On Iran

Well if Chenny threatened Iran they would know he means it:D Hell he even shoots his own friends so no telling what he would do to his enemies.:D

My Take On Iran

1. Let the Israelis do this. If not, let them do more than half of it. Then U.s. Support can go in.

Or 2. If and when U.s. decides to get-in - By God dont let this be another Iraq. Go-in, Wham-Bam, and get-out. No point lingering around.

Im sure the Israelis got the nukes already. These Israelis are smart alecks. 9 out of 10 Hitlers rocket scientist were jew. Of course they were forced to served.
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If Iran would have had nukes in 1970, they would have nuked the U.S.

The middle east has hated America since they learned of America.

Of coarse, according to the media, the middle east didn't hate us till GWB became pres.

Mean while back in the land of reality, Iran has reconfirmed it's quest to wipe Isreal off the map, all the while it throws a yellow cake party.

Anyone see a problem yet?
Oh, fer cryin' out loud...

Defend this statement:
Of coarse, according to the media, the middle east didn't hate us till GWB became pres.
I have never, ever heard anybody in the media put forth such an absurd notion.
Where did you hear it? Please provide a transcript or a quote.
Or retract the statement.
yeah, if anything it should read "didn't have a good reason to hate the u.s. till gwb..." :D

well maybe putting israel in their backyard...but we owed them a big one with the whole ww2 'blind eye' treatment...
Even if we want to stay on the sidelines of any Iran-Israel follies, we may not be given that option.

Iran may or may not have Chinese or Korean ballistic missiles capable of reaching Isreal, but Hezbollah could probably deliver a nuke to Israel. Any Israeli retaliation would have to involve at least US acquiesence, which would give Iran a basis for considering the US as an enemy. In such a scenario, the Iranians would be stupid to not try to take out US air and naval assets in the Persian Gulf area, and they have the weapons to make such an attempt.

CENTCOM facilities in the Persian Gulf area
Iranian missile capabilities
Iran touts high-speed underwater missile