one-piece barrel can't take it apart! how to cut the barrel then?


what kind of problems will i run into cutting this rifle barrel?
i'm going to get my hunting license in a few days. and then buy a turkish made rifle. this rifle will cost about 100 dollars, so value is not a problem. now this gun is a one shot load and fire. so like no more than one shot at a time. i guess it's called not an automatic. there was another model with a 5 shot storage. but not this one that i will buy.

one thing about this rifle is it can't be taken apart. at all. it's a one-piece gun the whole thing. that's what they told me at the gun shop. tell me if you've never heard of a rifle that can't be taken apart.

so if i want to cut the rifle barrel i would have to put the whole gun under the band saw. my question is what do you think of that? does that sound like a bad idea to you or is it okay? i'm just afraid the power of the band saw will break other parts of the gun. i don't know.

the brand name is setsan, it's turkish. i tried to find something on the internet with that name and i couldn't. setsan might be related to the Kral Arms company.

one other question, b/c i don't want to make a separate post. i'm in iraq. it's legal to cut rifle barrels, here. what is the minimum i can/ should cut it down to without any problems for myself? again, it's legal.
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You don't give much real info to answer your questions.

Never heard of a "one-piece" rifle that can't be taken apart.
It's apparently a single-shot of some sort, you're saying?
What caliber?

Why do you want to cut the barrel?
Generally, unless you have the gun clamped tightly & perfectly square to whatever cutting blade you're using, there's a risk of cutting it off leaving an angle to the muzzle & that can affect accuracy.

Unless you really need it shorter, you might reconsider that, or get it to a professional, if there's one where you are.
How do you plan to re-attach the front sight?

Not knowing the caliber or what you want to hunt, impossible to tell you how far you "should" cut it down.
I would recommend against both purchasing the gun and also cutting the barrel.

1. there is no way to build a gun that can not be taken apart. there has to be moving parts and if there are then there has to be a way to install and by extension remove them.

2. I agree with not using a band saw. they tend to cut at an angle and would make the gun highly inaccurate.

I believe you are talking about hatsan firearms of turkey. mostly they build air rifles and shotguns. since the only shotguns that they manufacture are semi automatic, pump action and over and under I am willing to wager a guess that it's an air rifle. if it's an air rifle you are getting then there are a lot of people here that will not be able to help you. we deal mostly with firearms on this forum.
i'll find the answers to peoples questions and let you know. it'll take me some time. but, one thing for sure, it's not an air gun, the barrel is a thin steel barrel not thick steel barrel, and i looked up and I know it says, "setsan" on the rifle.
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It looks like a shotgun to me, not a rifle. I'm surprised you can get anything for $100. I bought a shotgun while in Turkey back in the '90s and it cost about $400 (it was very nice; hand-engraved). The cheap ones were $200.
I'm agreeing with Tahunua, I'd pass if I were you.

You know absolutely nothing about the gun, including what caliber it is, and you're unable to explain why you want to cut the barrel & how you'd re-attach the front sight?

What do you plan to hunt with it, and how do you plan to hunt with it?
Didn't Remington or someone come out with a low budget rifle a while back where the receiver and barrel was a one piece unit? Might hve been the M710? I wonder if that's what the OP meant by a one peice rifle?
Paul B.
Lock, Stock and Barrel.

tell me if you've never heard of a rifle that can't be taken apart.

I can honestly say that I have never heard of a long-gun that "can't" be taken apart. Not sure what those guys told you but you may have misunderstood them. I sure know that I am ...... ;)

I recently sold a single-shot Turkish shotgun and like most, it had a lock, stock and barrel. ..... :cool:

Really ??
Be Safe !!!
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There have been a few rifles made that had the receiver and barrel in one piece, but they are long obsolete and out of production.

I think the OP needs to clarify whether the gun he has in mind is a rifle or a shotgun and perhaps what he plans to hunt and where. (Game laws often restrict what kind of gun can be used for what type of hunting and some states and countries restrict what kind of guns can be legally owned.)

Does your gun look similar to this:


I think he is talking about a single shot Hatsan. He may also be converting the cost into dollars vs his actual currency.

He posted a link above and I agree English is not his language and possibly not even a second or third language.

He also probably doesn't have the luxury of multiple manufacturers or platforms that we enjoy.

White box, we'll be glad to help if you can get us a few more details.
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