Order for Diplomats to Serve in Iraq Met With Revolt

To quote Black Sabbath...

"Politicians hide themselves away. They only started the war. Why should they go out to fight. They leave that all for the poor."

Of course...nobody is asking these particular politicians to pick up a weapon and join the fight...but the sentiment is still the same.
Duncan Hunter just posed a solution (no citation since I'm headed for work). Given 'em on chance to fulfill their obligation. Failure to comply results in termination. DoS is to then head to the military hospitals and begin recruiting wounded Iraq vets for those positions. :D

DoS is an agency of the US government. It is not a voluntary organization.
I'm no fan of the State Department or the bureaucrats within it.

But on the combat-zone assignment of diplomats vs. soldiers . . .

Iraq is a war zone; bullets are flying, bombs are going off, mortar rounds are incoming.

Soldiers have guns, body armor, helmets, and - most importantly - combat training.

Diplomats have a pen and a briefcase, and - correct me if this is incorrect - State Department policy is that they be unarmed.

The diplomat vs. soldier "duty" comparison is invalid when the assignment is in an active war zone.
Pres. Bush has definitely helped to foster this attitude amongst the elitist grandees at State.

Since the days of Colin Powell, Republicans have complained about Bush's unwillingness to crack down on the careerists and holdover Clinton appointees who have acted to undercut the Republican Administration.

Instead, it's been 7 years of "...heckovajob Brownie" and Medals of Freedom for these hard-left elitists at State.

A good example of reaping what one has sown.
Since the days of Colin Powell, Republicans have complained about Bush's unwillingness to crack down on the careerists and holdover Clinton appointees who have acted to undercut the Republican Administration.


They should send Norman Mineta..... :barf:
I don't waaannna, it'll be haaaard.

If you think diplomats will be in convoys or on patrol then the ignorant comparison with soldiers is worthy of discussion.

If your not paying attention violence is down in Baghdad by 70% and DROPPING. Iraq is growing more and more stable on a consistant, continuous, and gaining basis. Al Q is fracturing to the level of being public and their organization there is broken. The AlQ hangers on are being killed by American forces, Iraqi Security forces, and Iraqi civilians. Iraqi Security is independently securing more and more of provinces. The "quagmire" crowd today is as credible as General Abizaid was a year ago. Bush stands a very good chance of leaving office with his opponents having to admit he was RIGHT to not leave Iraq.

The diplomats just don't waaaana. They are feeling the protection of the recent stir about the fired Federal prosecutors. If the diplomats actually do their job there the military success will be accompanied by a political success and the Democrat party will find it's self in the same sinking boat they were in when they tried the same thing on Reagan.....and were wrong there too.

The lack of reconciliation of the CENTRAL Government is almost all that's left. On the LOCAL level things are going quite well. It's a matter of time at this point. Should these guys actually do their job then the last little criticism left will evaporate.

Having your opponent believe you to be a fool is far more advantageous then them believing you to be shrewd. When your own opponents house is divided against it's self, offer no critique but only point their lack of progress. Lastly, it's hard to convince people of reason that you can lead when you can't win influence from a 'buffoon' despite your majority in both houses of Congress.

Yeah. Dubbya's dumb. Diplomats will soon either do their jobs in Iraq or be pulling down some Federal unemployment looking for civilian work with that Diplomat skill set.
I find this interesting. My impression of the Foreign Service was that it's a
lot like the military-you have to punch your ticket if you want to get ahead, and accepting a hardship assignment usually guarantees the next one will
be cushy.
So they don't want to go sit at a desk in an embassy guarded by Marines?
Fire them. But give them a severence package, say two weeks at the chow hall at Camp Pendleton while they look for work in thier spare time.
How 'bout two months dressing the wounds of better men?

What elitist scum. They should go or be fired. Terminated. No "voluntary separations"