One Species

"Dall Sheep


The high mountain hunts are my favorite and they taste better than anything I've ever had."

Oops, I forgot 1/2 the answer... I'd be using my Tikka T3 Lite in 30-06
a7mmnut posted,
Whitetail. I'm getting lazy in my older years!

That is why I will pick Ruffed Grouse (Thunder Chicken's) for me, and this is an easy game bird to hunt with the youngsters.
+1 to bow hunting elk.

My success rate is 0, but that is the best hunt all year for me. And someday one will be stupid enough for even me to tag...:D
ELK.........99% of the time there is nothing easy about hunting them :mad: but the payoff is great and I enjoy the fact you have to really hunt them, they are smart. Mule deer and Proghorn tie for second place, but Elk are the top for me.
My one species would be elk, although it would be closely followed by antelope. The elk hunt is more of a hunt to me, and requires more prep and effort to be successfull, and I think if I could do only one, it would be more rewarding than the other hunts I do.
My vote is hogs as well. Can hunt them year round, no limit, and if you want to, hunt them at night.

Deer hunting is a very, very, very close second, though.;)
I think if we had hogs in my area my choice might be different. I'm going to have to go hunt some, it sounds like it's a blast..........How well do they tolerate cold weather? Like 10 degrees F and snow, just curious?
Cornbush, Given food and water available they can live ANYWHERE... They are in 40 of the 50 states now. We farmed "pink pigs" as a kid in an unheated Michigan barn and we did lose a few piglets if they didn't get under the heat lamp when born but even after just a week or 2 they could easily handle 0* temps. Wild hogs have a rather thick coat of hair compared to barnyard swine.
You can actually grab a fist full of hair to hold them down.:eek: Anytime you end up stuck in the southeast we can get you on a hog doggin' hunt...;)
From a hunting stand point I would love to have some here. But I don't want the crop depredation on the farmers who would pay the price for it. If I ever head that way I'll get ahold of ya, sounds like an absolute riot.:)