Oops! Safety first when hunting (warning - graphic photos)

Ive got a question? in the second photo it shows the broadhead flush with skull
in photo 3 it shows it half ! Ok in photo 3 the point is 3/8 to 1/2 inch into brain side. ok if you look at 2 again and it was flush the point would now be 1" - 1 1/2 into brain? how could that be? he must have brain damage?
@ dgc940

There are several things to consider here:

1) The scalp is quite thick, a lot thicker than you might think. The victim looks to be quite a 'chunky' fellow too. You have to add that tissue thickness to the bone you see in photograph 3.
2) There may have been an attempt to 'pull' the arrow. This may have displaced it a little. It makes sense that if a pull was attempted, it would be attempted only once the patient was in a controlled environment. This would mean that the pull would be attempted after photograph 2 was taken.
3) Alternatively they may have not tried to pull the arrow, and waited until they had the bone flap out. They may then have attempted the pull and it may have not been entirely successful but the photograph (number 3) was taken anyway.

I know that when they do neurosurgey to extract tumours etc they can keep a removed bone flap for reimplantation later. What they usually do is send the bone flap for sterilization like a surgical instrument. Whether they did that with this patient I don't know. But it might have been done as a sort of debridement otherwise they would need to give the guy an artificial plate of sorts.
maybe they left the hole and put a metal plate. Not unlike the metal plate that must be in the head of his buddy that shot him.
I agree with wild bill ........any decent bow whould have been a pass thru.
Walmart broadheads anyway. A muzzy would have finished the job.
As he left the woods that day, only one thing stuck in his mind...

Odd Job you da man. It's guys like you and Art that keep me coming back, great info.