Olympic upset

Congratulations! Does the Australian media ignore the shooting sports like the US media does?

We have two medals in shooting, one in fencing, one in archery and 8 in swimming.

So far, shooting has gotten more coverage than archery and as much as fencing (which has the bonus of a SJW poster child athlete) and none of it has even close to the coverage as swimming, gymnastics (which hasn't even ended qualifications) and volley ball (beach and gym) and I haven't seen one horse despite the fact that three day eventing started yesterday.
This is the main NBC channel, which I've pretty much had on all day and yesterday.

Shooting may have a political issue that contributes to it's lack of coverage, but even without that, it wouldn't get much attention. Most of the sports don't get a lot of attention.
Corey Cogdale picked up another Bronze Medal in trap. Sorry, she is already married to Mitch Unrein (who could likely crush any of us here in one of his meaty paws).
We should not only congratulate Ms. Thrasher, but also thank her profusely for being such a charming ambassador for the shooting sports. Absolutely delightful kid shattering stereotypes.
If I had to use a single word to describe her interview it would be 'refreshing'.

Congratulations Ginny Thrasher.
Don't all of you enjoy the delicious irony that the first gold medal was in a SHOOTING SPORT?

The Olympics follows more or less the same schedule every time. The first event to finish is usually an air rifle event, so a shooter normally gets the first gold.

What is cool is that an American won it this year, so it got coverage in the US.
Funny the same people that bash this person's achievement will praise other Olympians that make obscene gestures.

Funny funny... Especially since the Olympics are a celebration of the ancient warrior class
Much more than that they were actually a demonstration of warrior prowess for other nations to observe your best warriors. All of the original Olympics events were critical tasks for soldiers of the day (running, jumping, throwing spears and discus, wrestling). Later chariot racing and other MMA style fighting was added.

The idea being that nations could come together peacefully and show how powerful they were to avoid actual conflict. Of course if you showed up and made a weak showing you could expect to get dominated politically.
I drive past her high school on my way home from work.

Earlier this week they had a congratulatory message on their electronic sign --- Ginny Thrasher -- RIO GOLD! -- or something like that.

No mention at all about her getting gold in a <shudder> gun sport! <shudder>.

Had there been any mention, I'm sure that the local school district would have immediately started terminating staff there for promoting violence and creating a threatening environment.

And god forbid they have pop tarts in their possession at the time.

Sadly, Ms. Thrasher did not make the finals in women's 50m rifle 3 positions. She was 11th in the qualifier and only the top 8 advance.

Barbara Engleder of Germany just took gold, with the PRC taking silver and bronze.