One cartridge - one load... ?


New member
The 45 ACP is available in 1911, striker fired, and polymer semi-autos.

The 45 ACP is available in S&W double-action revolvers from 3-inch snubbies to 8-inch target guns.

And it is available in Ruger single-actions too.

Anyone here shoot only the 45 ACP and no other handgun cartridge and use it in semi-autos, DA revolvers, and SA revolvers ?

And all with only the mil-spec 230 grain load ?
Ruger double action too now with the new 45LC/ACP Redhawk.

I don't own any .45 (yet?) but if you wanted a single cartridge, it wouldn't be a bad choice. (9mm might be the other obvious choice.) But even if you did settle on 45acp, why limit yourself further to one specific load?
"... why limit yourself further to one specific load?"

One, you never have to wonder which load this gun is sighted-in for.

Two, you never have to wonder if this cartridge is a plinking load or is it a +P+.

Three, economy of mass purchases of components.

Four, I'm too lazy to mess with the Dillon 1050 setup.
One, you never have to wonder which load this gun is sighted-in for.

Two, you never have to wonder if this cartridge is a plinking load or is it a +P+.

Three, economy of mass purchases of components.

It will also mean you will have to pass up a shot because your load won't cut the mustard.

Bob Wright
No way! For all too many years I had access to only one handgun and since it was my father's I could only shoot the ammo he used. 9mm ball. 3 years ago I moved out of New Jersey and started buying guns for myself. I want one of EVERYTHING. I will not limit myself to gun or caliber. It just ain't gonna happen!
We may have the occasional poster who has stuck with only one chambering and the occasional emergetic goof who simply -HAS- to willfully divest himself of EVERYTHING except xxx because of whatever ridiculous prepper/end-of-world scenario he has imagined...

But in the form of a regular contributor to this community, I think poster Deja Vu comes closest with his affair with .357 Magnum.

I would certainly NEVER go that way, but if I were somehow stuck/forced to go with only a single one... it's hard to beat .357 Magnum. I'd definitely choose it long before .45 Auto.
0ne gun-.45 ACP?

The .45 ACP is one D@MN fine cartridge and the GOV'T. Model is hard as HE!! to beat, witnessed by the use of it by all the [Special Teams].
It sits beside me whether I'm in my chair at home, in the car or truck, beside the bed at night or wherever I might be....BUT, on my side resides a G27 w/ 180 Gold Dots and assorted weights in two extra mags on the other side, and sometimes a G35 w/.357 Sig refurbishings,

As I said before...The .45 ACP is one D@MN fine round regardless of in whichever firearm it is chambered, BUT, It is NOT the "DO-ALL, CURE-ALL"
round. And the 230gr RN bullet in its Gov't loading, or equivalent by anyone else, is not as effective as it is purported to be. The round nose was designed to ensure positive feeding in the Gov't. model during its initial development, nothing more, and with the [HAGUE ACCORD] wounded more enemy combatants than actually killed them.... Even years before that type of ammunition was mandated by said ACCORD [WWI].

In fact, the round nose version of ANY caliber bullet tends to actually [push muscle and tissue aside] when penetrating, and does not cause as much tissue damage or hydrostatic shock as a [Flat Point], and definitely not as much as a Hollow Point bullet of the same caliber, unless an organ was encountered on its journey through the body. It WAS far more effective than any other [Handgun] caliber at the time save for the .45 Colt, either long or short version...And DO NOT come back with any booing, ANYONE, as to the long/short version nomenclature...They both are correctly referred to by others who are far more knowledgeable than I in such matters.

HOWEVER... Again, I digress. Bluntly put; The .45 ACP is GOOD, but NOT the BEST, And D@MN sure not the One-cartridge/caliber-do-all,-cure-all regardless of the arm in which it is chambered. CLOOOSE, Mebbe, But no brass ring.

D@MN, I hate it when I miss my meds.
Well, with 2 SA revolvers, one DA revolver, 3 semi auto handguns, a semi auto carbine, and a Contender single shot all in .45ACP, I guess I don't qualify.....

I won't make it in the "one load" category, either. Target semi wadcutters to hot JHP to LRN ersatz ball, I got them all.

Also disqualified because I have other handgun calibers as well.

I doubt you will find many who meet all those qualifications on this forum.

My Father would have qualified for the one load part, the only thing he ever shot from his Govt Model was 230gr FMJ.

However, since the only thing he ever shot from his S&W Highway Patrolman was Winchester Lubealloy 158gr SWC, he would be DQ's for more than one caliber.

I think its a tall order to find someone who fits all those AND is on TFL! Good Luck!
44: I too, I, too, am DQed. I love the .45 and that is why it is with me wherever I go...and the ammo I carry in it is [HOT .45 SUPER]....Like 230gr TFP (22-Brinnell) @1237FPS chrono'ed or the Bulk WW 230gr JHP handloaded to the same vel. in the carried mag. The he!! with the [reloaded round-for- SD] BS, if it comes down to either him or me, I'm gonna do my damnedest to make sure it is he who loses, and I'll take my chances with the law with the reload BS, what with all the SUPER and ROWLAND factory loads available today.

However I carry the .40 because it's lighter and has a few more rounds available. The power factor is irrelevant. A good hit will do the job with either, but I think the .45 is just a little 'gooder' in a pinch and is easier to bring to bear in some instances compared to dealing with seat belts and outer clothing, etc. Since I live alone, and need not worry about anyone else in the house... My furniture has holster implacements (with the accompanying hardware), which makes it easier to reach down by my side to retrieve the HG rather than having to fight clothing getting to it. EVERY room in the house has a readily accessible HG or longarm...Every one.. in calibers from .22LR thru 9MM/.38/.357 to .44 Mag and the .45s. Some have more than a couple uh....[Strategically] placed, and I'll not forget the 3 little aluminum bats.
When the Grandkids drop in, they ALL know [that] they do not touch any one of them...Period....Unless told to do so...In case TSHTF while they are here and...every one of them can handle any gun they pick up..A couple even better than I can. Yes, they are good.

As a retired LEO and with a few years in the prison system...there are a few disgruntled '95's who are very unhappy with the way they were kept in line and swore to [look me up for a beer one day]. I advised every one to not try, for their sake, but one SOB ignored said advice and tried to pay me a surprise visit upon release. My 'little' sidekick [Bobo], 123 lb. Black Shephard/Wolf mix, 'greeted' him with a 'toothy kiss' to his left leg before he could get to front door.
Pages of paperwork later, and a couple calls by the sheriff, a close friend, and the ignorant '95 was back "home" for another extended vacation at taxpayers' expense. Bobo has since gone to the big boneyard in the sky.. But the rest of my protective equipment is still in place.

But, Again I digress. Good Luck
D@MN, I hate it when I miss my meds.
I have two .45 Autos, an S&W 4506 and a Springfield 1911A1 Milspec, and one .45 revolver, an S&W Model 1917.

I shoot the same handloads out of all of them, basically a 230-gr. lead bullet backed off to about 800 fps out of respect for the 1917.

I only shoot hardball through the two autos.
No, I don't want to just shoot one caliber....

I reload only one cartridge for .45 acp ( 230 gr FMJ Montana Gold )....and I shoot that in all of my guns chambered in .45 acp.../ so the setup for my toolhead in .45acp in the Dillon 650 never changes...

.45 acp is a great cartridge.../ but I'd much rather shoot a lot of other calibers in revolvers especially ..( .357 Mag, .44 Mag, etc....)....
It would be odd for someone to invest in a semi and both types of revolvers in .45acp without also having other guns in other cartridges.
One cartridge - one load???

Just TRY to imagine what you're missing.

Oh heck, don't try - go get some other guns and find out.
I can see shooting all .45 .. but not just ACP or ball ACP. I'd have to at least add in .45 Colt, .45 Super, 454 Casull...something like that.
Hammer1 said:
One cartridge - one load... ?
(edited for brevity)
And all with only the mil-spec 230 grain load ?
Hammer1 is offline Report Post
As good as the load is, and even with the variety of action types in which to shoot it, keeping with only one chambering/caliber/power level is so limiting.

It would be like limiting ones' self to only prime rib for the rest of your life. As good as it may be as an entree, I would miss filet mignon, broiled red salmon, Halibut Olympia, venison, etc.

The loss of variety in my shooting/eating would be too high a price for the convenience and simplicity of sticking to one recipe (ballistic or culinary).

May I ask, what prompted this philosophical query? To my mind, post #4 did not provide adequate justification.

Of course, I understand the desire to simplify. I shoot only .357 Mag brass, no matter if it is light special or heavy magnum loads. Any 38 Special brass I find goes to a friend of mine.

I can also imagine that if I were a competitive shooter, I might elect to shoot only one load recipe. I would probably only have one gun, too (or multiple, identical guns). But that isn't me.

I can imagine there are other reasons, cannot fathom what they are.

Lost Sheep
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Anyone here shoot only the 45 ACP and no other handgun cartridge and use it in semi-autos, DA revolvers, and SA revolvers ?

While I don't, I also don't see any reason to criticize someone else for doing it, especially if they do not reload and are only shooting factory ammo. .45ACP is relatively inexpensive and readily available as compared to many other handgun cartridges.

Shoot to please yourself, not others.