Optic advice (plus, I'm an idiot...)

Man, this got real interesting in a thread about how an idiot (me) bought the wrong (very low-end) gun and was curious about how to remedy his foolishness. :)
You didn't notice that it wasn't the gun you wanted?? And, you can't, for some reason send it back and get the model you wanted???

OK, if you're stuck, you're stuck...me, I would have not picked up the gun, and had the dealer send it back for the model I wanted, but that's just me...

Any competent gunsmith can install iron sights. Do be aware that your stock may not be the right comb height for best use of iron sights. This is the exact opposite of the problem with stocks made for use with iron sights.

As for one's eyes changing at 40? I'd read that, read articles about "old eyes and iron sights" etc. Never noticed it at all, at 40.

In my case, it wasn't till just before 60 that my eyes finally went bad....so I don't hold 40 as a hard and fast rule...but it will happen, sooner or later.
I see pretty well close up, I guess you call that near sighted.
I used to be able to read the micro printing on $100 bills, but not past 40, I can see it, I can't read it.
I have astigmatism also, always suffered with it. I was one of those goofy looking guys with the headband & monocular on the firing line...

Don't know what you call it, not an eye doctor. No MD or DO behind my name.

I did notice the glacier glasses we wore to stop snow blindness had a bunch of pinholes in sheet metal for lenses and I often didn't need my rather strong glasses when I was in my 20s.
Couldn't see long distance, but it cleared up 50-75 yards in front of me pretty well.
It might be the same effect, don't know, didn't connect the dots back then.

I've spent a lot of time on Field Of View, but never considered Depth Of View past focus.
Might be why I'm better with a spotting scope than a camera.
(Never taken pictures of my fingers, my feet, etc with a spotting scope... :( )

You guys mull it over, the only way I can explain it is I used to have a particularly clear sight picture with open sights, I don't anymore, and as the eye doctor predicted, it happened right at my 40th birthday.
That's when I went on a tear buying high powered optics, which screwed with my field of view and I was often looking for a corrective rear ocular lense.

Lower powered optics, which I use the most of now, give my Field Of View back, and don't require corrective ocular lenses most times, and I switched to aperture rear sights.

I can't stress enough making the rifle FIT YOU!
The fad right now is for the flat back 'Black' rifles, but you will hit a lot more shots when your fundamentals are correct, and that means getting that comfortable, natural cheek weld with a correctly adjusted stock, getting that eye on level with your chosen sights.

As for iron sights, I vote Yes on anything but a bench queen.
Have you considered a red dot as an alternative to a scope? Inexpensive, easy to install on your gun, lets you keep both eyes open for an extended sight picture, great for walk about style hunting, quick on target and very accurate.

As I said in my original post, I bought the gun via private sale. The guy sent me many photos, represented everything clearly in all correspondence, and then drove a few hours to drop the gun off. I gave him my word I'd purchase it, so when I saw it, I felt it only fair that I hold up my end of the bargain.

I have no idea how I missed it -- multiple times. But I did. My bad, as the kids say. Or used to. :)