Orange County sheriff taking away hundreds of CCWs

So, What You're saying then is the Sheriff can just willy nilly say who can carry, and who can not?
Remember, These are law abiding citizens we are talking about here.

Well Bruce, that is the law. It is up to the sheriff because it is a "may issue" law, not a "shall issue" law (although some places go through a judge, I understand, but many/most go through the local law enforcement). You can call it willy nilly or whatever you like because you don't agree with the parameters, but that doesn't change the law.

Of course they are law abiding people. If they weren't, they would not have been given CCWs in the first place. There will be plenty more law abiding people who won't get CCWs because the current sheriff will deny the requests because of a lack of justification. It doesn't make it right, but that is how it is.
Keep in mind that the law was originally intended to keep firearms out of the hands of minorities. Thus the requirement for a face to face interview. It was important to verify the race of the applicant. Thanks to Incitatus for posting this link earlier. These days it's simply evolved into a tool that allows the sheriff reward friends, supporters, and large contributers; and to punish political enemies by leaving them vulnerable to physical attack, robbery, rape, and murder. A tool few sheriffs won't fight to keep tightly under their control.
If the law isn't being used for minority exclusion these days, why must we keep in mind that minority exclusion was part of the history of the law? How is this relevant to the current situation?
Because I think to a degree it's still done at an unconscious level. Why else keep the face to face aspect? It's also important to understand the history so that we can fully understand that it was always intended as an exclusionary good old boy system. Like all government encroachment on freedoms the powers that be promise that it only effects other folk, then pretty soon we all get screwed.
As others have noted, the very notion of 'discretion' is fraudulent and insulting. Voting that sheriff out of office and changing the law should be done to the degree possible.
So, campers...

Not to derail from the whole '**** and moan' fest, but...

How can we turn this around? In the media, and otherwise?
Bogie said:
So, campers...

Not to derail from the whole '**** and moan' fest, but...

How can we turn this around? In the media, and otherwise?
Class action lawsuit? Time to put "Her" on the defensive. See how she likes that! :mad:
Because I think to a degree it's still done at an unconscious level. Why else keep the face to face aspect? It's also important to understand the history so that we can fully understand that it was always intended as an exclusionary good old boy system.

Okay, now how does that apply to rectifying the situation since we understand it so well?

Class action lawsuit? Time to put "Her" on the defensive. See how she likes that!
The lawsuit won't affect "Her" per se and make her feel bad. She is operating within the law. It would be a whole other matter if she was operating illegally.
Sure would be nice if they spent as much time on the street getting the criminals as they do going after people lawful enough to put their names down and show that they legally own firearms for lawful self defense purposes.

Interesting use of public safety resources.

To deny the public their rights.
I'm shocked that she can legally revoke permits like this. As someone stated before, I can see not renewing (not saying I agree with it), but being able to revoke on a whim after a permit has been issued is ridiculous.

Does anyone know the criteria for "good cause"; I'm assuming there must be some legal guidelines she has to or is supposed to consider in deciding whether or not to issue - or in this case revoke.

Absolutely disgusting. Unfortunately I have the feeling these people are just S.O.L. I also doubt, considering the location, this will effect her being re-elected when that comes up.
Somebody should research the average response time for a 911 call in Orange County and put that they can't wait that long when somebody is trying to kill them.

Seriously, somebody should find an acceptable reason that is broad enough for everybody to use and put the info out to all the people who got the letters and all CCW instructors. Remember this came out because people listed reasons like "avid shooter" You can easily practice target shooting without a permit. Since this is kali, they will probably just have to play their stupid game.
Complain all you want (civilly, of course)

It won't matter. The Sherriff is acting within their authority, under existing law. I don't agree either, but that is the way it is. The only thing you can do is work to get the law changed.

And that takes influence. Political cronyism (read corruption) is as old as politics. In the USA, under our current system, we have a slim chance to beat that age old influence. But only a slim one.

But a slim chance is better than none. Don't give up the fight.
Interesting use of public safety resources.
It is within the scope of the Sheriff's position.

To deny the public their rights.
Nope. This is denial of limited privileges that were a part of the law when those who applied for the permits (now getting revoked) originally got their permits. In other words, it isn't even as if the law changed. They knew or should have known the rules when they got their permits and applied anyway.

Just how hard were those 1000+ permit holders working to change the law in their favor over the last several years to protect themselves? The risk of losing the permits has always been there. It sounds like trying to close the barn door after the cows got out. Somebody should have closed the door long ago.
Just how hard were those 1000+ permit holders working to change the law in their favor over the last several years to protect themselves? The risk of losing the permits has always been there. It sounds like trying to close the barn door after the cows got out. Somebody should have closed the door long ago.
Our commissars may be brain damaged but they aren't entirely stupid (although many would disagree), they have successfully used the divide and conquer tactic for decades. First aiming the law at minorities, and then as race discrimination became unacceptable they moved to the privileged vs the common citizen.

  • Judges are kept happy because they have easy access to permits and longer permit terms.
  • The politically connected are happy because sheriffs trade permits for favors.
  • The wealthy are kept happy because most have easy access to permits - as long as they keep donating.
  • The police unions are kept happy because their members and retirees are exempt, the the public employee unions rule this state.
And it feels oh sooooo good to have something that nobody else can have. To be special. To be a privileged class. So no one in any of those groups will lend their support to cleaning up a corrupt system and extending the right to bear arms to commoners. The exception really has been Orange County where many of these people have been active in trying to open up the process and thought that they had chosen a sheriff that would open it up to almost everybody. Unfortunately he turned out to be a crook and got himself busted, and now they are now saddled with an unelected elitist hack.

If California had free elections (we don't) we might be able to run candidates that were more to our liking.

  • A powerful but unpopular sheriff facing defeat by a judge used his connections to pass a ban on commoners running for sheriff.
  • Scientifically gerrymandered districts make it impossible to defeat the ruling party in the legislature.
  • Campaign finance laws are designed to make party leaders (extremists) king makers.
  • A wildly left wing press corp backs the current system. They will tell any lie and withhold any facts and hype any issue necessary to keep leftists running the state.
Next month we go to the polls to do something about gerrymandering.
This year will probably see incorporation and then loaded open carry bans challenged under Heller. It's coming but it's taking time.
What a surprise! Permits being revoked in The Peoples Republic of Kahleeforneeah .... so glad I got out of that place, it's pretty but the politics come straight from Cuba ... see Arnie may be recalled ... jerk ... good riddance
Next month we go to the polls to do something about gerrymandering.

Good luck with that. I wish thar we could do something about that down here in the South but the 1964 Civil Rights Act prevents us from doing anything about it. Here we have to gerrymander our school board elections to be sure that minorities are elected not to mention a congressional district that runs 100 miles down Interstate Highway (only inlcudes the highway) just to include a predominately black area. Local representation no longer exists for us.