One round is loaded theory came in handy today!

A speed-loader is within fraction of a second of just a loose round and you get a full cylinder.

If all you have is loose rounds, then this makes more sense
Yes, I had a speedloader with truncated nose rounds on my belt, and am well practiced using it. but anyone knows that things can go wrong with speedloading, And I was aware that this SLVariant loader had possibilities of hanging up after ejecting the rounds into the chambers because of its thicker body.
It works with the Kimber k6 but was't made for it.
So as I only needed one more roumd to complete the stage,the single round load was the surest bet.

And yes, it was under stress conditions in qualifying this firearm for my permit for the next two years.
98 degrees in hot sun with a close time limit was indeed a good stress test. In our testing if you miss the A or B zone, you are disqualified. So after all that to be able to come back on target and focus on the shot and make an perfect shot made me happy.
Do you just slam the "Russian roulette" cylinder home, and pull until it fires, or do you try to align the cylinder so that it will fire on the first pull?
I wrote:
popped it into a chamber lined it up into the next rotation
Always know the rotation direction of your particular revolver so you can line up the next round.

I guess I should have said, does one just slam the cylinder home, or try to align the cylinder; as in, hmmm, trying to decide which would be the preferred way, considering the ramifications of the choice.
In the dark, rainy night, you'd be able to align it?
I'm not questioning the theory, as I have done many reloads when I really need only one more shot, but if it's something to practice, should you rely on your ability to keep pulling through until it fires (literally a surprise break, something you do any/every time you fire the gun), or try to practice aligning the cylinder (which you - I - normally never do)?