On the altering of names...

You may be right, perhaps the 1800 members who only come to read need to "lighten up" and join the "in crowd" of the 150 members who actually post.

EWOK!! Cute smiley faces.
I totally disagree with the premise of this thread. This sight is not about punctuation or gaining the approval of the overly educated, anti gun ,ruling class. It is about freedom of expression and is a meeting ground for people who feel strongly about their freedoms. Personally, I am more interested in sharing ideas and experiences with fellow shooters and could care less about HOW they express themselves. This is not a college writing course, nor are these formal letters. When I visit this sight, I typically have about 20 minutes to do so. I would hope that my participation would be more important then misspellings, mistypings?sp, or improper word usage. We need to encourage participation not inhibit it.
I have to agree with Grayfox. We do have bigger fish to fry. Maybe if we start referring to them by their politically correct names, they might just leave us gun owners alone? NAH!!!
One of the things I have noticed since I have been here is that there seems to be a great deal of emphasis put on formality and political correctness. Personally, that's just not me. If I have an opinion, I generally let it be known and don't take the time to sit down and rewrite it as not to offend any of our elected officials.
This one of the premiere gun-related sights on the web. We are many different people with many different opinions, attitudes, and dispositions. I don't view these names as juvenile, but as trying to use humor as a tool to keep from sinking into hopelessness at our situation as gun owners. my .02
You didn't know? TFL is now Creative Writing 101.

I think John had a legitimate reason for posting this thread. I could be wrong, but I don't think he is worried about grammar as much as some of the posts that are made by "some" members. I'm sorry that Atticus only has twenty minutes to visit TFL. Twenty minutes is surely not a long enough time to read all the messages or to understand the reason John may have voiced his concerns.
I'm not anti-gun, certainly not well educated, or the grammar police. I think this whole thread has been misinterpreted.

I'm learning to shoot on Sunday. I have thoroughly enjoyed TFL and all that it has brought to my learning about firearms. Wish me luck. :)

TFL has no official position on this topic, as it is merely cosmetic.

However, what does bother me, and actually PO's me are the accusations of PC. Quite a few people try to equate common courtesy and civilized self-discipline as PC.
Yes, TFL is "civilized" and is meant to be, we have worked to make it so...don't like it? Hit the road. If anything TFL is laxer than it used to be, but we maintain standards. Alot of the PC accussers are so upset with the recent court decision about the Boy Scouts, yet they whine because TFL has rules and standards, which were in place before they became members. Tell me how that is any different?

If you want pure freedom, go to Bower's board, not much gun talk but plenty of race, religion, personal bashing.

Oh yeah, if TFL were PC, it wouldn't exist....guns, RKBA, Conservative values aren't exactly PC are they?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

1. Safety
2. Effectiveness
3. Efficiency.

Take care of "Safety" and the other two come with training - which should be fun!

Best of luck to you. I hope you have so much fun you (too) become addicted!
Those smilies are just animated GIFs. Like any other image, you can put them in using HTML or UBB code (of course, you may end up slowing down the load time). Check my post in the suggestions forum, in the nothing topic a few days ago.
:) I can't wait Dennis. I'm very excited. Hopefully I will have all ten toes and fingers when I return home. This is something I've wanted to do for a long time.
Best Regards,
Ladydee] I'm glad that you are finding time to shoot. DC: I don't see anyone on this thread suggesting that bad manners or vulgarity are acceptable, unless you consider "congress critter" in that category. So, to whom are you suggesting to hit the road?. Sorry ...edited for spelling and punctuation :).

[This message has been edited by ATTICUS (edited August 06, 1999).]