Oprah/Obama VS Bill/Hillary


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Who says politics is boring. I am going to get a large bag of popcorn and watch this new show unfold.


On a serious note. Do you think this battle between Oprah/Obama team and the Bill/Hillary team will help or hurt Hillary's campaign? My thinking is it could hurt. Both teams will be so busy trying to sink each other that the other candidates will have a chance to address other issues. This struggle between Hillary & Obama will be entertaining, but do people want to vote for soap Opera stars?

From the link:
The Clinton campaign will put its star on stage the day before Oprah-Obama hits South Carolina when former President Bill Clinton makes campaign stops in Charleston on Saturday.

Notice now that Hillary is also pulling her Mother & Daughter into the act. (from another headline).
I believe that liberals who espouse political correctness and a strong leftist ideology are marching so tightly in lock-step that one is as good as another.

Hillary and Obama are good examples.

Just what would one do that the other wouldn't?

I believe each will raise taxes, create a monster of paperwork, expense and diminished services in health care, each will strip the Army down to a nub (creating a dangerous condition for those left in the field) and proffer one bill after another to blunt The Second.

In all seriousness, here's the way I would pick--if I was a leftist.

If I liked Oprah, I vote for Obama.

If I thought the Clinton malaise and Willie banging everything with a pulse was "the golden years," I'd vote in Hillary.
Here is one little fact that gets overlooked. Everyone that Bill Clinton has campaigned for since leaving office has lost. I only hope that Hillary keeps trotting out the former President.
Bill campaigned for Hillary for Senate, and she won.

Bill did not campaign for Gore, and he lost.

So I don't think you know what you are talking about.
If Hillary wins, I bet Oprah is one of the first to be audited by the IRS!

God has no wrath like a womans wrath. Just ask Bill.:D

Now if Bill just doesn't goggle some aide on the campaign trail all will be OK.:D

Seriously, this is interesting stuff. Maybe Edwards will sneak in while they are fighting.
Nobody knows,

But it's going to be very interesting.

You've got most gifted politician of his generation working for his wife who's... nowhere near as good at it as he is. The whole idea of Hillary's campaign was that people who have good memories of the Clinton presidency (most of the country, at least by polling)would see it as Clinton 2.0, and that the people who wouldn't vote for her because of her last name wouldn't vote for any Democrat, anyway. Slice it however you want, her husband is the biggest asset she's got.


Obama seems to have a lot of Bill's talents on his own. He gives the best speech (we're talking delivery, not content) of anybody running in either party. He's young, good-looking, charismatic. In some ways, he's 1992 Bill Clinton without Bill's zipper issues. He's had more of a learning curve in terms of how to campaign, but that appears to be over now. If he can lock up the "I'm-not-Hillary-Clinton" position, he'll likely win it all. Don't forget that Hillary is nowhere near as popular among Democratic partisans as she is among Republican pundits.

Now add in "The Oprah Factor." No hype here, folks. I can't think of anyone in broadcasting who comes anywhere near her in terms of the size of her audience and her influence with that audience. Granted, they're overwhelmingly female, but even I have watched the show sometimes. Her trip with Elie Wiesel to Auschwitz was astonishing. She's gotten deeper over the years. And, not least, she's enormously powerful in the corporate media boardrooms. No network whose affiliates buy her show is going to do anything to piss her off... Money talks. And, as we've seen with Fox News reporting American Idol results as if they were actual news, The Today Show doing "in depth" interviews with the casts of NBC shows, etc, etc... cross-promotion between the entertainment and news divisions is a fixture of modern TV journalism.

Expect to see a lot of positive stories about the "Oprabama" tour. Not because the networks really care whether Obama wins, but because giving happy coverage to Oprah lines their own pockets. Money talks, and nobody in television talks louder than Oprah Winfrey.

This struggle between Hillary & Obama will be entertaining, but do people want to vote for soap Opera stars?


"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public." -- HL Mencken

Apparently people like celebrity office holders.

California has had two movie star governors and Minnesota went for the t.v./wrestling star governor.

The entire country went with the movie star President for two consecutive terms.
I wonder if Edwards supporters will abandon ship and start picking which one to support; that'll be interesting. If it happens, anyway.
Sad as it is.

Sad as it is, America loves drama.
Look at the popularity of daytime talk shows, soap operas, reality TV, court shows, the list goes on and on.
America loves someone whose dirty laundry is tossed out into public for all to see.
Sad to live in a nation of the pre-pubescently minded, but on a large scale, we do.:(
Oprah is a veiled racist. For heaven's sake, it's patently obvious that the only reason she's pushing Obama is because he's black. The ONLY reason. There have been half a dozen democratic candidates say EXACTLY what Obama says but Oprah didn't give them free campaign help because they are white. With Oprah, principles take a partial back seat to RACE. If a republican candidate was black she'd probably ignore him/her though.

What is not veiled about Oprah is that she hates men (with carefully chosen exceptions). This is a woman who has wasted her life sitting in front of a camera nonstop, and making billions of dollars instead of making a family. Ironically, if you watch her show, she clearly views all of her viewers as children. When she's old and not able to "work," and when she's is a rest home, she'll have her $$ to make her happy. Whatta ya bet Steadman quietly owns a few guns? :eek::D

I just saw the video of Oprah addressing a crowd, saying she has finally "come out of the pew."

Now, there gets to a point where I don't know when to stop the debate, or dive right in. For example, some idiot or townie has virtually no idea how I live.

And while Oprah is one of the richest people in the world, perhaps she really does truly feel like a second-class citizen when she walks into a room with celebrities and dignitaries.

However, right from the git-go of her speech she begins to use that phoney-baloney accent in her voice, a cross between a Southern Baptist minister and a cock-eyed rendition of famous Dr. King snippets. She event mentions the "I have a dream" speech.

I have put off making this assertion. But her own discourse has become clear.

I believe that Oprah is a racist.

And what pains me in this decision is that she is simply worse than I am. I find that astounding. Granted, I am no fan of gangsta drug dealers, but 1/3 of my church is black. Some of the most sincere relationships I have is with our black church members--some of our white elders are clearly on an agenda.

I am befuddled on how a woman with so many resourses, exposure to a superior education, the broadening of world travel and the associations with all levels and strata of people (including world leaders) might actually be the same hateful racist as a night-rider.

And at my age, I am also shocked and a bit surprised that I did not see it coming.
This may be a dumb question, I know how I would answer it, but then again I am not rich and/or famous...

Is it ethically and or morally right for a person with such influence to make their choice known and help join the fight for them to gain office? I could care less if Oprah actually liked Obama's values, it doesnt matter to me, but for her to openly advertise for him and campaign for him just makes those middle-aged women who practically worship her just blindly vote for him. I know the race is always about endorsements, believe me I know, I don't choose my candidate based on their endorsements, but it always helps to know who aligns themselves with their values.
Tube ee wrote:
He gives the best speech (we're talking delivery, not content) of anybody running in either party. He's young, good-looking, charismatic

Who cares how well he speaks? Since when is the ability to speak well more important than what you speak ABOUT!? And why would age, looks, or charisma have ANYTHING to do with why someone should vote for someone?

What about using traits like strength of character, passionate, moral, honest, ect. to base your vote on?

Give me an ugly guy with a speech impairment, who truly does what is good for the country, and does what he says, over a well-spoken, good-looking guy who is trying to erode our basic rights ANY DAY!
What about using traits like strength of character, passionate, moral, honest, ect. to base your vote on?


I agree with you 100%, but I think those values are far from what the everday last minute voter looks for. Its sad to say, but in todays society noone really does any research anymore.

Does anyone know of any data supporting the fact that most Americans blindly vote for candidates on looks, speech ability, celebrity status, etc?
Oprah sucked up to George Bush in 2000.
My opinion of her opinion isn't high.

Obama is generating some serious negatives with Democratic activists. His stand on SSI is very unpopular. His recent attack of liberal columnist Paul Krugman over healthcare is just silly.
That being said, what the political cognoscenti care about isn't near as important as what people see on the television.
Oprah is enough to get Obama in the door in Iowa but it's going to be yesterdays news by New Hampshire. Obama has to do more than ride Oprah's popularity. At some point he's going to have to prove that there is some real difference between him and Clinton in a way that appeals to the rank and file.

There are many politics junkies that think the GOP would rather face Obama than Clinton. If that becomes accepted wisdom it will make it much harder for Obama to get or keep a lead.

If I was a Clinton activist (I'm not) I'd start wall papering the internet with pics of Oprah kissing George Bush.
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Who cares how well he speaks? Since when is the ability to speak well more important than what you speak ABOUT!? And why would age, looks, or charisma have ANYTHING to do with why someone should vote for someone?

Speaking ability can speak to general intelligence, which can in turn speak to critical thinking skills. In theory. But obviously it's not guaranteed, and intelligence doesn't necessarily mean much if every position they hold is diametrically opposed to yours. Still, all else being equal, I'll take the better speaker.

Age/looks/charisma, on the other hand, I'll agree are largely irrelevant. I guess charisma might be an asset in some aspects of the president's job (like foreign relations), but it'd probably be one of the last criteria to use in making a voting decision.

What about using traits like strength of character, passionate, moral, honest, ect. to base your vote on?

Well, often you don't know much about honesty until it's too late...and if somebody is honestly diametrically opposed to you on most issues it doesn't help much. As far as passionate and moral go, I'd say our current president is/was both...look where that got us. Strength of character? Has a lot of different meanings, often applied poorly.

But yes, assuming a candidate has an above-room-temperature IQ and isn't on the opposite end of the spectrum on issues that matter to me, I'd say all of these are probably things that should definitely be taken into consideration. I'd just be wary of applying them alone.

Though I'll agree that Obama is a vapid candidate that has no business being taken seriously as a possibility, whose campaign was running on "hope" and how has a high-profile celebrity endorsement....yay? There are candidates that I'd place below him from both parties, but not many.