open carry black powder pistol detention legal or not ?

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The next time you feel like exercising your constitutional right to be stupid, don't do it with a firearm.

The police did nothing illegal, your rights were not violated, and you are lucky not to be in jail for disturbing the peace, legal carry or not.
Its fine to push the envelope and demand your rights,but dont be pis*ed

off when it goes bad.Walking through town with a weapon in your

hand?My reaction as an M.P. would have been to draw down on you with my M16 ,

praying that you do something stupid.After i had you on your belly spread

eagled,and made sure you didnt have any more weapons on you,i would

probably accidentally kick you in the bal*s during my search

This is perhaps the most disgraceful thing in this entire thread. A suposed LEO admitting to to doing illigal things, in order to prove his point. If the poster is being honest when he wrote this, he should be very ashamed. This is an insult to every honest, hard working LEO here.
And the anti-OC concealed carry only crowd say the same things about those of us who carry modern handguns in holsters on our belts.

And the anti-gun crowd say the same things about both the open carry crowd and the concealed carry crowd.
You're missing the point. The OP wasn't merely exercising a right. He apparently went out of his way to go to someone else's neighborhood and deliberately evoke a response by LEO and potentially cause harm to the open carry, pro-gun movement. Yet, police showed restraint and did not arrest him. They merely detained him for 15 minutes while checking him out. Then he comes to a public forum to bash the police. Thus, it's not about the movement, it's about him. That's narcissism to my way of thinking.
That's narcissism to my way of thinking.
He seems to be enjoying every minute of it as well. I did some searching, and I cannot find a gun forum to which he has not posted this.

It's interesting to see how the reactions vary from one group to the next. In any case, we've certainly indulged him, and looking at the whole situation, I feel as if I've been pulled into an elaborate practical joke.

If this was meant to be some postmodern participatory theater of the absurd, kwikrnu, well played. My hat's off.

(Please tell me that's what it really is.)
I guess if the cops didn't stop you in my neighbor hoop I'd be pretty upset. The neighbors see some corn nut walking down the street with a gun in his hand. I'd expect nothing less from them but to take your gun, search your pockets and run the gun to see if it is stolen. I'd enjoy watching as they hopefully, "accidently" dropped you on your head in hopes to knock some sense into you. "Ignorant cops" is what I would be saying if they didn't check you out...
heck, you can't even just walk around with a 'gun in your hand' at my gun club.....

think about it....

I think we got somebody who wants to be the Rosa Parks of the 2nd Amd.
"By that logic, anyone could be searched at ay time, because how are police to know if anyone has weapon in their pocket?"


Yeah, that's certainly the case. The courts have NEVER EVER ONCE IN OVER 200 YEARS drawn a distinction between what is visually observable and what is not.

That's why the police are, at this very moment, digging around under the seats of your car looking for hidden contraband.

Holy Farging Schnitz!

I've not read this for a couple of days, and in going through it just now I'm simply disgusted with some of you clowns.

First we have someone who claims to be a cop talking about gleefully assaulting restrained prisoners. You're a "credit" to your badge and profession, and are the reason so many people despise police. It's a pity that you bring that kind of playground bully boy attitude here to TFL. I suggest leaving it somewhere else next time.

Then we have multiple, and pretty incredible, flying face leaps of logic right into blank walls. That's gotta leave a mark.

And then we have all of the lovely little oh-so-close-to-the-line pejorative attacks.

Finally, we have the OP. You know, technically (and I mean VERY technically, as I would say that many of your initial claims about the gun and the law are open to wide interpretation) you may NOT have done anything illegal.

Intelligent? That's another question entirely.

But in my opinion, you deserve a swift kick in the ass for making all gun owners look like foaming nutcakes. Open carry in a holster is one thing, but walking around with the gun in your hand? I would call the police on you myself were I to see that in my neighborhood.

All of this boils down to this...

I'm pretty disgusted with a lot of you. And I'm pretty disgusted with this thread.

I'm closing the thread. Be glad that I don't close some of you. :mad:
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