One for the good guys (and gals!)...

That's awesome-great job to her. It's nice to see people get what they deserve every now and then.

As far as calling/not calling for the helo-I am sure if they didn't and he died the scumbag's family would already be on the phone with an attorney filing a wrongful death lawsuit (just like the family of the LA bank robber that died from defensive fire from LAPD).
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k9lwt said:
As far as callingnot calling for the helo-I am sure if they didn't and he died the scumbag's family would already be on the phone with an attorney filing a wrongful death lawsuit (just like the family of the LA bank robber that died from defensive fire from LAPD).

As far as I'm concerned, he was "dead on arrival" and an ambulance could have been sent... after making a donut run! We are dealing with a freaking car jacker who could have also been a kidnapper, rapist, and murderer had the officer not changed their plans. If the family sues for wrongful death, I'd say shoot them too. They are probably cut from the same cloth.
Well, you all know everything has to be done including sending a chopper because of course her the perp's families are gonna sue the officer and of course her dept, even though it wasn't an "on-duty" shooting.

And of course, hundreds of thousands will agree that the perps should not have been shot, that she should have complied or used a taser or something. That their lives were taken in vain..

Don't believe me? Wait and see...
This is Texas, and even better, it's Harris County. Harris County is VERY anti-criminal, with a conservative populace for the most part (moreso than Dallas, or God forbid, Austin, our own little slice of Hollywood idiocy). A civil suit won't make it. Sure, you can sue anyone for anything, but I'll bet at least a few of my own dollars that neither the dead guy's family nor the injured one gets a judgement.
This is Texas, and even better, it's Harris County. Harris County is VERY anti-criminal, with a conservative populace for the most part (moreso than Dallas, or God forbid, Austin, our own little slice of Hollywood idiocy). A civil suit won't make it. Sure, you can sue anyone for anything, but I'll bet at least a few of my own dollars that neither the dead guy's family nor the injured one gets a judgement.
Ok, except it has federal implications. The standard was created by the supreme court. The liberal supreme court
Nowhere but Texas

As a Texan and Houstonian I have to say, I am proud of this woman. I will also say that the crime rate is up in our area and it is unfortunatly due to the criminal hurricain evacuees that have decided to hang around for easy pickins. Well guess what the pickens aint so easy here in Texas.

I have nothing against the good folks from New Orleans or other parts of LA that have had to find refuge in our area, and I welcome them with open arms. I believe most Texans love Louisianna and the nice people there, But it seems we also got alot of the criminals from there as well.

I am amazed at the local news, every night there is a major crime reported. It didn't used to be this way. And time and time again we here they had a Lousianna accent or plates. We need to let these criminals know we will shoot first and then ask the questions. I vote we don't send them back to our friends in Louisianna, instead we kill em here.

Sorry to get on my soapbox. I think we are going to here more stories like this as citizens protect themselves here in Houston.

Maybe we should run an ad campaign, "Want to help clean up crime? Own a weapon? Come visit Houston."

God Bless her.
This is the way ALL bad guys should wind up. Now if some ultra lib lawyer doesn't get a hold of it and sue her on ethical and moral grounds, it'll be OK.
A few years ago, a Cleveland(my city) gun shop owner was robbed and then shot in the jaw. This fiesty guy pulled out a shotgun after he hit the floor, shot one guy who later died and put the other in the hospital. He was sued by their attorney on "Moral" grounds. The store owner won the case but I think it cost him about $25,000.00 to fight it in court!
Bravo for this young woman being of the ability and the mindset to save her own life. And the fact that she took some scum off the streets makes it so much better.

Soooo.....we see how the, are adjusting to their new surroundings.....ahem....

* - The above statement has NO BASIS IN FACT, and is just....MY OPINION.