Open Carry in Harrisonburg VA

In Tennesee, we can open carry by law but I choose not to. I do choose to have my weapon hidden from all so that I may protect myself, my family and other unprotected individuals from serious bodily harm.

For example, if I were to be in a place of business that was about to be robbed, I would not want the bad guy to see my open carry first as he entered his intended target. The robber would probally approach me from behind, shoot me in the head, take my weapon and then he would have two guns to proceed with his mission.

If I were a deer hunter, I would not run through the woods at daybreak with a cow bell tied around my neck. I want to surprise those critters.
ROgomay, that is precisely why I have decided to go with out of state permits.

Here in Delaware (Delawhere?) we have to put an ad in the paper stating that we are getting a permit and get six letters of reference.....
Perldog007, I know the point that you are making brother and I agree with you totally on out of state license. I suspect that some day soon, the anti gunners will push for all local governments to publish a monthly paper with all local CHL citizens.

I hate to think that every time I leave my house, I will have to don my reinforced steel pot and body armor :mad:.
I suspect that some day soon, the anti gunners will push for all local governments to publish a monthly paper with all local CHL citizens.

I am pretty sure that already has happened in Virginia when they first went shall issue. Think I was staying in D.C. at the time but also had diggs in occupied NOVA.

I did not bother to get mine until '98. Had bought my lady a cell phone so she would feel safer. She called me from the McD's at Van Dorn and Edsall (sp?) in Alexandria to see if I wanted any dinner. Some large youngsters walked up and said "B*tch, give me the phone before I put a hole in you". Another converted liberal she was and we both got licensed.

I don't think it's absolutely fatal, it's just that I would not walk into a store and loudly announce "Hey everybody I have a permit to carry a concealed handgun" and even though it ain't exactly the same thing, see no reason to advertise it in the paper or by getting letters of reference.
One thing I forgot to relate about open carry in Va. Back in '83 when I did armed security in NOVA my ride was a motorcycle. So to and from work I had that .38 on my hip.

Now people swear up and down they never saw the motorcycle after they run one over. Let me tell you, when I had that iron nobody cut me off, tailgated me, passed me in my lane - none of that nonsense.

And when they pulled up next to me at a light they had other things to look at and nothing to say about my "Jap Bike" . Funny how that works.