Oops! Safety first when hunting (warning - graphic photos)


Wow. This dude's hard head came in real handy - he's lucky to be alive. Note to self: Don't hunt with this guy's buddy.


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Holy CRAP!!! That guy us lucky to be alive. How the hell does that happen by accident? If I were the responding officer, I would arrest the guy for attempted murder. How come the doctors couldn't just yank out the arrow rather than cutting a chunk of his skull out?
yeah, that guy needed an arrow like he needed a hole in his head...his friend should step up and offer a chunk of his skull to make up for it. tis only fair. chunk for a chunk
Whew... Just think, a couple inches lower and he'd have been introuble!

(I think removing the chunk of skull was to limit the damage of removing the point - also why they cut it off instead of simply unscrewing it. Less stress to the damaged areas.)
I figure the only reason he is still alive, is he was shot with a wimp bow, or shot from so far away, the arrow had run out of gas.

Best thing I can say to him , is he better be glad he was shot with his buddies bow, and not mine.
I think WBB might be on to something. It must have been at an extremely long distance or a riccochet. My bow would blow through his head like a paper bag at 80+ yards.

That feller there should go by "lucky' from now on......
Damn that's worse than I expected to see! That's gotta hurt. Real lucky to survive. Either had to be from a distance or not a full draw though. Wonder about brain damage/personallity changes resulting from the injury.
The guy looks like he has a cut on the top left shoulder and one on the side of his head. What did he do? get in a fight with the shooter before he was shot.

The shooter must have been a long ways a way. At close range the arrow would have went through his head:eek:

Got a link to what happened? Just have to many questions.
How come the doctors couldn't just yank out the arrow rather than cutting a chunk of his skull out?
They have to make a hole to let the blood out and to give them room to cauterize the bleeding inside the head. Otherwise the pressure would build up and kill him.

Wonder about brain damage/personallity changes resulting from the injury.
That part of the brain controls the visual fields. Imagine a computer screen with an area of blacked out pixels and that's what you get.
Yeah, but it looks like he was pretty much center-punched. We can still hope the arrow and side effects didn't do much major damage to either lobe. At least it was high enough to miss the brainstem and hindbrain.
Correct me if I am mistaken but in the first pic the arrow where it has entered is like beige color where as in the second pic it is dark green. Also the diameter in the second pic looks larger then that in the first. I don't know if you can trust anything off the web these days especially off rotten.com. I would assume that this is a hoax.


Beretta SPII
Miroku 9000
I think TG is right about being a hoax, but pictures like this should serve as a reminder to all of us (Hoax or not) to be careful while hunting.
I also would not put to much store in anything I pull from the net, but all info entered into the forum will generally serve a purpose under the right circumstances.

People who post here are generally not doing it to be malicious.
Yeah, I'm just passing along pics from an email I received. But I'm starting to believe the hoax idea. In any event, as WBB said, a lesson can be learned.
If you want some additional reminders without the graphic images, check the site below. They have hunting "accident" data from the early 90s to 2004. I think the earlier stuff is better reported than the later stuff.


It scares me to think that there are people out there who are breathing my, MY air, but not using it to oxygenate their brains. There are usually 1-4 incidents of folks getting shot while using a loaded pistol, rifle, or shotgun as a hammer or club.

I don't know if the images here are a hoax or not as I could not verify anything any them with several searches. In looking at each, the only inconsistency I see is that in the first pic the arrow is embedded in the back of the head deep enough that the rear of the arrowhead's vanes can just be discerned. In the last image, the arrow obviously isn't shown embedded that deep. Of course, that doesn't mean it wasn't that deep. The two parts together may have been reassembled and not returned to the orignal position. Note that the bone shown with the arrow tip is cranial bone and based on what I can see of it, it is about as thick as it should be for human cranial bone and the irregular interior surface is about what you would expect of the occipital's interior surface.

The only real problem I see where something just looks wrong is in the second image. The shot guy appears to be prostrate, head anchored into position to keep it steady, and breathing tubes going to his face that we can't see. What does not look right in that image is that I can't think of a single hospital that uses stained wood furniture as an operating table, not in the US anyway.

Do check the IHEA site. It has interesting stuff.
I don't think those images are a hoax. Image number two is with the patient prone on a neuro operating table. The clamp can be seen on the right (patient's left) and the ventilator tubing running on the floor underneath him. This would be after the anaesthetic but before the scrub. There is even the shoulder tape that they use to secure the guy to the table and get the shoulders down. A hoaxer wouldn't know this and he wouldn't have access to the operating room equipment like that.

I looked this up a bit more and I found a report on this incident:


They say he was shot by his brother, and the release was not complete. That's why the penetration was not so deep.