One Author's Opinion of 10 Compact Concealed Carry Handguns

SCCY seems to be a Kel Tec copy 10 or so years behind. The early ones were disasters eventually worked out into decent budget carry guns. I would take any of the Rugers over either any day.
One person's opinion. I can say I wouldn't consider 6 of the models and one of the calibers in that list that is attached to one of the gun models I would consider.
I agree with you hvymax. I have seen the SCCY priced new for under $275.00; although the MSRP is about $319.00. I suspect this is significantly less than any new Ruger.
I also don't own any of the 10 listed. I do have a Taurus TCP. Very light, very compact, and so far 100% reliable with JHP ammo. I know some scoff at a 380, but I am uncomfortable with a larger pistol. I want the most compact gun possible and for me this is it. I chose this over the Ruger because the Taurus has a slide lock and it was $130 cheaper.

Well, I'm going to quietly don my flame suit...

I think it's a fairly decent list of pretty concealable firearms.

I'd agree that he should have thrown a S&W snubbie in there (especially instead of having 2 LCRs) and I'd think the Walther PPS should be in there. And with 20 billion LCPs, I'm a bit surprised at the lack of LCP love.

His stopping power rating was rather confusing, but if I was looking for a new concealable firearm, I could do a lot worse than a list such as that as a starting point (admittedly without much information to it...).

I've had the M&P9c, currently have a LCR and a P3AT.

Out of curiosity, despite DEPTH, what did he miss (really, what firearms would you have put on the list)?
It's just a list of stuff, without any sort of discernible judgement or comparison. Several are from the same company, lots of popular firearms in this class are completely missing. There is no evidence that the author knows anything about firearms or has fired any of these guns.

It is the equivalent of a 11 year old's photo collage after cutting up Seventeen magazine.
My ccw are Ruger SR9c, Taurus 709, Diamondback DB9, S&W 38 bodyguard, Ruger SP101,

For me, it seems the revolvers are easier to conceal.
To me, the rating system feels a bit like a video game, where designers attempt to quantify everything (often inaccurately).

In the case of this article, actual loaded gun weight and dimensions would do me more good than a "portability" and "weight" rating. A basic description of operation would be more useful than an "ease of use" rating. Listed prices from single retailer would be better than an "affordability" rating, and barrel length and caliber listing (which is overlooked for the Taurus PT111) would be more useful than a "stopping power" rating.

On the upside, his list might at least introduce people to some of the compact options out there. And unlike that laughably bad Rolling Stone article, this guy at least favors gun rights.
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it looks like his "stopping power" rating was a combination of # of bullets + caliber. the rating for the LCR confuses me most though. more important is this article is over six months old and we are sitting here debating. most people who read it has more than likely forgotten about it a long time ago
Well my Bersa Thunder is 10 yrs old and still going strong. However will not fit in my pocket. The Bersa Thunder CC will but not one he showing.
Don't know anything more about the writer other than what's stated when you click on his name. As a "passionate gun enthusiast who works with Florida Gun Supply he's certainly entitled to have his opinions.

Surprising someone still includes some ranking of "stopping power" when rating guns, but I suppose that's an indication of the nature of his target audience, especially if it's the private citizen market.

His comments and opinions sound somewhat arbitrary and subjective, but if he's trying to sell guns for a shooting supply company, then it's more or less another form of understandable advertising.
It's just an another all fluff article but it might be useful for newbies.

Of his selection, I own a couple of compact M&Ps and a Shield so obviously I like those choices.

The Ruger LCR is a nice little snubbie but I'd pick the .357mag version instead. I've shot it and it's manageable enough at belly gun ranges even with .357mag loads.

I'm not a huge fan of the XD or Glocks but the 4" single stack 45acp XDS and G36 seem interesting.
Wow! The way some responded to the article, you would think it was a personal attack on their integrity and motherhood and all that is right and just in the world.

This looked like an article targeted to the first time gun buyer in an effort to provide some basic information for that first gun purchase. There's just enough information to not overwhelm someone who knows little about guns and enough information so they can ask the right questions.
I think most of you hit the nail on the head here. The writer lacked much in qualitative judgements which shows me he has likely never handled the guns.

I thought it was missing great guns like the Kahr P series, S&W lightweight(Ti, Scandium and Al) snubbies, 1911's(4", CCO, 3.5"), Glock 19/23, and so on.

I guess when I think small CCW, I think full caliber(9,40,45,etc)(not 32, 380), carries under a loose tshirt or button up shirt in an mtac, or other similar thin custom holster.

In a nutshell, how does my DW CCO in my Overland holster not blow this list away?
Not interested in the fluff, but carry an xds 45 whenever I am not sleeping and where ever it is legal to do so. Excellent concealable "big bore":p