncrats admitted that they lost the presidency in 2000 because of the gun control issue and more specifically groups like the NRA. Pick your group and join one or more of them. Its a drop in the bucket compared to our rights.

BTW, Don't think the Demoncrats haven't learn from their mistakes. The Brady bill had loop holes that will surely be closed next time. Expect hi-caps to be outlawed all together making us criminals if caught with them. Expect all black rifles to be banned. No more grandfathering. So toss the NRA and others a few bucks today or start saving you bail money for later........ Unless you turn yours in like a good subject.
not trying to start a pissing contest but if they try to outlaw ownership of currently legally owned weapons they will have a major uprising on thier hands. yeah a bout 75% of people will shut up and hand them over. the other 25% will fight like deomons to keep them. if i remember my numbers correctly, there around 80 million gun owners in this country. that means even if only 25% fought for thier rights that 20 MILLION gun owners fighting. Heck our militay cant cope with 30 or 40 thousand active insurgents in iraq, how are they going o cope with it at home?

And of course you've got to consider the fact that lots of soldiers and LEO are proud gun owners as well, and having to go in and disarm their friends and family may not sit well with them. Even if they are dispatched to other parts of the country (such as soldiers from New York are sent to Wyoming and Wyoming sent to New York) to keep the relationships apart, they'd still know what was happening. And when they refused to do their jobs, you'd have to jail them, and use more soldiers to watch over them, therefore taking away your force on the ground. And of course comes the rebellion tactics, which soldiers would not be happy with. So maybe then it would have to boil down to mercenaries having to do the grunt work. And eventually become too expensive to sustain the ban. Just a thought. -BamaXD
rich- in kali they didnt ban ownership/possesion with a permit/registation as far as i know. if im wrong correct me. What i was talking about was outlawing of possesion of any kind, regardless of paperwork and the forced surrender/seizure of said weapons.

Oh, you were talking about outlawing "of any kind". You mean that secret legislation that's moving thru Congress? The Bill that none of us know of but which must exist somewhere?

Or are you saying that if they'll let you keep your non-offensive rifles, like they do in CA, CT, MASS and a few other foreign countries it'll be Okie Dokie with you? If they don't go all the way, or if you just have to Register them, you won't join the "25% that fights like the demon to keep them"?

BTW, and no offense intended, but many of us really dislike responding to lazy posting; it causes us to assume lazy logic as well. There are keys, conveniently located on the left and right side of your keyboard, stamped "shift". Explore them. People will take you more seriously. I promise.
25 percent of lawful gun owners aren't going to kill a law enforcement officer who is just doing his job. Unlike an attack by a foreign foe, which would cause a severe response by gun owners, a "step at a time" gun ban approach by our government wouldn't cause the violent reaction some expect. If faced with killing a fellow American and becoming a murderous criminal or turning in my black rifles because to many gun owners failed to support organizations trying to save them from being banned, I'm turning mine in. Actually I'll "get rid" of them before they come for them. My point is that most American gun owners will comply or appear to comply, before raising arms.
"My point is that most American gun owners will comply or appear to comply, before raising arms."

Interesting scenario. I dunno about the "before raising arms" part, but I think almost no American gun owners would even bother to appear to comply. We have already seen that in California, where only a few "assault weapons" were registered when the call went out. I believe all those with unregistered rifles are now considered felons.

Tim, If the Kalifornia law was passed in your neck of the woods and Officers Joe Sixpack & Ima Neighbor came to get your "assault" rifle would you give it up or fight?
Threegun, as you suggest, they probably would find that I already have gotten rid of it. This points out that some of the most dangerous gun legislation revolves around registration. Confiscation must be preceded by registration.
