Old Fogey alert: Traded two autos for a wheelgun

Marko Kloos

Am I getting old, or what?

My handgun collection gradually turned over in recent months, and now all the handguns I seem to own are of the SA, cocked-and-locked variant , or striker-fired pistols.

On Friday, I took a half day at work and ventured out to the gun store with my roomie in search for a wheelgun. I traded both my HS2000 and the Star Firestar (both of which had been bested by the Browning HP for CCW duty) for a fine revolver in excellent shape.

It's a *&* Model, with immaculate deep-blue finish and a 4" barrel. Thanks to my roomie's hard-nosed negotiation skills, they threw in a Bianchi leather holster, a Hogue Pau Ferro monogrip and a 50-round box of Speer Gold Dots.

This Model 19 is of a sufficient vintage to sport the case-hardened hammer and trigger, and it's a round butt to boot.

I slapped the Pau Ferro grip on it, and now it's a real looker. The trigger pull is sweet, almost as nice as my roomie's 625-4, and the whole gun balances and points very nicely. I've been carrying it for the last two days, and I fear I might be turning into an old, crusty curmudgeon.

Here's a picture:

Old Fogey ?

Having the ache for a revolver is by no means a showing of old age :eek: I just had the ache two weeks ago and bought a
S&W 686..357, What a great piece. I didn't part with any of my collection though.
After shooting nothing but auto loaders for a while sometimes you just have to go back and shoot a good old wheel gun ;)
Congrats on the new purchase, Hope it serves you well ;)

[Edited by loknload on 03-24-2001 at 09:40 PM]

Good on ya. I respectfully suggest that superior decision making -- as demonstrated by your Model 19 acquisition -- is more a function of wise judgements than old age. ;) ;)
Hey Lend, I'm headed that way myself. Semi-auto's..who needs 'em!:) Got a couple semi's, now it's back to the six gun, lever-action arena. Good Luck, J. Parker
I just traded my Keltec P32 in on my first real wheelgun a S&W Model 13 (I also have a Single Six, but It's just a fun plinker). I'm just 21 :D

That is a very nice looking gun and it sounds like you got a good deal. Does your roomie hire out? :D
You could probably persuade her to help you with your next purchase, but you may end up buying more guns than intended. She's quite persistent. Also, she takes payment in WWI and WWII bolt-action rifles, or funky knives, or pretty much anything that goes *bang*. :)
Ahh, ok. Just trying to figure out who your roomie was. I've got it now. The trade in milsurp bolt actions and weird knives clued me in.

"Make it in blue, and they will come."

Okay, maybe that is a misquote, but I vote for the "royal Blue" if it is up to old standards. It used to be beautiful, and I'd buy an Elite if they bring it back out. Oh, wait... I live in that big state on the west coast, they won't be allowed for sale here I bet. Okay, when I move to Arizona, I'll buy one , okay? :-)

- Thomas
You don't often see round-butt 4" K-frames. Are they rare? D'ya think yours may have been on of the accursed 2.5" models and rebarrele?
Funny you should bring this up.

My wife wanted to go shooting yesterday, on the theory that if we have handguns around, she might as well know how to use them. I brought a .380 (a Hungarian SMC) for her to shoot, figuring that she'd have as much fun with it as I do. I knew there was no way she'd want to shoot my Glock 33 in .357 Sig. - WAY too much flash and concussion, and it jumps enough to scare a beginner.

Well, it turns out that the .380 kicked too much for her. It was hard for me to believe, but her hand got real red and it was apparent that the end joint of her thumb was really suffering. (Frankly, I couldn't believe it; it was like "The Princess and the Pea." She was clearly hurting, though, from a .380!) She kept shooting, but she was obviously not having a good time. (Additionally, she had real difficulty pulling the slide back.)

I had wanted her to enjoy herself, so I was pretty bummed. My next-door neighbor (whom we had run into at the range) saw what was going on and loaned Gina a .22 lr revolver. Man, did she have a good time after that! She was really getting into it. On the way home she suggested that we get her a .22 revolver.

Anyway, on the way home I was thinking: "Why do I want a gun around that my wife can't/won't shoot?" Now, the .380 is fun for me, and I wouldn't make any money getting rid of it, but why should I stick with a Glock that's too vicious for Gina to ever consider shooting? It's not like I particularly enjoy shooting it - it's accurate and it always goes off, but its caliber is pretty unpleasant to shoot (and is not available in a downloaded load) and it has that Glock "toy gun" feel and trigger pull. Anyway, to finish up a LONG story, I'm thinking of replacing it with an SP-101 with a 3" bbl - should be about as concealable (maybe a little longer, but not so much of a brick), Gina can open the cylinder easily, and pleasant for her to shoot with .38s.

So I might be joining you there in the old folks home, lendringser. BTW, nice revolver.

because I didn't have the cash left for the revolver this week, and I didn't want anyone else to grab it. The HS2000 was my most expendable handgun, as my Browning HP has pretty much bested the HS2K and the Firestar for CCW. I hadn't been carrying either for over a month, so I figured I'd throw them on the trade-in block. I'd rather keep everything I buy, but that way I get to own more guns...which in turn increases the chance of running into long-term keepers like the Browning HP or the Model 19.
Guy like you over at GT.:)
Rev. are the best in the end.
I will have the MG and matching lever action at trails end.
.22 revolver


If your wife wants a .22 revolver, why not get her the 4 inch .22 SP101 instead of the .38 (unless it is for protection but you didn't mention that)? Is a .38 that much milder than a .380 (never shot a .380 so please correct me if I'm wrong). I think the .22 SP even has adjustable sights.

As for all the old fogey talk, I'm 26 and contemplating my first handgun purchase. I will certainly get a revolver. The only semi that might appeal to me eventually would be a .22. Firing $2 of ammo in the blink of an eye just doesn't sound fun to me, and I find the simplicity of the revolver very pleasing.
I don't blame you one bit lend. Just today I went to the gunshop and traded my Ruger P94 9mm in on a CZ-75B Military. I would rather keep all my guns also, but if I have an opportunity to trade on something that is better I will. The Ruger was fine when new, but started to head downhill in the accuracy dept. so this trade I didn't mind. The S&W Model 19 is a fine revolver, I would have done what you did.