Open Carry at Presidential Town Hall

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cute but...

I really doubt he was doing it to proclaim his 2nd Amendment rights. He was attempting to be a media hog and hoped to somehow get into the spotlight and benefit himself by doing so.

Looking at the video and those two groups of people yelling and screaming at each other truly makes me sad. The fact is people are being motivated by questionable means. I guess the people that run the country have come to the conclusion that people can no longer handle the truth. I am willing to bet that newspeak won't be too far off if this is not stopped. I get the feeling that this concept of lying to the masses was started by the Brady Campaign, yet I bet it goes back farther.
The guy came off as an attention hog. Think college age female walking around town in a bikini, but in a more modest, middle aged male sort of way.

If you want to really be active about your rights, thats awesome, but make sure thats the priority instead of your own ego.
Hkmp5sd said:
My problem is I remember what happened in Florida back in 1987. When Florida's new "Shall Issue" CCW law came into effect, there was no provision for open carry, so technically it was legal.

I remember this and was in FL at the time in grad school. However, wasn't the issue that the law allowed open carry without a permit thru some laegal wording loophole? I think that was the issue as I remember it and so lots of folk were walking around a' la Duke Wayne strapped. I recall a sing posted at Publix that stated "Please leave your guns outside". It was funny to me at the time but I neverthought to carry about for the several months it was in place. Can you open carry in FL today if you have a CCW Permit? You can in TN.

I know chris (guy with the rifle). Good guy. Very active with the Libertarian crowd. The guy interviewing him is Ernie Hancock of Freedom's Phoenix and is extremely politically active here in town.

Two very upstanding gentlemen out protecting our rights today.
This is Outstanding ! :D

Just as I predicted in the other "man with a gun" thread, people are beginning to catch on to the idea that it is a good thing to remind our representatives from time to time that we still hold the wheel.

I will also predict that we will see more of this type of activism ! True patriots.
wasn't the issue that the law allowed open carry without a permit thru some laegal wording loophole? I think that was the issue as I remember it and so lots of folk were walking around a' la Duke Wayne strapped.

Yep, that is what happened. As a result, the state banned open carry across the board. Doesn't matter what license you have. If most of these folks hadn't went off the deep end and carried everywhere ("The law says I can carry my gun and I'm gonna carry my gun!"), we may have come up with some type of open carry law.
Pro or looks like it is catching on.....

Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest

Aug 17 05:44 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writers

PHOENIX (AP) - About a dozen people carrying guns, including one with a military-style rifle, milled among protesters outside the convention center where President Barack Obama was giving a speech Monday—the latest incidents in which protesters have openly displayed firearms near the president.

Gun-rights advocates say they're exercising their constitutional right to bear arms and protest, while those who argue for more gun control say it could be a disaster waiting to happen.

Phoenix police said the gun-toters at Monday's event, including the man carrying an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle slung over his shoulder, didn't need permits. No crimes were committed, and no one was arrested.

The man with the rifle declined to be identified but told The Arizona Republic that he was carrying the assault weapon because he could. "In Arizona, I still have some freedoms," he said.

Phoenix police Detective J. Oliver, who was monitoring the man at the downtown protest, said police also wanted to make sure no one decided to harm him.

"Just by his presence and people seeing the rifle and people knowing the president was in town, it sparked a lot of emotions," Oliver said. "We were keeping peace on both ends."
I've declined to further comment in this thread because I don't want to edge it towards demise.

I will say this; I have been swayed a certain degree. I'd even say a healthy degree.

And while I haven't been active in the conversation since my last post, I will say that I greatly appreciate the conversation and this particular conversation has even further grown my respect of this community.

- Joshua
"Sir, why are you open carrying an assault rifle?"

"Because it won't fit in my pants"

Is that an AR-15 or are you just glad to see me?

Sorry I....just couldn't resist. :D

And does anyone besides me find this little quote amusing? to wit;

Phoenix police Detective J. Oliver, who was monitoring the man at the downtown protest, said police also wanted to make sure no one decided to harm him.

A brilliant move on our part to expand on this would be to send a large group of pro 2A folks who happen to be from both sides of the health care debate, all armed to the teeth, and show the world how armed citizens can have a peaceful disagreement on one issue, and be absolutely unified on another. Now there's a real civil right demonstration for ya'. Think we'd make the news?
A brilliant move on our part to expand on this would be to send a large group of pro 2A folks who happen to be from both sides of the health care debate, all armed to the teeth, and show the world how armed citizens can have a peaceful disagreement on one issue, and be absolutely unified on another. Now there's a real civil right demonstration for ya'. Think we'd make the news?

I agree with this whole-heartedly. I'd have to travel across state lines though. Can't be armed at any kind of demonstration even though I'm in an OC friendly (in relative terms) state. Of course I also live in a state that says the local authorities can strip you of the right to be armed during a state of declared emergency (when we would need it the most... hellooo???).

I'll drive to VA or SC if someone will organize it though :D

EDIT: I HAVE to add something. I honestly believe that if a few more of these instances pop up, then we will be dealing the Antis a HUGE HUGE blow. That is barring the bizarre instance that someone was involved in a SD shooting, but hopefully that won't be an issue. Then again, I think before it really got to that point, the media would no longer report it as it wouldn't be with their agenda.
A brilliant move on our part to expand on this would be to send a large group of pro 2A folks who happen to be from both sides of the health care debate, all armed to the teeth, and show the world how armed citizens can have a peaceful disagreement on one issue, and be absolutely unified on another.

I'm with that! Maybe they can be sitting in tanks or Apache helicopters or something, maybe with artillery behind them and a minigun to the side. We'll have a moderator sitting on a Hydrogen Bomb! ;)
I'm with that! Maybe they can be sitting in tanks or Apache helicopters or something, maybe with artillery behind them and a minigun to the side. We'll have a moderator sitting on a Hydrogen Bomb!

You don't mean that, you incorrigible rascal.
A brilliant move on our part to expand on this would be to send a large group of pro 2A folks who happen to be from both sides of the health care debate, all armed to the teeth, and show the world how armed citizens can have a peaceful disagreement on one issue, and be absolutely unified on another. Now there's a real civil right demonstration for ya'. Think we'd make the news?

Seriously? A "brilliant move"? The Black Panthers thought they were being brilliant by using open-carry laws to introduce weapons into political debate. Strangely, this brilliant move horrified the public. Governor Ronald Reagan agreed with the public and signed gun control into law, ending open carry.


From the beginning the Black Panther Party's focus on militancy came with a reputation for violence. They often took advantage of a California law which permitted carrying a loaded rifle or shotgun as long as it was publicly displayed and pointed at no one.[42] Carrying weapons openly and making threats against police officers, for example, chants like "The Revolution has co-ome, it's time to pick up the gu-un. Off the pigs!",[43] helped create the Panthers' reputation as a violent organization. The greater part of the reputation was earned in particular incidents such as the following.

On May 2, 1967, the California State Assembly Committee on Criminal Procedure was scheduled to convene to discuss what was known as the "Mulford Act", which would ban public displays of loaded firearms. Cleaver and Newton put together a plan to send a group of about 30 Panthers led by Seale from Oakland to Sacramento to protest the bill. The group entered the assembly carrying their weapons, an incident which was widely publicized, and which prompted police to arrest Seale and five others. The group pled guilty to misdemeanor charges of disrupting a legislative session.[45]

Americans will not stand for intimidating displays of weapons being part of public political dialogue. Americans can be kind of democracy-loving that way.

If this trend continues, open carry will end.
Americans will not stand for intimidating displays of weapons being part of public political dialogue.
I would never suggest an intimidating display. The goal would be to show peaceful, law abiding folks, who happen to be armed, having a calm dialog.

The Black panthers were all about intimidation, as they were last year when a couple of them showed up with clubs at the voting precinct in Philly. (I think it was Philly)

We do need to be careful here. Any armed demonstrations should be organized and carefully orchestrated and staged to achieve the intended goal.
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