One-shot stop data

Gabe you sure got my attention! Wow! I sure was enlightened!

What is obvious to me Gabe, is that you assume a lot. You know what that means don’t you? Why are you trying turn you and me into a small quadraped? :eek:

Gabe you mistake recognizing the futility of continuing an argument with someone you have decided no longer has anything pertinent to say for failing to keep an open mind. :(

Throughout history a great many people in all fields of interest have spent years privately studying a subject and also reading the work of others studying the same subject, and yet never once spoken to or met them. This does not invalidate the validity of their opinions. If and when one of these individuals eventually does come out of the shadows to discuss his opinions, the well known stuffed shirts almost always attempt to discredit them with the fact that nobody ever heard of them before. Are you one of those stuffed shirts? Pardon me if I am not in your social and professional circle, it is a big subject of study after all. I never claimed to be a leading, active, and published authority on terminal ballistics or to socialize with those that are. I only stated my opinion and reasons for it based on my experience and study of the subject. Something by the way you have not. :confused:

Your comments about M&S are nothing new to me. For almost forty years, I have observed everybody being discredited by everybody. So what is your point? You telling me you are a member of the true church and I am not? Do you think similar dogmatic opinions and “scientific research” wasn’t expressed and claimed forty years ago? :barf:

That is an impressive list of competitive and political/social organization initials you have after your name. Some of which I could also list and some I could not. I am also sure I could list some initials of organizations where we did more that play with and debate firearms that you would not be able to list. From the tone of your post you must have almost forty years of experience too. However, until you dive head first into the debate as I did, prepared to face ridicule, for all I know you have one year of experience repeated forty times. You know I once met an expert Astrologer with decades of experience and not once did I think that made his opinions on human motivations valid. I wonder, are you one of the most recognizable authorities in the world on some aspect of firearms? Are you a peripheral hanger-on to someone who is? Show me your stuff Gabe; impress me that you are worthy of friendly debate. So far all you have shown me is you can be condescending and insultingly imply with no substantiation I have an invalid opinion. I am eager to learn from a master terminal ballistician, but not a master BSer. Have a nice day :)!

"I sure do find TFL entertaining!"

"In a world devoid of semiautomatics, a properly set-up Webley is the ultimate full-size self-defense handgun."
These threads kill me. Talk to your local ME. Autopsies will make it real clear, real fast, that it is often difficult to tell the difference between a bullet wound and a puncture wound- because the mechanism of injury is the same. Absent a recovered bullet, the vast majority of these folks will refuse to speculate whether a handgun GSW was a .32 or .45; whether it was ball, or hollow-point.

Handgun terminal effect is a result of knocking holes through things that we need to to keep intact, in order to stay conscious, upright, alive and relatively content with that condition. Where you locate that hole is problem number one; making sure that it gets through the things that need peforated, is problem number two.

If our bullet expands some while accomplishing this, all well and good- but a coroner (who does this stuff for a living) will probably never be able to tell the difference.
Gabe you mistake recognizing the futility of continuing an argument with someone you have decided no longer has anything pertinent to say for failing to keep an open mind.
If you say so, my mistake.

To be clear, the 'field they have no business in' comment (if that's what you took such offense to) was directed not at you, Webley, but to make the distinction that when you observe the debate between people in the field on the forum I refered to (and debates linked off those threads) it is clear who has their ducks in a row and who does not (Marshall, etc. are 'in the field', you and I are not - as far as I can tell). I brought it up because you are in this thread debating the subject (I've typed all the debate on this I'm going to type - you can search these forums if you want my opinion in more detail), it reached an impasse so I'm offering up a new source. That source in particular because I was an M&S believer until I was exposed to the real-time debate there. If you're looking to see the tenets of each 'camp' taken apart bit by bit and owe it to yourself to spend some time there. There isn't anything I'm going to offer (or you for that matter) that hasn't been through the wringer there, and by those much more knowledgeable and involved in the real science than anyone here.

You've stated that you have seen all there is to see and have the full story on this, so I offered up a source you might be interested in. You're not interested, that's fine, and evidence that my 'closed mind' characterization is closer to the money than you admit. To be honest, I post in these 'over and over again' threads more for the many who read these threads than for any single person involved. The back-and-forth of it re: ammunition selection got old a long time ago. I just like to make sure that people stopping by and seeing only this thread on the subject, who many be new to guns or looking to choose personal defense ammunition are aware of what I feel is an important and substantial debate on the subject - as opposed to the superficial arguing you find other places...say, about battleships or something. ;)
You telling me you are a member of the true church and I am not?
No church membership implied, Webley. I think you're wrong and I'm right, but that's as religious as this gets for me. Exposure to new information will sway me from one 'camp' to the other in a heartbeat. I have no dogmatic affiliation to any of this. The fact that so many people do is just baffling.
Some of which I could also list and some I could not.
Those links are there for people to click on, not as some sort of resume.

I'll ignore the personal insults and aspersions and leave it with: read Gary Roberts, et al debating at that forum. If you're interested in this subject (anyone, not you specifically, Webley) it's worth the time.

- Gabe
Gabe, you are ok by me.

I can't get too offended by computer forum comments, everybody has a tendency to let it all hang out. It is harmless.

I am more open-minded than you think. My conservative republican friends sometimes think I'm a socialist and my liberal democrat friends sometimes think I'm a fascist. Yet I remain friends with both groups.

My apologies if my mediocre communication skills have created the perception I swallowed M&S hook, line and sinker. I am to old and cynical for that. When I was young, I slavishly adhered to the dogma of the Cooperites until I realized the "Guru" has feet of clay. Because of that I don't whole heartedly accept any of the "experts" dogmas. Please believe I am familiar with just about all the dogma from Cooper's to Fackler's to Sanow's and a lot of other names from C to S in the alphabet. What it has led me to believe is that a good light fast bullet is comparable to a good heavy slow bullet for self-defense against humans. I don't think the questions addressed in the "Great Stopping Power Debate" will ever be conclusively resolved. It is just short of the futility of debating how many angels can dance on a pin head. If it wasn't so fun to ocassionaly stir things up by engaging in it, I would never make comment. I find most of the "experts" to be to zealous for me to want to socialize with them. The debate will only end when hand-held projectile weapons are a distant memory. Sure wish I had a phaser.

Please forgive any offense my previous sharp reply inflicted. I was just reflecting what I percieved you to be shining on me.

"In a world devoid of semiautomatics, a properly set-up Webley is the ultimate full-size self-defense handgun".
And with that most gentlemanly and appreciated comment, we return you to your regularly scheduled Stopping Power debate...or not as the case may be. ;)

- Gabe
The correct analogy would be to compare a 5" destroyer gun to a 16" battleship gun. M&S claim that the 5" gun (.40 S&W) is essentially equivalent to a 16" battleship gun (12ga slug). This is extremely silly on the face of it.
That's not silly at all. We are talking about shooting homo sapiens sapiens (mondern mankind). Whether you hit one of this species with a 5" destroyer gun or a 16" battleship gun or a Saturn V Rocket wouldn't make and difference. Overkill is overkill. And stopping power is ... got it? ;)

There is one-shot-stop data I rely on: Our Austrian Police shoots some three to five people each year. At least that's what I hear of. In each of these cases one shot from a 9x19mm Glock 17 with a 115gr bullet center mass was effective stopping drugged knive wielding maniacs, one guy in a 500hp car driving amok and last month one guy breaking through a police road block: One shot fired: Glock 17, 9x19mm, 115gr, went through the car's door into the pelvis of the maniac. Maniac stopped. In coma ever since.
(Try shooting though a car door with a .45 - oooups did I say something wrong? ;) )

By the way: I can't remember anyone being shot by our police with that amo and gun having survived at all. The last guy I remember going on living died in the hospital after a few days. Never woke up
Source: FBI, 2004.


In many of the classic, albeit simplistic, cowboy movies from the early days of the American film industry, the stereotypical “good guys” wore white hats, whereas the “bad guys” donned black ones. After meeting in the middle of a dirt street in some small town, two shots would ring out. The bad guy’s bullet always missed, but the one from the hero in the white hat inevitably found its mark and freed the town of the criminal threat. With one shot from the good guy’s gun, the bad guy immediately dropped to the ground and became completely incapacitated.

In today’s films and television programs, Hollywood has varied not only the clothing of the actors but also their standards and demeanor, both the good guys and the bad guys. It now has become difficult to distinguish the protagonist from the antagonist. Unfortunately, however, this increased realism has not always carried over to the portrayal of gun battles. Many current shooting scenes continue to display unrealistic reactions and underlying expectations regarding ballistic effects. For example, one shot from a handgun often lifts the wounded person 2 feet off the ground and causes immediate incapacitation.

Even knowing that these are movies and television programs, some in the law enforcement community still expect one-shot drops in real-life shootings. In fact, few actual instances end this way.

Realistic and regular law enforcement training must counterbalance and mentally and emotionally override the fallacy of the one-shot drop still promoted by some media. Short of disrupting the brain or severing the upper spinal column, immediate incapacitation does not occur.3 Therefore, the threat remains to the officer. Yet, implicit in the media presentations of law enforcement encounters is the belief that with the “proper handgun” and the “proper ammunition,” officers will inflict immediate incapacitation if they shoot offenders anywhere in the torso. Varied and multiple real-life law enforcement experiences contradict this false and dangerous belief.

Actual Shootings

In the authors’ ongoing study of violence against law enforcement officers, they have examined several cases where officers used large-caliber hand guns with limited effect displayed by the offenders. In one case, the subject attacked the officer with a knife. The officer shot the individual four times in the chest; then, his weapon malfunctioned. The offender continued to walk toward the officer. After the officer cleared his weapon, he fired again and struck the subject in the chest. Only then did the offender drop the knife. This individual was hit five times with 230-grain, .45-caliber hollow-point ammunition and never fell to the ground. The offender later stated, “The wounds felt like bee stings.”

In another case, officers fired six .40-caliber, hollow-point rounds at a subject who pointed a gun at them. Each of the six rounds hit the individual with no visible effect. The seventh round severed his spinal cord, and the offender fell to the ground, dropping his weapon. This entire firefight was captured by several officers’ in-car video cameras.

In a final case, the subject shot the victim officer in the chest with a handgun and fled. The officer, wearing a bullet-resistant vest, returned gunfire. The officer’s partner observed the incident and also fired at the offender. Subsequent investigation determined that the individual was hit 13 times and, yet, ran several blocks to a gang member’s house. He later said, “I was so scared by all those shots; it sounded like the Fourth of July.” Again, according to the subject, his wounds “only started to hurt when I woke up in the hospital.” The officers had used 9-millimeter, department-issued ammunition. The surviving officers re ported that they felt vulnerable.

They wondered if they had done some thing wrong that caused their injury or placed them in the proximity of physical danger. They also wondered if they would react differently if faced with a similar situation.

Practical Expectations

Social science discloses that if people expect to see something, they well may see it. For ex ample, in basic psychology courses, instructors generally include the perceptual set theory, which shows students a picture. Although exactly the same picture, it appears to some as an old woman, whereas others see a young woman. People often see what they expect to see. This explains why so many sightings of the Loch Ness “monster” turn out to be floating logs.

Officers’ expectations of how they will respond when shot significantly affect their reactions to these situations. Development of advanced, practical expectations may be influenced best by clarifying misconceptions and imparting new knowledge during purpose-driven training concerning the topic. Absent a clear, purposeful understanding of the session’s training objectives, little influential and practical learning can occur. Further, lack of purposeful training may prove detrimental to an officer’s practical expectations, psychological preparation, and capabilities when employing complex tasks in response to the significant stressors of a life-threatening, critical incident.

Humans are largely differentiated from animals through their miraculous ability to develop skills and abilities to perform multiple, complex tasks simultaneously through repetitive practice. By necessity of minimizing risk to themselves and others, officers effectively learn many firearm-use procedures and tactics through a progressive building-block process. Herein, initial exposure is given to learning gross and fine motor skills. Some conscious behaviors develop into subconscious ones. Officers progressively hone skills to a reasonable level of mastery, then apply them under shorter time constraints during which they must incorporate and maintain mental processes of assessing their surroundings and changing conditions. Trainers need to remain cognizant of the role that repetition plays in the mental processes reinforced during training scenarios and courses of fire. From learners’ perspectives, ideal firearms and tactics training objectives should embrace an achievable notion that they will learn “something new” about their personal performances, skill levels, and capabilities with their equipment each time they receive training.


To better grasp the scope and gravity of the myth of the one-shot drop, the authors provide an over view of felonious, line-of-duty law enforcement officer deaths. From 1993 to 2002, 636 officers were feloniously killed in the line of duty.4 Offenders used handguns, ranging from .22 to .50 caliber, to kill 443 of the officers.5 Forty-five of these victims were slain with their own weapons.

Fifty-six of the 443 officers (12.6 percent) were killed by small-caliber weapons that fire lightweight bullets at low velocity and included .22, .25, and .32 calibers. Undoubtedly, no officer would consider any of these firearms as a primary weapon of choice, and no records indicated that agencies issued any of these to their uniformed patrol officers.

Concerning the 45 officers killed with their own weapons, 3 were slain with small-caliber rounds from backup/off-duty weapons they carried, either .22 or .25 caliber. Twenty-five officers (56 percent) were killed with their 9-millimeter or .40 caliber service weapons, common to law enforcement during the time period examined. The remaining 17 officers were slain with other weapons, including .38 caliber, .357 magnum, 10 millimeter, .44 magnum, and .45 caliber.

In two previous studies on violence against law enforcement officers conducted by the authors, offenders stated their reason for selecting a particular firearm as availability, 41 per cent in the first study and 68 percent in the second.6 These offenders did not care about bullet weight or velocity. The majority of the offenders in both studies had been involved in prior shootings before assaulting or killing the officers. Their major concern was being “fast on the trigger” and delivering the bullet to its intended target. One stated, “There’s no time to sight up the gun. If you hesitate, you’re dead.”

Because of the time needed for adjudicating these offenses, the most recent disposition data available for offenders involved in line-of-duty law enforcement officer felonious deaths are for the 10 years 1991 to 2000.7 Of the 665 persons charged with killing a law enforcement officer for this time period, only 9 remained fugitives. The majority (464) of these individuals were arrested and convicted of murder. The victim officers justifiably killed only 23 of their attackers. Other officers responding to the scene killed an additional 78 offenders. Sixty-two of the perpetrators committed suicide after killing the officer. In their ongoing research, the authors are examining if any of these incidents could have started as an officer-assisted suicide or, more commonly, suicide by cop.


A firm understanding of what an officer possibly may expect if shot or severely injured during a violent confrontation with an adversary remains crucial. This includes heightening an officer’s aware ness about establishing a survival mind-set and practical measures to combat reactions to extreme stress concerning natural physiological, psychological, and emotional responses that occur in normal people during abnormal situations. Such training is imperative in conquering survival versus succumbing to an otherwise treatable, recoverable injury.

Survival Training

Effective survival training should provide a clear under standing of how authorized weapons and ammunition likely will perform under varying conditions to 1) strengthen officer confidence in personal skills with equipment and 2) prepare officers to efficiently and quickly incapacitate/control a threat against life. First and foremost, officers should possess a working knowledge about terminal ballistic performance of bullets when fired through intervening obstacles that they, by necessity, may have to shoot through and penetrate to incapacitate a violent adversary. Some common intervening obstacles encountered in law enforcement shootings can include heavy clothing; building materials, such as wood and drywall; automobile windshield glass; and sheet metal used in vehicle doors. Such obstacles may alter terminal projectile performance (i.e., the medium may plug or close the hollow point of a bullet, making it perform as a ball round or become deformed and, thus, limit penetration).

Officers also should know about ammunition performance at different, reasonable distances. Such training promotes greater understanding of agency policy when applied to different situations encountered in daily work experiences (i.e., when it is reasonable to shoot, not shoot, or seek alternate methods of self-preservation). Agencies using firearm ranges of 25 yards or fewer may consider options of periodically shooting at reduced-size targets, simulating a longer-distance handgun shot.

Finally, officers should possess a basic understanding of the human anatomy and related system functions from a three-dimensional perspective. Training should visually convey the placement and vulnerabilities of the cardiovascular system (heart, lungs, and blood-bearing organs) and the central nervous system (brain and upper spinal column). Knowledge of how these human systems likely will respond to low-velocity projectiles, such as from most hand guns, and high-velocity ones, such as from high-powered rifles, will augment officer awareness that reactions to being shot may not occur immediately. Perhaps more important, this information can help prevent officers from forming a false assumption or preconceived expectation that the adversary will be rendered immediately harmless following a well-placed shot from their firearm.

Firearms Training

Well-rounded firearms training programs should include instruction and courses of fire emphasizing fundamentals of marksmanship and position shooting. However, from a survival aspect, additional training points require consideration. Examples include alternate courses of fire that possess phases unfamiliar to the officer, as well as a preset number of fired rounds, such as routinely employed in qualification courses and largely gathered for the purpose of establishing a “standard” of proficiency if needed in litigation. Alternate courses of fire (e.g., specialized combat courses), by design, should reinforce desirable behaviors and thought processes. Combat courses should necessitate officers shooting until they incapacitate the threat (target) or the threat ceases. This can help prevent, rather than encourage, psychological reinforcement and presumption that the threat will desist after firing a given number of rounds. If lethal force is warranted and appropriate under the circumstances, the officer must shoot until the threat ceases. Use of cardboard or paper targets, although economical, inherently forces personnel to perceive bullet impacts on a single plane of reference with out dimension—much different from a human simulation with dimension and placement of organs/skeletal structure of a body. An occasional mix of training on a three-dimensional target, such as clothed mannequins, preformed targets, and other devices limited only by imagination, may better demonstrate and encourage personnel to exercise critical-thinking skills for delivering optimal shot placement and effective ness. An example is a shooting scenario requiring accurate shot placement on a three-dimensional target at an adverse angle substantially different from the usual 90-degree target placement in many training scenarios due to range design, safety, and economy of training resource time.

Economical, three-dimensional reaction targets made of cardboard to resemble a torso are available. These targets, suspended by heavy string or cord to one or two inflated balloons inside the body of the device, can become lifelike by placing old clothing, such as a shirt or jacket, on the exterior. When one or both of the bal loons are struck by a bullet, the balloon pops and the target drops from its suspended position. Such an exercise emphasizes that the officer must aim at a distinct spot on the torso to achieve incapacitation, rather than merely shooting at the entire target.

New technology incorporated into training simulators portraying lifelike, real-time scenarios permits course designers to define the zones of immediate or quick incapacitation similar to the relative area on a human body. Additionally, designers can denote zones of incapacitation based on the angle and distance of the adversary from the officer, as well as scenarios representing body armor worn by the adversary.


Just as in the days of the American Old West when only the peace officers’ superb gun-handling abilities stood between them and the violent outlaws of their time, today’s law enforcement professionals still must rely on their firearm skills to protect their communities from similar lawlessness. Employing deadly force against another human being is not an easy choice, nor should it be.

However, when an individual is intent on causing grave bodily injury, even death, to officers sworn to uphold this nation’s laws, those officers must react responsibly and quickly to protect their communities and to avoid the loss of innocent lives, as well as their own.

The perpetuation of the one-shot drop by movies and television programs has no place in the real world of violent criminals bent on their destructive missions. Officers must realize that they have to continually hone their survival skills, always expect the unexpected, and never give up.

How is it possible that a 5" naval shell be more effective than a 16" naval shell? Because technology changes. An 16" black powder filled shell or solid ball fired form a low velocity black power naval gun is not as effective as a modern 5" High Velocity Rifled Naval Gun using high explosive armor piercing ammunition. The reason for this is due to penetrating power and explosive effect upon penetration. Think about this: if at Hampton Roads the Monitor had not been armed with 11" smooth bores firing solid shot and instead been armed with one Modern 5" rifle that fired far fewer times, the Virginia would have been destroyed. I hope we can now stop further discussion of my analogy to explain the concept of why modern pistol bullets are effective.

Um, yeah, I imagine a few of us have heard of black powder, but thaks for the lecture. :rolleyes:

How this relates to shotgun slugs propelled by smokeless powder in comparison to pistol bullets propelled by smokeless powder remains elusive, however, since pistol bullet is less powerful than the shotgun slug, smaller diameter even when expanded, a shallower penetrator, and doesn't even explode. :D

When your handgun bullets can reliably knock over bowling pins, y'all get back to me. :p