Olympic upset

Yay! Congratulations, Ginny!

I'm sure the hoplophobes are all, "Shooting. Why'd it have to be shooting?"
I saw the end of the match. I am going to have to research the rifles and sighting systems they use. I have not seen anything like them before. I also have to look into the uniform they wear. I guess what I'm saying is I don't know anything about Olympic air rifle shooting.:D
While it was a great accomplishment for Ginny and the USA, I don't think it was really an upset as she was one of the American athletes we were told to watch for. Last year, she took home five medals at the USA Shooting National Championships. While she is fairly new to the sport, she certainly wasn't the darkhorse.
Woo-hoo! As a former air rifle shooter this makes me all tingly.


That being said, the internet is having a field day with her from both left and right.

The leftists being generally grumpy that it was a shooting sport and the right showing their complete ignorance of how demanding the sport actually is.

"I could do that with my Benjamin"

No, no you couldn't Internet tough guy, no you couldn't.
Woo-hoo! As a former air rifle shooter this makes me all tingly.


That being said, the internet is having a field day with her from both left and right.

The leftists being generally grumpy that it was a shooting sport and the right showing their complete ignorance of how demanding the sport actually is.

"I could do that with my Benjamin"

No, no you couldn't Internet tough guy, no you couldn't.

For reals? HAHAHAHAHA!!!

If I find one, I'm strapping them up and handing them a rifle. Watching them struggle would be hysterical.
Saw her post match interview she is adorable.

Saw the archery matches where the US beat China then took the Silver. That was pretty intense also.
Kudos for her. But that machine she's shooting doesn't even look like a rifle to my aging eyes.

At the end of the video, I thought it was a classy move on Ms. Ginny's part to embrace the two Chinese runners up.
Match air rifle is extremely demanding. The mental discipline required to achieve the proper focus and to maintain it throughout all the shots that have to be fired is grueling. I enjoy shooting air rifles and I have a pretty nice match air rifle and a 10m range but I almost hate trying to shoot an entire 10m match course of fire with it.

I just plink.
I just saw a short interview on TV, she's blonde, cute as a button, sophomore in college...really makes me wish I was 40 years younger (and rich ;))

Said she has a couple days "off" then the smallbore match, then home to college.

Don't all of you enjoy the delicious irony that the first gold medal was in a SHOOTING SPORT? Then there is the irony that a young WOMAN won it? [sarcasm] I mean why should a 14 year old girl start shooting guns? What irresponsible parents would allow a child to handle dangerous weapons? [/sarcasm]

Edit to add: In BRAZIL where gun ownership is severely regulated.
Don't all of you enjoy the delicious irony that the first gold medal was in a SHOOTING SPORT?

Wasn't it also that way in Atlanta on 1996 when Kim Rhode won her first Olympic medal at the age of 16 and the first for the US that time as well? And yet no big TA-DA from the MSM that time. Maybe air rifle doesn't sound as gruesome as 12 gauge.