Oprah/Obama VS Bill/Hillary

Rockrz said:
Who cares? One liberal is just as bad as the other!

While I think the word bad might be over-kill, I fear the actual damage here is cronyism. In all groups, even good ones, there is a distinct agenda.

Let's suppose that TexasSeaRay and I want to form a political party. We live in different parts of the country, and so we found the "Fire and Ice" political coalition. We cal it FAI, for short.

Due to our overview of The Constitution, we are primarily strict constructionists. Because of our campaign has a new slant and a differing infusion of money, and RP brings in his voters, TSR and I win by a landslide.

The right wing finally takes a long exhale, and guns are secure. Our coattails also provide a "super congress."

So one day, TSR calls me to the Oval Office and says, "Ya' know, VP Chico, I've always thought that Texas gets screwed by offshore fishing restrictions and PC. Let's use a little muscle to enhance the GNP down there."

I respond, "Ya' know, President TSR, we could also Christmas Tree that bill with some more reasonable decibel levels on cruiser bikes up in Wisconsin."

"Then it's settled," smiles The Prez, "Let's get Congressman Wildalaska to float out the 2008 "Loud Fish" bill..."

The issue here is that these two cronies have always thought this way and use the Republican guaranteed planks and Congressional power to gain personal clout beyond their intended powers.

Does the word "Halliburton" strike a chord?

The problem with an Oprah/Obama marriage is that while "Loud Fish" might enhance existing legal parameters for all constituents, a secret plank affecting only 23 million minorities does not.

And the tragic hook is that it never will. Oprah will never grant a big tent extension to every white biker in America. In fact, I doubt if Oprah will extend portions of her plank to white bowling leagues.

And Obama is too young, too inexperienced and too much the rube to ever recognize that the spotlight is hers and never his.

Why was she on the podium taking bows from the applause? If I'm not mistaken, it's he who is running and she is not on the ticket at all.

BTW, TSR, I have some ideas on a speech...
Why was she on the podium taking bows from the applause? If I'm not mistaken, it's he who is running and she is not on the ticket at all.

Oh year, are you sure? How does this sound, "live from Chicago...it's the Vice President Oprah Winfrey show".:barf:
The Tourist said:
I just saw the video of Oprah addressing a crowd, saying she has finally "come out of the pew."

Now, there gets to a point where I don't know when to stop the debate, or dive right in. For example, some idiot or townie has virtually no idea how I live.

And while Oprah is one of the richest people in the world, perhaps she really does truly feel like a second-class citizen when she walks into a room with celebrities and dignitaries.

However, right from the git-go of her speech she begins to use that phoney-baloney accent in her voice, a cross between a Southern Baptist minister and a cock-eyed rendition of famous Dr. King snippets. She event mentions the "I have a dream" speech.

I have put off making this assertion. But her own discourse has become clear.

I believe that Oprah is a racist.

And what pains me in this decision is that she is simply worse than I am. I find that astounding. Granted, I am no fan of gangsta drug dealers, but 1/3 of my church is black. Some of the most sincere relationships I have is with our black church members--some of our white elders are clearly on an agenda.

I am befuddled on how a woman with so many resourses, exposure to a superior education, the broadening of world travel and the associations with all levels and strata of people (including world leaders) might actually be the same hateful racist as a night-rider.

And at my age, I am also shocked and a bit surprised that I did not see it coming.

I'm sorry but I don't get this one.

Are you suggesting that because she supported Obama and they both happen to be Black, that automatically makes her a racist?

White entertainers have supported white presidential candidates for years and nobody cried racism. Blacks have run for president before and Oprah didn't support them.

I don't get your logic.

If you have a beef with the fact that she has decided to back him so overtly, that's her choice. There area lot of folks with that kind of money who could back Fred Thompson, Milt Romney, or anyone else. People get to decide if they want to "throw their weight" behind a candidate and as long as no laws are being broken, where's the issue?

Throughout my life, I have heard many, many people say that ...
"Blacks need to stand up and take responsibility."
"Blacks need to stop asking for handouts."
"Blacks need to stop trying to beat the system and instead, follow the rules that apply to everyone else."

Here's a woman who's doing exactly that -- (and nary an anti-white word or sentiment has passed her lips in any of this) -- but now she's a Racist?

I simply don't get that.
DoItRight said:
Are you suggesting that because she supported Obama and they both happen to be Black, that automatically makes her a racist?

I feel this way because of her timing, her reason why she has decided to become involved in this point, the fact that Obama is both innocent and malleable and she probably has political ambitions, herself.

There have been lots of extremely liberal politicians running for various offices since she became a noted talk-show host. There have been numerous black celebrities on her show. She could even take a slightly throttled down position and work for Barbara Streisand's favorite candidate.

In the video, she describes her invovlement as "coming out of the pew." This implies that her conduct now will be pro-active, not tacit.

So what's Obama got that everyone else does not?

Frankly, he's an empty suit like Dr. Phil. It's a guise Oprah can buy and direct. It suits her whim to enter politics without really putting her brand to something. She's money without personal talent.

Anyone remember "The Color Purple" or any other huge dramatic venture she underwrote that fizzled like a dud rocket?

Obama is simply a viable stalking horse. He's tickled she likes him, he's easy pickings for her direction.

There's one thing these king-makers fail to understand. If Obama wins he will be greater than she is. As President, he is king. He will no longer need her as much as she needs him. It's a bitter realization the religious right learned in backing Republicans.

All that money, and they still have to eat at the kids' table.
Sir -- you're dreaming. :rolleyes:

A bunch of conjecture, guesswork, and theory -- none of it backed up with facts. (Innocent? Malleable? LOL!)

More importantly, none of it makes Oprah a racist.
DoItRight said:
More importantly, none of it makes Oprah a racist.

Fair enough. Then why here accelerated involvement now?

The joke used to be that Willie was the first 'black President.' If there was anyone who had a real chance at making a huge improvement for all African-Americans it was the Slickmeister. Why a unified movement then?

In fact, if I was to bet on a true and viable liberal candidate it would be Hillary.

If Oprah's intent to tell further the liberal cause, why not back Hillary?

To me, the answer is clear. Hillary might help in feminist causes, but at the end of the day she's still Caucasian.

If Obama gets in, there will be incredible pressure to aid his race. Let's face it, there was pressure to free OJ and most folks knew he was guilty.

What Oprah doesn't seem to get is that just because you contribute money doesn't mean you get to steer the ship. If she does realize this, then she might be vying for VP down the road.

Personally, I try to be reasonable, but when an issue strikes close to home your heart usually takes the lead.

For example, Sonny Barger did four years hard time on a trumped up RICO case. As an individual, he did nothing wrong that was ever proven, and he was eventually released.

But we all know why this happened. He was the sacrificial lamb for all bikers. He did time for me.

Now, the 'citizen' in me (if there is such a vile guise) understands that he was adjudicated by a jury of his peers. *cough* BS *cough*

But the jockey in me 'knows' it was a scam from the first. I cannot separate myself from the politics at hand.

I believe Oprah is doing the same. But that's a terrible thing to do in a contest in rule vs race.