one shot stops

I'm not advocating "full auto" fire (worthless unless very close-and who carries a Glock 18 anyway?)or even blindly shooting everything you got into a bad guy. I just think that routine practice "double tap-assess" leads to a lessened fighting capability.

If you are faced with multiple BG's (God help you), it would be crazy to double or "full auto" each, because while you are spending that time one one, his buddy is lighting you up.

Obviously, this is a worst case, avoidance and flight being the smarter course.

Train tactically; singles, doubles, triples, failure drills, move, one hand, weak hand, etc., etc. Double taps are fine, but they are just one tool in your toolbox.
I remember a story about the a British SAS
commando fella who had emptied his whole
MP-5's magazine into a terrorist during
the raid at the embassy. The newsmedia
were criticizing the SAS fella for being so
cruel and inhumane for shooting a fellow
human being with so much bullets. I wonder in the future if it's going to be a ban on one-shot-to-the-head in any civilian shooting situation, like the ban on the evil bullet named 'Black Talon.'
I only get one shot? Then it would probably be with 00 buck. In reality, multiple shots with 9mm is my choice. Drawing chuckles, I'm sure from the .40 and .45 afficionados, but I'd never trust my life to a single shot, and with the 9mm, I can follow the first one with well-controlled, quickly-fired, and accurate follow-ups--something I can't do with a .45

SIGPRO: the funny thing about Black Talon is that my local news folks always called them "cop killers." Gotta' love a well-informed media...
SIGPRO, Common misperception. Black Talons were never banned. Winchester voluntarily withdrew them in '94 or '95 cause of adverse publicity. Fortunately, I bought a bunch before they became scare and super-expensive. Law enforcement can buy the same thing, Winchester just renamed them. My department supplies them and other premium brands (Speer Gold Dot, Federal Hydra-Shok, PMC Starfire, Remington Golden Jacket). Some of the guys purchase Cor Bon.